EU referendum

EU referendum

  • In

    Votes: 503 47.9%
  • Out

    Votes: 547 52.1%

  • Total voters
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Hear hear - my forefathers certainly didn't fight for divisiveness and the likes of Farage and Johnson either. My great great grandfather was an unarmed stretcher bearer on the Somme, a pacifist but one who rather than refuse to enlist, enlisted but refused to carry a gun.

Actually that's it's not completely true I did have a deeply racist grandfather from Thanet who wanted Mandela executed and complained about how the smell of curry was ruining Britian and that was before Maastricht and the EU. He would've been the one family member who probably would have gone against the rest.

They probably wanted us to give up our sovereignty then?
they probably wanted the Germans to dominate Europe via the back door then?
That is extremely offensive to people who risked their lives and in the case of quite a few of my forefathers died fighting or in the case of pacifist risked life and limb to save comrades , but I doubt you meant it as offensively as it could be taken. They fought precisely so Europe could be peaceful , tolerant and strongly against the ideology of people like Farage.
They probably wanted us to give up our sovereignty then?
Sovereignty doesn't exist , do you not get it? We cannot defend ourselves, we are not self sufficient, we have no control over our power, telecoms, digital platform, are not self sufficient in many the basics of life. Anyone who is really thinking that this vote will have any bearing on sovereignty really hasn't looked at the bigger picture.

You may think it's clever to insult the dead, fair enough if that is the standard you set for yourself!
That is extremely offensive to people who risked their lives and in the case of quite a few of my forefathers died fighting or in the case of pacifist risked life and limb to save comrades , but I doubt you meant it as offensively as it could be taken. They fought precisely so Europe could be peaceful , tolerant and strongly against the ideology of people like Farage.

So basically Farage is some sort of Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. A huge chunk of voters in Britain have become UKIP (Nazi) then lol.

So basically Farage is some sort of Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. A huge chunk of voters in Britain have become UKIP (Nazi) then lol.

I don't think UKIPers have that opinion but some may well do. Farage is a very right wing politician and I have no doubt deeply prejudiced and xenophobic, he has had years of training in trying to be the tolerable and moderate looking face of the far right. Same with that Austrian guy he was a lifelong facist but a bit of spin doctoring and he tried to be the moderate face. They become the moderate face precisely so they can get voters sucked in that they are not what they really are.

So I think yes Farahe has been since his childhood if reports are to be believed a facist and racist . But those who vote UKIP vote for all sorts of different reasons most of which would not be facist and many vote for them for nothing more than frustration.
You obviously haven't seen the figure for youth unemployment in the EU then YT. Greece 48.9%, Spain 45.3%, Italy 39.1%, Portugal 30% etc etc. And if you think these are bad now these figures have been getting worse year on years for the last 12 years, I myself have three children and the thought of staying in the EU which clearly isn't working scares me to death. As for Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin we have NATO to prevent anything like that happening again.

Look at it this way. If a UK government presided over a parliament that saw youth unemployment at anything like the levels above what would happen? We'd vote them out and get someone in with a clear mandate to do something about it. Can the people of Greece, Spain, Italy etc get rid of the decision makers in Europe who have created this unemployment through the ridiculous common currency the EURO. We both know the answer to that is no, and for the sake of all our children how can we then vote remain.
I appreciate the fact you've got your own kids, fact of the matter is imho, an out vote is stupid. Should have joined the Euro in the first place tbh.
Sovereignty doesn't exist , do you not get it? We cannot defend ourselves, we are not self sufficient, we have no control over our power, telecoms, digital platform, are not self sufficient in many the basics of life. Anyone who is really thinking that this vote will have any bearing on sovereignty really hasn't looked at the bigger picture.

You may think it's clever to insult the dead, fair enough if that is the standard you set for yourself!
All in your humble opinion of course.
That is extremely offensive to people who risked their lives and in the case of quite a few of my forefathers died fighting or in the case of pacifist risked life and limb to save comrades , but I doubt you meant it as offensively as it could be taken. They fought precisely so Europe could be peaceful , tolerant and strongly against the ideology of people like Farage.
Give over, everyone has had family members who fought and died in that war. It's not exclusively something for you personally to get offended about. They didn't fight "for" anything, they fought "against" tyranny. Britain was under risk of invasion and they fought to protect their families at home because the only other choice was surrender and collaboration. Not any heroic, noble ideals of peace, liberalism, humanity and love for your common Man. No patriotic notions of serving King and Country. They were protecting their family and friends. Your idea that they were fighting to preserve the "European ideal of tolerance" is something i'd expect to find in a hippie circle.
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