Everton and David Moyes (merged)

Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

The way he goes on that his players are injured all the time as if its only their team that gets them.
Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

But the reporters were priming with questions eager for him to slag City off.

What do you think baout City buying success etc etc.

You are being manipulated and you don't know it
Re: David Moyes (merged)

sadly cant make game tonight, but will be watching online, i hope all that attend give Moyes loads of shit tonight!!
Re: David Moyes (merged)

I will be there booing very loudly. I'm sure that there are plenty of managers of lesser teams in the prem that are jealous of our situation and think we are spoiling it a bit but everyone accepts thats life and gets on with it except of course Moyes and Wenger, the pair of sour faced muppets.
Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

Ja Salford Blue said:
Just been listening to the sport on Key 103 and that ugly mess Moyes has been spouting off again at how unfairly the blue dippers were treated in the whole Lescott transfer, and how it's Lescott's fault that they had a piss poor start to the season.

I fail to see how recieving a transfer fee of £25m for a player who was valued at around £15m is being trated unfairly!

This guy is a tool of the highest order, and I for one hope we smash fuck out of the theiving, rat eating, scruffy scouse twats tonight!!!!!!!

i be upset if we lost our best players to a much bigger club ;)
Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

Suprised he can breathe never mind talk because of how far his head is up fergusons ass

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