Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

When are we going to see Adam Johnson is never going to be the answer. Bringing him on was totally useless. Even Kolarov delivered more.

I would rather have had Yaya back than Vinnie. Nothing against Vinnie of course I just think we tick over much better with Yaya.
hgblue said:
A back four of Neville, Hibbert, Heitinga and Baines looked comfortable. That had fuck all to do with the referee.

Apart from the 3 penalties he could/should have given you mean? Howard push on Lescott, Feilani trip on Kun and Neville handball. All I will say is that the **** Walton would have given them if they were in our box.

Let's face it, it's hard to play against teams that set up like Everton did and when the referee is so obviously biased you've got to have a bit of luck, which we didn't get tonight (their goal was courtesy of a deflection).
Bottled it, possibly the worst attacking display ive seen this season from City, silva not interested, Barry worst game for him Sergio and Zeko dont work for each other. That was a piss poor everton and they did us again!!! with fight and a will to win, its every time we play them at goodison, not rocket science!!!

Come on Bobby sort it out.


We dominated possession away from home, but they nicked the first goal and that gave them something to hang onto

There wasn't a lot wrong tonight
Sorry but a totally fookin inexcusable performance against utter dogshit. If Mancini can´t get that set of players up for it at full tilt then he´s seriously lacking.
He looked fookin clueless on that bench tonight and for all Walton´s clear bias you can´t hide from the fact that this has been inept and that´s putting it mildly.
Dzeko just doesn´t look cut out for the hurly - burly of PL and his touch has completely deserted him. Even Kun and Silva had stinkers tonight.
The fookin ACON has a lot to answer for

He´d better get it sorted for weekend coz if we screw up again there will be fookin carnage on here. I would be shaking my fookin head if I were Khaldoon tonight. Thankfully I´m not
The referee was shit but that was the least of our problems!

Build up was too slow and when it did get going that carthorse Dzecko did the defences' job for them!
Not only Dzecko though, Lescott, Johnson and Kolarov aren't up to it
mancini really needs to buck his ideas up, mourinho is looking very tasty right now.

if he wins the league he deserves to stay, if not then he has to go i'm afraid.

i'm sure someone will come on here and tell me i'm not a real blue or i'm a rag for saying it so before you do i'll tell ya to fuck off as it's my opinion.

no pace
no bottle
no urgency

and dzeko had a fucking mare.

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