Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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bluekeith said:
M18CTID said:
bluekeith said:
I think david conn loves our club but hates our owners because he is a jew with blinkers on

I didn't realise Dave Whelan had an account on here.

So you can come out with rubbish like " Every Liverpool fan has the blood of 39 innocent football fans on their hands " but I cant say the word jew

Perhaps you should've looked at the context in which I posted that before jumping in feet first - anyone with half a brain that bothered to follow that thread could see that it was aimed directly at a sanctimonious Liverpool fan on RAWK that claimed every City fan had "the blood of Abu Dhabi slaves on their hands" and wasn't a genuine opinion yet your comment is nothing but lazy stereotyping.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

A blue is a blue, regardless of race, colour or creed.

We all have different opinions on our club as borne out by some of the arguments on here most days.

To suggest he hates our owners because of his religion is frankly fucking ridiculous.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

We moved this thread temporarily as it seems to be going in all sorts of different directions. Now the CFA is officially open, can we restrict it to work on the stadium itself and the collar site. In the meantime, we may well move posts related to the CFA to that thread.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

strongbowholic said:
M18CTID said:
bluekeith said:
I think david conn loves our club but hates our owners because he is a jew with blinkers on

I didn't realise Dave Whelan had an account on here.
He's releasing a Christmas album:

Ching Along With Dave's Leg.

Hahahhaaaaaaaaa.You racist bastard.I`m still laughing whilst typing.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Prestwich_Blue said:
We moved this thread temporarily as it seems to be going in all sorts of different directions. Now the CFA is officially open, can we restrict it to work on the stadium itself and the collar site. In the meantime, we may well move posts related to the CFA to that thread.

Well done.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

M18CTID said:
bluekeith said:
M18CTID said:
I didn't realise Dave Whelan had an account on here.

So you can come out with rubbish like " Every Liverpool fan has the blood of 39 innocent football fans on their hands " but I cant say the word jew

Perhaps you should've looked at the context in which I posted that before jumping in feet first - anyone with half a brain that bothered to follow that thread could see that it was aimed directly at a sanctimonious Liverpool fan on RAWK that claimed every City fan had "the blood of Abu Dhabi slaves on their hands" and wasn't a genuine opinion yet your comment is nothing but lazy stereotyping.

how is he sterotyping? He is talking about his opinion on an individual and "Jew" is not a racist word.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Prestwich_Blue said:
bluekeith said:
I think david conn loves our club but hates our owners because he is a jew with blinkers on
See my reply earlier to the answer to that simple-minded opinion (although you may not like it). And just to reinforce the point, when you listen to the post-match phone-in on GMR, the first caller is usually a well-spoken woman called Joy. I know who she is. She's Jewish (although not that religious as she's there on a Saturday) and there is no one in Manchester who is more fervently pro-Israel than her. She doesn't have a problem with our owners so no one else should.

However you're right that he still supports City in his heart of hearts but I can assure you 100% he doesn't hate our owners. What he hates is the way that modern football has been increasingly dominated by money for the last 40 years and that's quite clear in his writing. He (perhaps grudgingly) certainly accepts that in that money-dominated environment, our owners are as good as you can possibly get but that ultimately clubs should intrinsically be part of their community and majority owned by the fans that make up that community. In an ideal world, I can't see any major objection to that but unfortunately English football, particularly at the top level, isn't in an ideal world.

I'm going to be charitable, as I class him as a friend, and say that (purely in my opinion) he deliberately seeks to escape being accused of having blinkers precisely because he's a City fan. Maybe introducing criticism when none is really warranted is his way of trying to escape the charge that, having accepted the owners' hospitality, he is loath to criticise them and is keen to prove his integrity to readers who are not Blues. Unfortunately, that doesn't endear him to those who are.

We are quick (and right) to criticise the likes of Jamie Jackson and Ian Herbert, who seem to pander to their masters at the Trafford Ministry of Truth, so perhaps we should allow some leeway when someone tries to prove that he isn't in anyone's pocket, however much it may grate.

I'm sorry PB but I think you're being a little one eyed on this one. The suggestion that Conn is somehow trying to prove his impartiality by criticizing the club he purports to support is ludicrous. He may have been a City fan once, but he isn't anymore. He's absolutely slaughtered us in the past, and if any other journo had dismissed Mansours contribution to Manchester in such a sneering and condescending manner, you would have rightly been on their backs.
Where are the articles condemning his new love FCUM, for taking council tax payers money when cuts are being made elsewhere. He's not been short on praising them in the past. Why isn't he trying to prove his integrity by condemning them now?
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Conn admits in his book that he has fallen out of love with City and the game, he even stated that he found it in him to clench a fist and punch the air when we won the league the first time round

He states that he prefers going to watch FC United where he feels closer to the match day experience he had when he was a kid
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

everythingchangesbutblue said:
M18CTID said:
bluekeith said:
So you can come out with rubbish like " Every Liverpool fan has the blood of 39 innocent football fans on their hands " but I cant say the word jew

Perhaps you should've looked at the context in which I posted that before jumping in feet first - anyone with half a brain that bothered to follow that thread could see that it was aimed directly at a sanctimonious Liverpool fan on RAWK that claimed every City fan had "the blood of Abu Dhabi slaves on their hands" and wasn't a genuine opinion yet your comment is nothing but lazy stereotyping.

how is he sterotyping? He is talking about his opinion on an individual and "Jew" is not a racist word.

Because it's obvious that he's indulging in the twisted logic that all Jewish people dislike Arabs - if that isn't lazy stereotyping I don't know what is because how else does he draw such a conclusion about someone he doesn't personally know?
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Can we leave this Jew-Arab debate behind us now?

Love, like or loathe Conn, it seems that he has already had enough attention on this thread. If I was him, I'd be finding it all very amusing.
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