very good post.
i'll tell you where I sit on this.
i am what might be termed a "high pointer", i do however agree totally with the collection process. some high pointers don't but i do. it cuts the whores out stone dead. middle pointers can at last get to games. that said whores are not restricted to high pointers, fans on 10k =15k move their tickets on too.
the problem comes about when the collection process is as disorganised as it was in Glasgow, or the traipsing round Paris. if like me a fan isn't whoring and just wants to enjoy the trip why the hell should i either stand in the rain or travel 24 stops on the Paris Metro to collect my ticket. i am going the game, I've never been a hooligan and i have never been in breach of any security in any way. i should just be able to go to the game, with my ticket in hand. to do that we need 3 times the staff and 3 times the size of collection venue and close enough to the ground where we can be dealt with immediately prior to kick off. we should only have to make that journey once. if all that then gets a ticket for someone on 10k then great, i'm all for it.
lastly, not one of us a are "precious", we are no more a blue, or loyal, we just made life choices different to those who whilst we were in Lincoln and Walsall they were choosing a different way of spending their time and money. its that simple.
now whether you like it or not those people are now moaning, boo hoo its not fair. well sorry but yes it is. you go to the games, you acquire points, you use those points to now gain entry to the bigger games we now play. its not a difficult concept to grasp.
what shouldn't happen is a change of system to accommodate the people who made those choices years ago.