Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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It may well do, but it's a shithole IMO

I'd rather we built something akin to city square at the south stand, then there'd be more room for us at the north
I don't know... it's quiet pleasant upstairs drinking bitter in the Supporters Club room - could do with the six-pint-at-once pumps though based on the rate at which some branch members throw the piss down their necks
This type of thing is resolved by putting more men on the job, not extending the timescales & City wouldn't have sold season tickets if they had any doubt what so ever that the stand wouldn't be finished for the first home game.

There will be an open training session at the ground in the week of the Chelsea game.

Much the same as City going off the boil last season and slipping to fourth until the original players bonus spread was adjusted to allow for a better second place incentive (it is alleged).
Much the same as City going off the boil last season and slipping to fourth until the original players bonus spread was adjusted to allow for a better second place incentive (it is alleged).

We had already secured 2nd by the time we played Southampton on the last game and still put in a very good performance. So yeah, I'm not falling for the whole 'they only tried for the money' hint.
I don't know... it's quiet pleasant upstairs drinking bitter in the Supporters Club room - could do with the six-pint-at-once pumps though based on the rate at which some branch members throw the piss down their necks

Every time I've been upstairs in the SC room it's been dead. hundreds of people usually downstairs and a few people upstairs.

I don't like Mary D's tbh, reminds me of the dark gloomy pubs my Dad frequented in the 80's... plus with the amount of chavs in there it sometimes feels more intimidating than being amongst away fans.

Regards to City Square, I feel integrating amongst away fans is better than dividing us. if there was one place specifically for them and one place for us, I feel this could create tension and at the current CitySquare I've regularly been amongst away fans and never once felt threatened or seen any bad behaviour.
Usually just friendly banter - sharing drinks etc.
We had already secured 2nd by the time we played Southampton on the last game and still put in a very good performance. So yeah, I'm not falling for the whole 'they only tried for the money' hint.

Actually meant as a joke against construction projects where flooding the site with 'hours' is often necessary to avoid financial penalties unless bonuses for early completion are negotiated.

I'm sure our already extremely highly paid stars would not combine to manipulate their pay after seeing CL and PL incentive payments evaporate, it would be wrong of me to infer that the new pay structure could possibly affect the way our players perform.
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