EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Except without our contribution the French farming industry subsidies would drop as a matter of course (Less money in the pot to go around) leaving them to try and compete with east European farmers on price alone.
Germany does indeed pay more than it gets (Think it will increase its own contributions to make up a UK exit do you ?), but its industries sell a lot to Britain, and according to you that will cease without a trade deal in place (Again a load of bollocks, the simple fact is there is no major market place waiting to take all their cars, so its lay off time or trade freely).

If thats your grasp on history then ignorant clap trap is a description best applied to your infantile uttering.

Don't the French pay most of our rebate beacuse of the subsidies, if they were not paying us the rebate they could use that cash to give to the farmers.
Do you actually read the thread or just randomly take posts to comment on?. It was a direct response to people who were getting VAT duty and tariffs confused.

The Brexiters would make VAT on fuel disappear with their magic wand lol!
The choice is simple.

Vote Leave for a United Kingdom!

Vote Remain and make it Somebody Else's Kingdom!

Do not give the sovereignty of your country away because you are scared and worried about what might happen.

If those who went before you did the same when they were faced with the adversity of war then you wouldn't be in your privileged position today.

In short, this country is not yours to give away. It belongs to those who gave their lives to protect it in generations past.

Next time you are near a war memorial take time to stop, read the names and realise they were young men who gave their all so you can enjoy this nation.

Do not sell your national identity because you have no balls and are not up for the fight. It's time to bloody grow some and Vote Leave.
NORWAY IS NOT THE FIFTH BIGGEST ECONOMY ON THE F*CKING PLANET, Sorry to have to shout but you seem oblivious to the simple fact we are not Norway and can not be compared to Norway in any way, shape, or form.

Congratulations on a) missing the point entirely and b) posting a load of ignorant clap trap. You seem unaware that Germany and France are also nett contributors to the EU. They don't rely on subsidies from the UK but do understand that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

From the tone of your post and your (irrelevant to the issue) historical reference it seems you want us to go back to the days of simply trading cloth for wine with Portugal who are, er, in the EU. Even better let's go back to the days when we got half the population of coastal China addicted to opium so we could screw highly favourable trading concessions out of their government. I'm sure that would work just fine all over again.

His point was that we have a lot more clout than Norway. And you are rambling on about Portugese cloth and Chinese crack-heads. Maybe you are into CR7 thongs?
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For most of that 900 years there was no trading block in Europe. Britain didn't "manage perfectly well" when it was outside the European trading block and other nations were in the block. That is why Britain joined, and that will be the position again if Britain chooses to exit the EU.

Not sure if your a Swedish blue in the uk or living in Sweden - if the latter do you have any theories why your neighbors either side of you have very contrasting fortunes? Norway I understand are very anti eu and I believe the second richest nation in Europe - Finland are now entering the 4th year of a recession and I read that many blame the euro for their economic woes and the collapse of Nokia - do you not see that situation as completely unrelated to the eu?
Yes, I read the thread and pick up on weak posts from inners. That's not random - it's selective.

What total Bollocks. selectively quoting a ( correct ) response, point out some random issue with it that had nothing to do with the thread at the time, perhaps you should Go tell the outers that were talking crap that it's not all bout the pound.
What total Bollocks. selectively quoting a ( correct ) response, point out some random issue with it that had nothing to do with the thread at the time, perhaps you should Go tell the outers that were talking crap that it's not all bout the pound.

You tell 'em mate. You clearly have a talent for getting your point across.
The choice is simple.

Vote Leave for a United Kingdom!

Vote Remain and make it Somebody Else's Kingdom!

Do not give the sovereignty of your country away because you are scared and worried about what might happen.

If those who went before you did the same when they were faced with the adversity of war then you wouldn't be in your privileged position today.

In short, this country is not yours to give away. It belongs to those who gave their lives to protect it in generations past.

Next time you are near a war memorial take time to stop, read the names and realise they were young men who gave their all so you can enjoy this nation.

Do not sell your national identity because you have no balls and are not up for the fight. It's time to bloody grow some and Vote Leave.

I like the cut of your jib.
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