EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Fair points PB plus Bojo Giggs is prepared to shag his own family (the Turks) for personal gain!

Do not understand what this has to do with the subject in hand - this is not an election - we are not electing anyone to any office - the Leave campaign are not a political party etc. ec

Why can Remainers not understand this and why oh why do they have to seek to obscure the reality of what this choice is by the continual slagging off?
I am not defending anything, just laying out the situation, that Brexiters are saying we can do deals here, there and anywhere. It is clearly not true. I am happy to stay in the EU, the bloc needs amendments and hopefully one thing that would come out of this referendum is that the EU Parliament are finally realising change is needed. I want us in the bloc and to be at the front of the changes and be fully engaged in what is happening rather than the buffet option we currently hold.

How on earth do you believe this is going to happen when historic evidence tells us exactly the opposite?

1. When we joined the EU we had just short of 20% of the voting power in EU parliament. Now we have just short of 10%
2. Since 2010 the UK has has voted against 40 measures in EU parliament. Shall I tell you how many of these measures we've lost? 40

Where exactly do you believe this turnaround and advancement of the UK's power within the EU going to come from?
Not really pal, I'm just very mistrusting of the press and establishment. I think a lot are fed of up of being lied to and deceived. If it was all straight down the line I think many more would vote to remain. As it is, with low wages and no prospects of decent pensions, the poor outnumber the few. Those voting for Brexit are not all racist, in fact, most I know are more tolerant and work alongside more nationalities than those who are trying to sway opinion. They are voting for better wages and a better life for their kids, grandkids.

I don't think the regular person in this country considering an exit are racist either, some people leading the campaign the likes of farage and nuttalls are though in my opinion ,
I agree the way this has been run and contested has been dishonest by both camps and to many who are not overly interested in politics and don't follow it as intently as some do, then the referendom has been terribly uniformative and led down directions to suit the interests of the media and political agenda rather than the welfare of the public.

I commented earlier on that I believe the people of this country have been let down by successive governments and society has been shot to shit, it is understandable that when an alternative way is put on offer than the status quo it becomes appealling. I am yet to be convinced we will be better off out of europe even though I don't agree with all it does, but if it is the will of the majority then we go forward into whatever is next .
Not really pal, I'm just very mistrusting of the press and establishment. I think a lot are fed of up of being lied to and deceived. If it was all straight down the line I think many more would vote to remain. As it is, with low wages and no prospects of decent pensions, the poor outnumber the few. Those voting for Brexit are not all racist, in fact, most I know are more tolerant and work alongside more nationalities than those who are trying to sway opinion. They are voting for better wages and a better life for their kids, grandkids.
Boris Johnson, perpetual Tory government and the loss of EU protections of workers. They may think they are voting for higher wages, they are voting for the exact opposite. Opening up to un- protected trade from the economies of Asia and trading with Europe on their terms seems to be the very recipe for lower wages - as British business will need much more productivity.
Boris Johnson, perpetual Tory government and the loss of EU protections of workers. They may think they are voting for higher wages, they are voting for the exact opposite. Opening up to un- protected trade from the economies of Asia and trading with Europe on their terms seems to be the very recipe for lower wages - as British business will need much more productivity.
Then that's an argument that our current government is inept. If we have to remain to protect workers rights then we are incapable of governing ourselves. One thing that does puzzle me though, if everyone wants to move to the UK, Polish etc, why don't companies position themselves in Poland and pay £3.50 an hour ?
Boris Johnson, perpetual Tory government and the loss of EU protections of workers. They may think they are voting for higher wages, they are voting for the exact opposite. Opening up to un- protected trade from the economies of Asia and trading with Europe on their terms seems to be the very recipe for lower wages - as British business will need much more productivity.

Are you suggesting we don't need to be as productive now because the EU subsidises us in some way?!?! It's the other way round.

National living wage suggests that the inclination is to look after the lowest paid in our society irrespective of the EU.
You were trying to make the pathetic implication that many of the working class thought that the middle class view the working class as "uneducated" and used the phrase as a tool to belittle their opinions as foolish and not to trusted. Your post being "That IS what is implied, though according to many people from a working class background, as these sort of statements are made by people from middle/upper-middle class backgrounds to belittle their opinions as foolish and not to be trusted."
You have no idea how many, if any, hold that view. Those, if any, whether working class or middle class, that hold that view, would have no evidence of that as many working class people do well.
Just a bit of shit stirring from you me thinks.

I am not defending anything, just laying out the situation, that Brexiters are saying we can do deals here, there and anywhere. It is clearly not true. I am happy to stay in the EU, the bloc needs amendments and hopefully one thing that would come out of this referendum is that the EU Parliament are finally realising change is needed. I want us in the bloc and to be at the front of the changes and be fully engaged in what is happening rather than the buffet option we currently hold.
And you do, do you?

What you call a quote "pathetic implication that many of the working class view the working class as uneducated" is actually born from my own life experiences. Its nice to know that you can disregard my life experiences based solely on the notion of...what exactly? Why is your viewpoint to be more respected than my own? You're saying you've never known anybody from a middle class background label working class people as uneducated, common or chavs? Working class stereotypes of Stella Artois, football hooliganism, Jeremy Kyle and Gogglebox? Free Mobile phone charges, cheaper European Holidays, that's all the working class voters want! You're telling me in all your years in this country you've never seen, heard or experienced class snobbery?

Everything you say is merely your own opinion. You have no proof of what might or might not happen because a country leaving the EU and the implications that arose from it has never happened before. You're predicting with misguided confidence a future situation that has not yet occured and has no comparative basis to go on. Even the IMF have changed their tune saying that a recession will only happen if BOTH the EU and UK fail to reach an agreement quickly, resulting in recession for both parties. Britain is not at the front of the EU making changes and reforming from within and it never will. The EU wants the UK to stop asking for reform and start towing the line in what it wants to become; a European Federal Superstate.

If you want that, that's fine, that's your view, but many millions do not share that view. If you don't agree with that view, at least respect others rights to have it.
Are you suggesting we don't need to be as productive now because the EU subsidises us in some way?!?! It's the other way round.

National living wage suggests that the inclination is to look after the lowest paid in our society irrespective of the EU.
i hope it is and wish it was but for decades have felt in places like the UK, US that the poor are increasingly blamed for poverty and people are looking at ways to almost punish them for poverty. I have always felt the UK way to the right of Europe economically and as such feel that left to their own devices a Tory England would do severe damage to the poorer regions of the country. I know others on the left who feel the opposite
Don't know I'd its been mentioned, but as the brexit rhetoric ramps up,the poll on here is slipping about 5% further towards remain as the vote approaches. If this is a reflection of the national mood its a shoe in for remain sadly.
Don't know I'd its been mentioned, but as the brexit rhetoric ramps up,the poll on here is slipping about 5% further towards remain as the vote approaches. If this is a reflection of the national mood its a shoe in for remain sadly.
It's not. Every national poll has Brexit increasing. Te only other statistic that's changing is the number of undecided's. Rose 8% in the past few days.
I'm wondering, if our poll is open to guests as well as registered Bluemoon posters, the vote could be influenced by that.
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