
But how could this possibly happen to THE PEOPLES CLUB ? ...a grand old club that has done things properly whilst we have been ruinng football

The messiah has worked wonders with no money ...everton a proper club who will finsh top four

Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Rascal said:
I dont get why you are laughing at Everton

They are a proper football club with proper fans

Dont become everything we have been against and show some respect

I don't understand where people are at with this. Ok so Moyes had a go over Jole last season and Mancini had a swipe at Moyes in the home match, but we have been on the receiving end of crap results more so than EFC have. We should remember the games we have lost. I can still fell the bewilderment of a three nowt home defeat to Forest a season or two ago, so let's not get all high and mighty 'cos someone has lost to lower league opposition.

its what football rivalry is all about having a laugh at your oppos misfortune. we have had it done to us many a time. its our turn today, its maybe theirs tomorrow.
nothing to see here move along.
tonea2003 said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
I don't understand where people are at with this. Ok so Moyes had a go over Jole last season and Mancini had a swipe at Moyes in the home match, but we have been on the receiving end of crap results more so than EFC have. We should remember the games we have lost. I can still fell the bewilderment of a three nowt home defeat to Forest a season or two ago, so let's not get all high and mighty 'cos someone has lost to lower league opposition.

its what football rivalry is all about having a laugh at your oppos misfortune. we have had it done to us many a time. its our turn today, its maybe theirs tomorrow.
nothing to see here move along.

Fans with class rise above it - it's the thing for 'Hey, Miss, he's laughing at me!"<br /><br />-- Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:06 pm --<br /><br />
southern muppet said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
I don't understand where people are at with this. Ok so Moyes had a go over Jole last season and Mancini had a swipe at Moyes in the home match, but we have been on the receiving end of crap results more so than EFC have. We should remember the games we have lost. I can still fell the bewilderment of a three nowt home defeat to Forest a season or two ago, so let's not get all high and mighty 'cos someone has lost to lower league opposition.

I don't think people are acting superior or saying it can't still happen to us, just enjoying Everton losing because of what their fans are like and their hatred of City (see on GOT etc)

Tiny minority! Every club has 'em, just that this morning on various BlueMoon threads we seem to have more than our fair share.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
tonea2003 said:
its what football rivalry is all about having a laugh at your oppos misfortune. we have had it done to us many a time. its our turn today, its maybe theirs tomorrow.
nothing to see here move along.

Fans with class rise above it - it's the thing for 'Hey, Miss, he's laughing at me!"

-- Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:06 pm --

southern muppet said:
I don't think people are acting superior or saying it can't still happen to us, just enjoying Everton losing because of what their fans are like and their hatred of City (see on GOT etc)

Tiny minority! Every club has 'em, just that this morning on various BlueMoon threads we seem to have more than our fair share.

Schadenfreude old bean.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
tonea2003 said:
its what football rivalry is all about having a laugh at your oppos misfortune. we have had it done to us many a time. its our turn today, its maybe theirs tomorrow.
nothing to see here move along.

Fans with class rise above it - it's the thing for 'Hey, Miss, he's laughing at me!"

so when utd lose to someone they shouldn't you don't have a little chuckle to
yourself......didn't think so
The Fat el Hombre said:
charliebigspuds said:
EXACTLY, more sense spoken by Mr Ewings back 'eader, although I don't like the vitriol spewed about us by Everton fans and David Moyes (and other fans and managers too) in the last 12 months, I think we're beginning to forget where we were not so long ago. Its always been nice to see a giant killing in the cup as long as it wasn't us, which most years it was!
I've always said that if they scrapped the FA Cup final in may and played a game between the two most underachieving sides for that season then most of the time it would be between us and Newcastle, with Everton, Spuds, West Ham and Villa sometimes making a appearance

You're missing the point completely. It's precisely fuck all to do with where we were not so long back or any of that bollocks. We've taken a lot of shit off everton since the Lescott saga, including moyes slating us in their programme notes and them rubbing it in our faces when they did us last season. This is a bit of payback and it feels sweet

Two separate and distinct points ElFH. I have written long and hard over the Lescott saga and the frosty 'welcome' from Moyes via his proggy notes. I even wrote him a personal letter via Royal Mail with a first class stamp (still awaiting reply), and the idiot EFC fans who come on BlueMoon simply reflect a small but vociferous minority who are not indicative of their club's support nor football supporters generally, and I agree with you that EFC as a club were poor in the Jole fiasco, but I can't see how MH and MCFC were a great deal better.

The other point was one of triumphalism. That beast has a habit of coming back an' bitin' yer arse. Hope Roberto puts out a decent team tonight. Something like the one with the strength and quality that beat Crystal Palace last season.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Rascal said:
I dont get why you are laughing at Everton

They are a proper football club with proper fans

Dont become everything we have been against and show some respect
Im guessing you don't go to the away fixtures with them then?

Spot on mate, top 3 scum fans imo and totally, totally bitter and angry. Fuk 'em.
fbloke said:
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
Fans with class rise above it - it's the thing for 'Hey, Miss, he's laughing at me!"

-- Wed Sep 22, 2010 2:06 pm --

Tiny minority! Every club has 'em, just that this morning on various BlueMoon threads we seem to have more than our fair share.

Schadenfreude old bean.

Is reserved totally for MANUre, and Spuds, and, go on then The Barcodes. Oh an' all the Lancashire teams bar Blackpool.<br /><br />-- Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:52 pm --<br /><br />
tonea2003 said:

Fans with class rise above it - it's the thing for 'Hey, Miss, he's laughing at me!"

so when utd lose to someone they shouldn't you don't have a little chuckle to
yourself......didn't think so

MANUre are a million miles away the exception to any general rule. Whenever they are playing I am immediately a member of the opposition. And United losing is not a laughing matter - it's funnier than that.

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