Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

We don't even own the football stadium, so I doubt we ever owned the athletic stadium My guess would be the council / Sports England
We must own more of the stadium than we did when we moved in. Didn’t we own the North Stand, because we built and paid for it, and the extension to the South Stand?
I will tell you what's even madder, people have paid huge money to come and see an artist/ singer/ group and all they do is stay at the bar drinking, you should see the queues, so they think the prices are ok
I seriously doubt anybody thinks those prices are ok, they are just prepared to pay that price, there is a difference. I remember standing at the bar in the Horseshoe in Newton heath with Ronnie Pollitt RIP, they had just put the beer up to 50p a pint and we both thought it was the end of the world.
I jacked it in for medical reasons it was made easier because it was over £3 a pint.
We must own more of the stadium than we did when we moved in. Didn’t we own the North Stand, because we built and paid for it, and the extension to the South Stand?
The whole land is leasehold. We own the buildings but not the land they stand on. The council want it back in 999 years or a bit less now. We pay a fair whack of rent for occupying the land.
We used to pay a share to the council of all ticket sales over 32,000 but I would imagine that clause has gone now for a raised rent. It was a fair swap: we got City of Mcr stadium, the council got Maine Road.
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I believe that the basis of the new New York City FC stadium development is similar in that the council in Queens will own the land in the area. NYCFC or CFG will pay an agreed long term rental ie leasehold, so will avoid vagueries of local tax changes on land owners. Sounds similar to the CFG and Manchester Council arrangement around Eastlands. Others will have better knowledge for comparison.
I knew that we don't own the land but I didn't realise we actually own the ground. So it isn't a council house after all.
A 999 leasehold interest is regarded as virtual freehold, so long as we continue to pay the rent and comply with any covenants, the land is ours to do with what we want, subject to planning. Not really heard anyone with the council house jibe for a long while now given the shithole in Trafford is falling apart.
A 999 leasehold interest is regarded as virtual freehold, so long as we continue to pay the rent and comply with any covenants, the land is ours to do with what we want, subject to planning. Not really heard anyone with the council house jibe for a long while now given the shithole in Trafford is falling apart.
The jibes are only there because they can't compete on the pitch.

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