Everton Vs City Post Game Discussion thread

Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

Its only January (just) and it appears that a few blues arses have gone already. What will people be like come proper twitchy bum time in april/may?

We need to calm down - now certainly isn't the time to be questioning or doubting Mancini.
Question/re-evaluate at the end of the season, not when we are about to start a run in for the league.

gray740 said:
dzeko lad you fukked it tonite barry was a fukin liability as well,why doesnt he try a youth team player hungry as fukk why why why anything instead dzeko anything come back darius all is forgiven .....

-- Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:17 am --

dzeko lad you fukked it tonite barry was a fukin liability as well,why doesnt he try a youth team player hungry as fukk why why why anything instead dzeko anything come back darius all is forgiven .....
No matter which one you lick ,they all taste the same.
123abcd said:
if i'm reading the posts correctly 2 people were to blame for tonight's loss.

1. the ref. - played in goal for everton i assume? scored for them as well?
2. Dzeko - really? again? did he fail to intercept the ball in the back, pass it to himself on the wing, cross it in to himself, then score? wtf is wrong with some people?

get off the crazy train people ffs.

That comment is definitely up there among the classics.
Cheadle Blue said:
sir peace frog said:
Cheadle Blue said:
they will believe cos they have been there and done it. surely you can understand why come fans are shitting themselves, especially after a performance like that.
maybe im a little older,and less likely to panic,maybe i havent had as many beers,whatever the reason,give me this pressure everytime over the absolute shite ive watched over the last35 years

i know what your saying mate, but if we don't pick our performances up, we will chuck it away. there is no way any blue would swap this for anything, but i don't want to fall short when we are so close thats all!

whats the worst that can happen if we dont win it ? we can strengthen,we can learn,we as fans can handle our ups and downs with more perspective and we can challenge again,however i firmly believe than in 5 games time we will be a lot more calm than some are now,weve a great team,were missing our monster,but he will be back.
i was having a chat with a red work mate,a good lad knows his stuff,not a dick like a lot of them,and we had a heart to heart,hes younger and a bit panicky like some on here,the amount of times this seson ive heard him say "thats it youve won the league" makes me laugh,however i said to him if we can get to feb still top with our squad, with the freshness and style of play i cant see anybody stopping us,we need to keep playing our football and the results will follow,teams are trying for a draw a few have got lucky wba,sunderland and everton ,fair enough our performance tonight wasnt what it should of been,but we arent brazil70,we are a very good team and in my opinion the best team in the league,when yaya returns he will give us that extra needed to turn 1 point into three.or tonight from 0 to 3
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
DTeacher said:
There are so many rags and WUMs on this thread, it is embarrassing.

You stick out like a sore thumb, guys.

Go fool someone else.

I sincerely hope that we put in an official complaint about Walton - never have I seen a more biased and blatant cheat as a referee. We may have had some poor officiating in a number of games, but this prick is an outright cheat, as proven over the last few games he has 'reffed' between City and Everton.

He has altered the results of games against Everton more than a few times now and he needs to be prevented from refereeing any of our games.
Mancini needs to shout out about it like ferguson does, stop him reffing our games against the scousers. Walton is a fucking degenerate.

I agree. We have to forget about being so nice to everyone and take a leaf out of Ferguson's book. It's not what I would want in an ideal world, but we ain't living in an ideal world!

Too many cheats like Walton taking advantage of us and we need to start making noises and complaining like others do. Dalglish moans and gets better decisions for Liverpool. Ferguson moans every five minutes and gets better decisions for United. Wenger does it etc etc.

Stand up to the bullies, City.

