Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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Maybe the club are just pissed off because your pictures are better and far more frequent than what they provide.

Thanks for the effort you go to. Taking the photos probably isn't that bad but uploading them must be a nightmare.

Doubt they are pissed as it shows the progress to the fans, if the club do it then it might cause problems with the contractors showing progress behind schedule for example ( not saying this is the case BTW) as it would put an official slant on it. Like everyone else thanks JRB for the pictures and keep up the good work.
Was talking to a bloke last night who's currently working as a sub-contractor on the new stand. He reckons that they are miles behind on the internal fit, and that there's no chance whatsoever that it'll be fully finished for the Chelsea game.
Just parked up in McD's across the road from the ground, and the South Stand actually looks a bit taller than the East Stand. Might be an optical illusion, but it definitely looks like it from the Asda car park area.

The roof corners do look very 'sunken' from the outside, but it's a behemoth stand. One of the workers was walking directly over the roof (couldn't see if there was any safety rope as I was only driving past coming Ashton New Road.

Something else I noticed and haven't ever before was there's a mound on the corner just up from the print shop (close to the bridge) with what appears to be a City plaque. I was in the car at the lights, so couldn't make it out, but it looked like a City plaque - does anyone know what it is?
Was talking to a bloke last night who's currently working as a sub-contractor on the new stand. He reckons that they are miles behind on the internal fit, and that there's no chance whatsoever that it'll be fully finished for the Chelsea game.

This type of thing is resolved by putting more men on the job, not extending the timescales & City wouldn't have sold season tickets if they had any doubt what so ever that the stand wouldn't be finished for the first home game.

There will be an open training session at the ground in the week of the Chelsea game.
As long as the seats and toilets are in for the Chelsea game then i'm sure people could do without a pie and pint for one game if the full internal fit out isn't complete. Really cant wait to see the finished stand in the flesh so to speak....
Something else I noticed and haven't ever before was there's a mound on the corner just up from the print shop (close to the bridge) with what appears to be a City plaque. I was in the car at the lights, so couldn't make it out, but it looked like a City plaque - does anyone know what it is?

Probably City circle, they might have scribbled the remaining names on the project on a single plaque and stuck it on a grassy knoll !
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