EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I've not seen the world war one I must admit, that could be seen as misleading and a Lie no doubt. But the threats of cuts and tax rises are exactly that, threats, not lies. they would be lies if we left and they didn't do it.

so you alright with the british public being threatened with tax rises if we leave ? . Lies from the leave side aren't good, but both sides aren't doing a great job, lies and threats
But how can you be so sure that there's no nasty surprises awaiting us in Brussels on Friday if we vote to remain?

We know there's a number of things they've kept quiet about and postponed decisions on for fear of triggering a major surge in the Brexit vote. Things like the Financial Transactions Tax for instance. And logic suggests that if they're keeping shtum then these aren't things that are going to have us jumping for joy.

It's possible, but political suicide for Osborne and possibly the Conservatives as whole if it's true. I therefore doubt it strongly.
The Remain side are the only ones being backed up by independent experts. Which is probably one of the reasons they're beginning to pull ahead.

beginning to pull ahead ? whats that based on. the polls, which seem to change daily, the same ones that were completely wrong last year. no one has any idea what will happen if we leave they are just estimates and guesses, the same experts who in the main didn't predict the banks crashing, the financial crashes , mass immigration. i think a lot of people have stopped listening to the 'experts'.
cameron, osbourne .... do you not think they are it in for themselves aswell. id say the majority of politicians are in it for themselves.
Even a broken clock and all that.
But.. but.. but experts can be wrong and we're bored of them!.

I can't believe how many people I know who've changed their minds these last few days. I am all of a sudden encouraged.
and because you're a sanctimonious snob.

Just trying to help - Are you new to this thread?

Just that most people do not engage with the bollocks he comes out with - he is to the Remain posters a bit like Farage is to the Leave side today - all a bit cringeworthy and embarrassing
beginning to pull ahead ? whats that based on. the polls, which seem to change daily, the same ones that were completely wrong last year. no one has any idea what will happen if we leave they are just estimates and guesses, the same experts who in the main didn't predict the banks crashing, the financial crashes , mass immigration. i think a lot of people have stopped listening to the 'experts'.
Referendums always swing big to the status quo in the last few days. Scottish independence being a case in point. Brexit need a cushion of a lead but they don't appear to have it. And then there's the Farage psycho going off half cocked at the last minute. Of course nobody knows for sure but I have a good feeling about this now.
Yeah that's right, royally p1ss off the Turks at this delicate moment with Syria.

Honesty not the best policy? Best not be straight and up front just carry on misleading either your country by not vetoing Turkey or Turkey by vetoing them?

Why is it ALL politicians would rather lie than tell the truth? As for the point v Syria, meaningless is it not Turkey already have the EU over the preverbial barrel.
Referendums always swing big to the status quo in the last few days. Scottish independence being a case in point. Brexit need a cushion of a lead but they don't appear to have it. And then there's the Farage psycho going off half cocked at the last minute. Of course nobody knows for sure but I have a good feeling about this now.

i think the opposite, but then again like yourself I'm slightly bias, i want to leave. the majority people i know want to leave. i think its going to be very close. i think most people have alread decided. farage has said some stupid things, but i can't see people deciding to change their vote just based on that. one thing that swayed me towards leave is the fear and threats I've been hearing every day on the news from remainers, i.e , recession, tax rises, threats from other countries. I've had enough of it now.

two things for me are getting control of our democracy/laws back and controlling immigration, that can only happen if we leave.
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