Most bullies back off and become cowards when you do that.
sir peace frog said:
Cheadle Blue said:
sir peace frog said:
what a surprise the bluemoon headless chickens are shitting themselves,were all doomed.

the facts are 15 games to play and we are top of the league,we have 5 winable games coming up and we have to win them.

the attitude displayed on this and many other threads when things havent gone well is nothing more than bottle merchants crying ,grow a pair ,get behind the team and stop panicing.

the season starts now,15 games to show we are the best,but it wont happen if the shithouses on bluemoon start panicing at the games,making the players nervous getting on their backs

youve got to believe,because you can bet united and all their fans will believe,im sure youve had texts already saying bottlers,youve crumbled,well we havent,we just need belief and from what ive read so far is people bottling it.

cheer the lads on and in 15 games time youll be wondering what all the panicking was all about.

they will believe cos they have been there and done it. surely you can understand why come fans are shitting themselves, especially after a performance like that.
maybe im a little older,and less likely to panic,maybe i havent had as many beers,whatever the reason,give me this pressure everytime over the absolute shite ive watched over the last35 years

Yes we've watched some shite over the last 35 years and in amongst that we've also had some of our most collective memorable moments but when you are possibly on the verge of achieving something, that a vast majority of us have only ever dreamed of, it is nerve wracking even more than potentially getting relegated. We are not coping well and the unbelieveable swing in opinions shows not how fickle we are but how different people cope or (NOT) deal with that pressure. Players are no different.

One thing is for sure tho not one single twatting fucking opinion counts for jack shit no matter how articulate or knee jerk or relevant that opinion is expressed . The only decisions that count are Mancinis and his management team and more importantly the players lucky enough to wear our shirts so our fate, happiness and despair is in their hands and no matter how positive or negative we are individually wont count for diddly if the fuckers who wear the shirt can't fucking cope with it all.

And judging on the most recent performance tonight from all of them I'm afraid they're not looking overly confident in fulfilling our dreams but they've deserved our patience so far with some magnificent football and we can only hope that we can win another 11-12 games to be certain !

The trouble is for the first time in a while Mancini and his players looks devoid of the belief needed so it is hardly surprising that many of us on here are feeling exactly the same irrespective of where we are now because lets face it its only where we finish that fucking matters !.

Barcon said:
Comrade Buka said:
ballinio said:
Seriously, the turning point in the game was another stonewall penalty not given , things like this decide the outcome. Walton is a cheat hand picked for this game, i`m just thinkig whats the point anymore, we`re being shafted out of all trophies, an absolute total stitch up.

How the fuck can Walton see if it hits the arm when the arm is by his side and obscured by his body?

Is he supposed to have fucking X-ray view surgically implanted? Or should he view the game through a fucking airport scanner or fucking what?

The ****** on Bluemoon are too fucking much sometimes. And that is a fucking understatement.

Glad to get that off my chest.

We were fucking shite today. Take it up the arse like a man.

And stop your fucking inane whining. Anyone with half a brain cell would understand Walton could not possibly have seen the ball hit the arm.

And furthermore, how the FUCK is a denied penalty a turning point, when we are already one goal down?


Read through this entire thread, and count how many who blame the ref.

17 shots and 6 on goal from us. With the best being Nasri's shot in the wood work, which counts as an off target shot. With +70% possession that should give you a clue about the quality of our shots and our chances. Blaming the ref is inane with a display like ours today.
Comrade Buka said:
123abcd said:
if i'm reading the posts correctly 2 people were to blame for tonight's loss.

1. the ref. - played in goal for everton i assume? scored for them as well?
2. Dzeko - really? again? did he fail to intercept the ball in the back, pass it to himself on the wing, cross it in to himself, then score? wtf is wrong with some people?

get off the crazy train people ffs.

That comment is definitely up there among the classics.

spot on - lets blame ref and dzeko again. some on here starting to sound like sheep blah blah blah. bad day at office for everyone. end of.
Re: That was a fukn disgrace tonight.

Manchester_lalala said:
The defence was good tonight. Everyone else apart from nasri was absolute terrible. So frustrating. Never mind dzeko, but aguero needs to start taking chances, that's also frustrating.

It seemed like Nasri was the only one trying but had no one to play with - Silva really disappeared very unlike him!

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