Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Del_Bosque said:
The thing is Conn is supposed to be a City fan

He belittles the investment in the community compared to the club, yet negates to mention the Manchester Life housing project that's upcoming.

He genuinely has a dislike for the owners being involved in the club, there's a pretty obvious reason why but the mods on here don't like it being said.
I really lose my rag when idiots come out with this shit time and time again. It's only obvious to those with brain cells in single figures and those whose username is the same as a manager who claimed there was no racism in football, after a player had bananas thrown at him as well as being subjected to monkey chants.

And just to prove you wrong, I'll say it: your reasoning (that no one is supposedly allowed to state on here because we mods don't allow it) is that Conn is Jewish therefore automatically hates all Arabs & Muslims.

But you clearly aren't aware that the club has 2 Jewish directors (both appointed by those Arab Muslims they hate so much) and the late Life President was also Jewish. I'm in the same boat as Conn as I was born Jewish, brought up in a not very religious family but now don't practice at all. So does the same apply to me or am I one of the "good" Jews?

And having said that, I'll tell you that the first thing the (Islamophobic, Arab-hating) David Conn said to me when we met up some time after the takeover wasn't "I wish these dirty Arabs would fuck off" or "Why do we have to be owned by a bunch of Jew-hating Muslims?" but "Isn't it great to be a City fan these days?"

Yes he hates the increasing influence of money in football but that's been a constant and consistent theme of his his since Spurs set up a holding company to get round FA financial rules and a cartel of five clubs blackmailed the others into giving up their share of gate receipts from games played away from home.

I understand where he's coming from and have no problem with him criticising Osborne getting reflected glory when his cuts have hit the most vulnerable the hardest. But I'll also criticise him when I have to and he definitely has a blind-spot over the work being done by our owners in East Manchester. We've had the discussion on more than one occasion and it frustrates me that he can't see that something is better than nothing and that the 'something' is not insubstantial, particularly in a blighted area that desperately needs investment and jobs.

And given that he's been publicly critical of the negative impact that Arsenal & Liverpool's respective stadium plans have had on their local environments, you might think that he'd find something positive to say about developments that should have the opposite impact. When you consider what we put into our community as a club, then perhaps he should contrast that with the impact the Glazers have had in Trafford, Abramovich has had on the poorer areas of West London, FSG have had on the people of Anfield, etc. So I agree it's a cheap shot at a club that has far more involvement in its local community than the vast majority of its peers and it wasn't necessary.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

"The community facilities for which Manchester is genuinely grateful have been built on 5.5 acres of City’s 80-acre academy, at a cost of £20m."

All of this should be lauded and feted, not ridiculed. Anyone who sneers at this is just a miserable soulless git!
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
"The community facilities for which Manchester is genuinely grateful have been built on 5.5 acres of City’s 80-acre academy, at a cost of £20m."

All of this should be lauded and feted, not ridiculed. Anyone who sneers at this is just a miserable soulless git!

He does have some bizarre thoughts going around in that head of his!
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

I think david conn loves our club but hates our owners because he is a jew with blinkers on
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

Prestwich_Blue said:
Del_Bosque said:
The thing is Conn is supposed to be a City fan

He belittles the investment in the community compared to the club, yet negates to mention the Manchester Life housing project that's upcoming.

He genuinely has a dislike for the owners being involved in the club, there's a pretty obvious reason why but the mods on here don't like it being said.
Conn is Jewish therefore automatically hates all Arabs & Muslims.

Yes he hates these dirty Arabs, a bunch of Jew-hating Muslims .

Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

We never seem to get the credit we deserve. everything we do is always ridiculed and mocked and surrounded by sarky comments.

We win the league twice - "oh you have bought the title"

We extend the ground - "why?, you dont fill your ground now"

We build the most amazing Academy " why? you wont play any of the kids you produce," or "most kids will want to play for man utd or Liverpool - you know, the big teams with all the history and tradition and the magic surrounding them"

Being a 40yr old "mature" man, i shouldnt let these or any other negative comments about my club affect me, but they do. I try not to get wound up, but i do.

But these comments and remarks just make me even more determined for our club to grow and mature even more, just to pi$$ off the rest of world really. If these comments make me so angry, imagine how the players and the owners and the staff at the club feel? They must be chomping at the bit to make sure we succeed on and off the pitch.

Everyone wants us to fail. We have ruined football. We have ruined the transfer market. We have no history.

Sometimes i feel like its "us" against "the world" :-) And its "us" who will suceed
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

M18CTID said:
bluekeith said:
I think david conn loves our club but hates our owners because he is a jew with blinkers on

I didn't realise Dave Whelan had an account on here.
He's releasing a Christmas album:

Ching Along With Dave's Leg.
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

M18CTID said:
bluekeith said:
I think david conn loves our club but hates our owners because he is a jew with blinkers on

I didn't realise Dave Whelan had an account on here.

So you can come out with rubbish like " Every Liverpool fan has the blood of 39 innocent football fans on their hands " but I cant say the word jew
Re: Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Threa

bluekeith said:
I think david conn loves our club but hates our owners because he is a jew with blinkers on
See my reply earlier to the answer to that simple-minded opinion (although you may not like it). And just to reinforce the point, when you listen to the post-match phone-in on GMR, the first caller is usually a well-spoken woman called Joy. I know who she is. She's Jewish (although not that religious as she's there on a Saturday) and there is no one in Manchester who is more fervently pro-Israel than her. She doesn't have a problem with our owners so no one else should.

However you're right that he still supports City in his heart of hearts but I can assure you 100% he doesn't hate our owners. What he hates is the way that modern football has been increasingly dominated by money for the last 40 years and that's quite clear in his writing. He (perhaps grudgingly) certainly accepts that in that money-dominated environment, our owners are as good as you can possibly get but that ultimately clubs should intrinsically be part of their community and majority owned by the fans that make up that community. In an ideal world, I can't see any major objection to that but unfortunately English football, particularly at the top level, isn't in an ideal world.

I'm going to be charitable, as I class him as a friend, and say that (purely in my opinion) he deliberately seeks to escape being accused of having blinkers precisely because he's a City fan. Maybe introducing criticism when none is really warranted is his way of trying to escape the charge that, having accepted the owners' hospitality, he is loath to criticise them and is keen to prove his integrity to readers who are not Blues. Unfortunately, that doesn't endear him to those who are.

We are quick (and right) to criticise the likes of Jamie Jackson and Ian Herbert, who seem to pander to their masters at the Trafford Ministry of Truth, so perhaps we should allow some leeway when someone tries to prove that he isn't in anyone's pocket, however much it may grate.
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