EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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I did, it's just the same old stuff from the Express. Cherry picked numbers without context that are lifted straight from Migration Watch.

We have control of our borders, stop being hysterical and read something other than the Express.

There are other websites such as Full Fact, the BBC's independent Fact Check website and even the Telegraph that will give proper analysis.
The EU and George do not want us to Brexit. We are needed.
Another 732 think the opposite, you know what I think.

Who in Deutsche bank ? according to Bloomberg the chairman has made a major speech Today and said it would be an absolute disaster
Anyone brexit affiliated has their own agenda to fulfill. They are not looking out for you. Not that the Tories are, but look at the big picture. We're a tiny island that still maintains a fucking monarchy. With being a part of Europe we are stronger. Should have joined the Euro imho.
id prefer to leave for many reasons... that said. If we vote to remain we need to join the Euro and participate in the Federalisation plan because, whether we're a part of it or not.... it's happening, the EU member states will see to that. All the big, important strategic de ions will be made around strengthening the Euro and getting to being the United States of Europe and we will be excluded which means in my opinion it's the worst of all worlds... Cheers Dave and your excellent negotiating skills!
If I give up smoking to save 10 a week and then my wife gets a parking fine for 200 they are unrelated but in 20 weeks I will have saved enough to pay for the fine . Unrelated but not irellevant.

More interestingly for me what made you change in out and in.

Why are you still paying tax in the UK if you have move and lived overseas for a long while? Or are there nobresidencyband tax treaty rules in place between Qatar and the U.K.? Genuinely interested
That analogy is completely fucking wrong. You're either taking the piss of a fucking idiot. Either way. I'm not going to continue this with you. It's unrelated. Unrelevant and unreal that you're still trying to claim they are linked. UK Plc does not see any of that money. It belongs to a different entity. It's like you trying to save £100 a month by switching your mortgage and me taking out a car loan. It doesn't affect you in the slightest.

In as I'm a europhile and think free movement of labour is great for people. Out as the in campaign has annoyed the fuck out of me with negative campaigning. Back to out when it came to it as it means my clients won't be having to take six to twelve month hit on their assets.

I'm paying UK tax on my UK income.
I'm paying Qatar tax at zero percent on my Qatar based income. Nothing strange about it at all.
You can trust old George- just look at his record!

Osborne's one remaining fiscal rule is the promise to eliminate the budget deficit by 2020. The problem here is that his own pet thinktank the OBR have stated that there's only a 50-50 chance of him achieving that, and they haven't even factored in the likelihood of another global financial sector insolvency crisis into their calculations, which makes them pretty over-optimistic considering the largely unreformed state of the global financial system.


To put this 50-50 claim from the OBR into perspective it's important to remember that in 2010 George Osborne promised that his ideological austerity agenda would have completely eliminated the budget deficit by 2015. This means that his very own thinktank say that he only has a 50-50 chance of achieving in 2020 what he promised to do by 2015!

Poor George is having a bit of a mare over his silly little threats, remember the rescission to end all rescission's with hundreds of thousands of jobs going down the pan, the one some foolish soul on here claimed would be like 911 ?

Pythagoras's theorem - 24 words.

Lord's Prayer - 66 words.

Archimedes's Principle - 67 words.

10 Commandments - 179 words.

Gettysburg address - 286 words.

U.S. Declaration of Independence - 1,300 words.

U.S. Constitution with all 27 Amendments - 7,818 words.

EU regulations on the sale of cabbage - 26,911 words

just about sums the eu up
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