Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

I have thanks. Thinking more directly in the city centre/ within walking distance. The old Piccadilly gardens would have probably done the job.
People have weird memories. There’s such a load of misplaced nostalgia around Piccadilly Gardens, when the reality is that it’s always been a shithole full of chavs and smackheads.

Maybe it was nice back in the 1950s but by the 90s it was a cess pit and covering the whole thing in concrete was the right thing to do.

Manchester does desperately need more urban green space though.
People have weird memories. There’s such a load of misplaced nostalgia around Piccadilly Gardens, when the reality is that it’s always been a shithole full of chavs and smackheads.

Maybe it was nice back in the 1950s but by the 90s it was a cess pit and covering the whole thing in concrete was the right thing to do.

Manchester does desperately need more urban green space though.
Shouldn’t have knocked the hospital down in the first place.


Just spotted this on Twitter. New Islington green on the tram line on the way to the ground. Sad to see green space like this go. More apartments I’m told

Poor show that, while it’s not an official city park, that green space is very much used by local residents as a civic space. You get lots and lots of sunbathers and picnic makers out on there. Even in the Winter there are still a lot of dog walkers.

On that redders day against Bournemouth, did anyone clock that woman in the thong sunbathing on there as the Etihad Met rolled past?
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People have weird memories. There’s such a load of misplaced nostalgia around Piccadilly Gardens, when the reality is that it’s always been a shithole full of chavs and smackheads.

Maybe it was nice back in the 1950s but by the 90s it was a cess pit and covering the whole thing in concrete was the right thing to do.

Manchester does desperately need more urban green space though.
This is a sketch of what was there at one point:


It was a place where vagrants, robbers, and prostitutes would be tortured in front of crowds. Here people were tied up to the stool and dunked in the pond.
Poor show that, while it’s not an official city park, that green space is very much used by local residents as a civic space. You get lots and lots of sunbathers and picnic makers out on there. Even in the Winter there are still a lot of dog walkers.

On that redders day against Bournemouth, did anyone clock that woman in the thong sunbathing on there as the Etihad Met rolled past?
A few brown envelopes tend to get development plans rolling despite local objections
Phil McIntrye - Linkedin.




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