EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Absolutely nothing. The Spanish aren't going to boot them all out when the vast majority are bringing money into the country and spending it there. The property market is already oversupplied and would collapse completely if nearly a million people upped sticks.
Correct. The Spanish economy benefits hugely from the British Ex Pats. I'm not certain but I don't think they get any or many state handouts from the Spanish Government.

Spain would be heartbroken if the EU decreed all British nationals must return home!
Sorry f this has already been addressed but what happens to the 800,000 expats living in Soain if we vote brexit?

Hard to say but there could be any number of things as remember the EU protections will be taken away.

Healthcare, work permits, pensions and the ability to travel freely throughout the EU are all likely to be affected. even whether or not they will retain the right to live and work there.
People’s entire lives, businesses, bank accounts, ability to study and eligibility to work are all predicated on their legal right to reside in a country as an EU citizen.
If this is removed, then the potential impact of a British exit has seen people safeguard against any potential issues and there have been many applying for a second passport or dual nationality.
When you live thousands of miles away it is hard to tell how the marriage is going.
I engage daily with the media and many family and friends as well as visits home. The very basic economic facts show why immigration at high levels is vital unless the Uk is prepared to cut expenditure save, accept lower house prices and make sacrifices to fill the hole. I haven't seen any signs anyone is....

Besides as an immigrant living in an immigrant ghetto it would be hypocritical not to be supportive of immigration and its benefits for the world.
The spaniards will cherry pick and keep those to their advantage as try to move those on who are not. But that could change if a more nationalist government got in , in parts of Spain it could be a very populist move, moving on Brits
Yet more ifs to support the Remain case. More like the Spanish will fall over themselves backwards to keep the Brits and their spending power there! Do you not acknowledge this?
Absolutely nothing. The Spanish aren't going to boot them all out when the vast majority are bringing money into the country and spending it there. The property market is already oversupplied and would collapse completely if nearly a million people upped sticks.

The Spanish will probably charge a Fee for a visa.

A lot of things that used to be free are likely to attract a cost.
I engage daily with the media and many family and friends as well as visits home. The very basic economic facts show why immigration at high levels is vital unless the Uk is prepared to cut expenditure save, accept lower house prices and make sacrifices to fill the hole. I haven't seen any signs anyone is....

Besides as an immigrant living in an immigrant ghetto it would be hypocritical not to be supportive of immigration and its benefits for the world.

Next time you are here Drive down the a6 into town and tell me it is vital.
Ireland is far from thriving. We've painted a picture to seem like we are so the EU would give us top marks but we are in a terrible state behind the scenes. Homelessness is rife, crime is rife, health is a shambles, housing is a disaster, no infrastructure projects, utilities falling to bits. The EU forced us to save banks that should have gone to the wall. People can talk about the disaster that would have been the alternative but it'd have been far better for us. My faith in the EU is completely shot and I was a big supporter to begin with. I'd have Ireland out tomorrow if I had a choice even if it meant my job disappearing and having to find something else. In the long run it'd be better for my kids I believe. As it is they'll be paying back these debts and probably more to come a the EU fuck up more and more. The mainlanders will never understand Irish people or culture and they like us. They don't even like ye :-) so ye'll be fucked.
Do you imagine Ireland will have a vote on in or out anytime soon? I presume it'd be influenced by the result of ours.
I haven't quoted any paper. I speak from experience and know how hard the government are trying to get enough houses built. I really don't get your response again. You seem to speak in left wing riddles.

We are a relatively small country with 60 million people and a housing problem. We desperately need to stem immigration and increase supply of housing to enable people to get onto the property ladder sooner. One of the principle reasons people are having children later is because of the supply and demand issue with housing. Do you think that it is not an issue that the average first time buyer is now well into his 30s?

1 people don't need to get on the housing ladder
2 most of the issues are to do with property developers buying available property
3 know anyone who needs a house who can't get one?

And to answer your question, no of course it isn't
1 people don't need to get on the housing ladder - nonsense
2 most of the issues are to do with property developers buying available property - more nonsense
3 know anyone who needs a house who can't get one? - utter nonsense

And to answer your question, no of course it isn't - it is
Next time you are here Drive down the a6 into town and tell me it is vital.
Well make the sacrifices then, pay more tax, reduce consumption, start paying down debt , start training more teachers, doctors and nurses and paying more for things. Put tomorrow ahead of today and then it might be not vital.

If wealthy speculators, hedge fund owners, property speculators , off shore tax dodgers etc and people whose sole role is to exploit others were targeted instead of poor immigrants the UK would be overall a fairer , wealthier (at least median wise) and better place.

Not one outer or anti immigrant person on this entire thread has indicated any desire or even acknowledgement of what needs to be done to replace immigration , it's all a fantasy land of milk and honey where you turn off the tap and everything becomes ok overnight.

Would you pay 15p in the pound more tax to pay for pensions, health, etc to fill the hole?
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