Everton and David Moyes (merged)

Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

Biggest game of the season so far. Can see us struggling to win it. We need a 12th man tonight boys, sing your heart out for the lads.
Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

And some people call us bitter...

Can't believe he is still bleating on about it. It was down to Moyes that the transfer saga dragged on and on. If he'd swallowed his pride and sold him earlier then he would have had time to settle his squad and put the money to good use, so he's got no-one to blame but himself.
Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

He's not STILL going on about that is he? Bitter bastard. Players leave for bigger and better things all the time. He knew when he took the job that Everton are a selling club. They've been doing it for years, Jeffers, Rooney, Graveson and now Lescott.

I never used to give a toss about Everton but I really couldn't stand losing to them again while that bitter prick is in charge. I'm still amazed we didn't sue him for his programme notes earlier in the season.
Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

A horrible, vulgar man. Hope we thrash them but do acknowledge they are a very tough team to beat right now.
Re: F*ck Off Gollum!

They have been playing v well but on saturday up until a v dubious sending off and a goal from the resulting free kick bolton were much the better team!
Disgusting Cretin

Anyone here Gollum running his fucking mouth again last night on SSN?

Saying well we all know that money doesnt buy you success. You have to build a team like we have done.

Oh shit im sorry Gollum i forgot there is now no more room in your cabinate because you keep on dragging in trophy after trophy you horrible little twat.

Just stick to crying over Lescott you discusting tool.
Re: Discusting Cretin

im curious bar rodwell and osman exactly what players hasnt he bought?

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