Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

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It probably depends a lot on whether they can do a single tier without needing to close the stand. I doubt they could, but they probably could do a single second tier version.

That's true. There's no way they could manage it in the off season.
The view from where I was stood.


I'm 2 rows in front of you there jrb.

One little thing I noticed which gives an idea of how rushed there were to get everything ready for the game is this...


The rows were labelled differently at each end too. I'm sure they'll sort it soon.
I'd love to see the Colin bell and east stand to be rebuilt like the south stand, with just a little gap for the two screens in between each stand. Then the North stand to have one big tier. I think leaving a gap in between the west, South and Colin bell stands would give our stadium an identity which isn't seen in football, all other modern stadiums are the same old bowl shape which gets a bit repetitive. The North stand would look fantastic, I wouldn't mind seeing a millennium stadium type stand.
Personally I like the bowl shaped stadium, when you think of the best stadiums, all are nearly bowl shaped with about 3 tiers. Always thought the Millennium Stadium look's a bit strange with the 2 tiered stand at one end, I think what give's a stadium a wow factor is size, like the New Camp or the Bernabeu. Doing the outside right also helps ie
Allianz Arena.
The two tiered stand in the millennium stadium is also known as Glanmors gap, named after the then president of the WRU who messed the stadium up, by falling out with Cardiff Rugby who own the stadium attached to it. The millennium was supposed to be another bowled shaped stadium but Cardiff wouldn't allow one of their stands to be knocked down in the building of the millennium stadium. being a Welsh rugby fan i've always found that stand to be a embarrisment, where our union were so inept that we ended up with a Only 80% complete stadium, with a capacity of less than 2.5k than it was intended to hold. Luckily the owners at City are levels ahead in their professionalism and I have no doubt when all the future expansions of the Etihad are complete it will be something spectacular.
This has probably been asked before BUT can anyone (Worsley?) tell me how the capacity of each stand is made up. e.g We now know that SS level 3 is 6300 give or take some.
Before expansion - NS 8,700 - SS 8,700 - CB 15,000 - ES 15,000 = 47,400. Now SS must be 15,000 giving capacity to be say 54,000 or a bit more. (yesterday 54,331).
What I was wondering was how the away fans are split. Level 1 say 1,200 - Level 2 say 1,300 and Level 3 say 500. Maybe the club have issued capacity of each level in each stand - in the past. Anyone know?.
This has probably been asked before BUT can anyone (Worsley?) tell me how the capacity of each stand is made up. e.g We now know that SS level 3 is 6300 give or take some.
Before expansion - NS 8,700 - SS 8,700 - CB 15,000 - ES 15,000 = 47,400. Now SS must be 15,000 giving capacity to be say 54,000 or a bit more. (yesterday 54,331).
What I was wondering was how the away fans are split. Level 1 say 1,200 - Level 2 say 1,300 and Level 3 say 500. Maybe the club have issued capacity of each level in each stand - in the past. Anyone know?.
I think your level 2 and 3 figures would be the other way round looking at it on Sunday. No way we're there 1300 Chelsea in level 2
I think your level 2 and 3 figures would be the other way round looking at it on Sunday. No way we're there 1300 Chelsea in level 2
OK - thanks for that - I was sat in the CB stand and could not see the segregation very clearly.
I had to write on this thread because it is 22 hours since any comment - and it moves the thread up the Bluemoon topics. - oh oh!.
Will this thread now "die out" until jrb starts his photo album on the Expanded North Stand.
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