EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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You don't watch Newsnight much then. It might just as well be a mouthpiece for remain. Every fucking night they are pushing the bias. The only reason I watch it is to inform myself just how one sided they are.
David Dimbleby on Question time the other night showed his real colours. He wasn't playing devils advocate with Gove he was having a real go at him. So we all know now where Dimbleby stands on the issue. He was more aggressive than the audience who he was using as a prop.
Impartial chairman my arse.
nah I only usually watch the sunday shows as they are normally more impartial, Channel 4 news in the week as it tends to cover more than the generic stories of sky, bbc and itv news. Will flick on CNN and RT sometimesand al jazera to see a foriegn perspective, if I had fox news would watch that for the comedy value.
You don't watch Newsnight much then. It might just as well be a mouthpiece for remain. Every fucking night they are pushing the bias. The only reason I watch it is to inform myself just how one sided they are.
David Dimbleby on Question time the other night showed his real colours. He wasn't playing devils advocate with Gove he was having a real go at him. So we all know now where Dimbleby stands on the issue. He was more aggressive than the audience who he was using as a prop.
Impartial chairman my arse.
Andrew Neil has been pretty good at grilling both sides and exposing their BS. The remain campaign has been pretty inept on that front.
You don't watch Newsnight much then. It might just as well be a mouthpiece for remain. Every fucking night they are pushing the bias. The only reason I watch it is to inform myself just how one sided they are.
David Dimbleby on Question time the other night showed his real colours. He wasn't playing devils advocate with Gove he was having a real go at him. So we all know now where Dimbleby stands on the issue. He was more aggressive than the audience who he was using as a prop.
Impartial chairman my arse.

I stopped watching Newsnight when Paxo left. I don't watch QT as it has virtually no merits.
I do watch the Daily/Sunday politics which at least tries not to be as puerile as most of the rest and despite Andrew Neil being clearly pro-leave they do keep the show reasonably neutral.
I stopped watching Newsnight when Paxo left. I don't watch QT as it has virtually no merits.
I do watch the Daily/Sunday politics which at least tries not to be as puerile as most of the rest and despite Andrew Neil being clearly pro-leave they do keep the show reasonably neutral.
I stopped watching QT after the election last year. Always some yoghurt knitters saying something idiotic and then lots of other nobs clapping overly loudly.
Nigel Farage recently came out and said he doesn't know what will happen if we leave the EU. This is a guy that's devoted decades of his life to the cause of leaving the EU and has been the movement's poster boy. Sorry but I'm not basing my future on "I don't know". It's not good enough. I don't want to live in a nationalistic isolationist country, I wan't to be a part of something bigger.

I don't want old men and women to decide my future for me. My own grandmother told me when I said i was voting to remain that I'm too young to understand and that everything was better before. Before? Like during the Cold War when everyone hated each other or ww2 when everyone was killing each other? The good old days? The EU is more democratic than our own parliamentary system. For Leave voters it doesn't matter what the experts say, they will dismiss everything as "scare tactics" or "lefty nonsense".

The only foreign politicians that support Brexit are Marine La Penn, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin.

Gran seems a switched on lady
It's been shown that the BBC have given a disproportionate amount of coverage to the Tories and UKIP.

Will have to look for the source but there were 2 credible studies on it.

I wouldn't include the Telegraph among the Express and Sun. It's a Tory paper but largely level headed.

They'd struggle to make much coverage out of Corbyn's contribution to the debate
That IS what is implied, though according to many people from a working class background, as these sort of statements are made by people from middle/upper-middle class backgrounds to belittle their opinions as foolish and not to be trusted.

Far from it and a shocking reflection on people who think that.
There are millions of people who have done very well for themselves despite coming from you would call a working class background,

Hannan wasn't talking specifically about trade in that segment where he mentions Japan and China or New Zealand and Australia. He'd moved on from talking about how people criticised Britain being unable to trade with other countries if they are to do it alone, to talking about how people's views of other countries not being able to trade with others by not being part of a trading union. TPP is trade agreement, not a trading union was incorrect and hypocritical. These countries that have agreed to TPP are not bound to only trade with TPP members, unlike the UK's membership with the EU prohibits them trading with any nation not trading with the EU.

They are moving closer together for a reason not to carry on trading with other countries and then not bothering with the tariffs and taxes that come with it.
Why on earth would any of those countries buy a load of fridges off the UK when they can buy them cheap from another country within TPP?
People have forgotten to listen. Socialism exists now in north London like some cool club. With Eddie, Diane , Bob and Jezza having dinner parties talking about how much fairer life and society should be. Talking about it but doing little. It's easy to say this in your 2 million quid house,

Where are they are on the streets of the north talking to people about their concerns and actually listening? This little club does not represent ordinary people it patronises them. Look at Gordon brown and that life long labour member from Rochdale a few years ago. She dared ask him about migration and he showed his true colours calling her a terrible racist. Labour never listened and lost the election ( twice)

Even now remain camp and the Labour Party are not listening to ordinary people's concerns . Rightly or wrongly these are concerns and need listening to. They should not just be dismissed as simple racism by these people they need to listen and represent, these concerns are here , they are not made up. If people do not feel they are listened to then they listen to extreme views. Unfortunately ( or fortunately) the remain camp and labour have completely ignored ordinary people in the north again. The outcome could turn on that mistake ( again).

Got more stories in you than Enid Blyton.
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