Exposing the hypocrisy of journalists

The mainstream media complain that City fans have become weaponised, but if that's true, the reason is reactive.

There's still time for City fans to develop our own media. It's needed because the only advocates for Man city are going to be its fans.

city fans should do what Rabin did. Research and argument.
They’ll all be up to their necks in the Kuwaiti media city come the World Cup, telling us how it’s the best ever whilst stuffing their faces with all the freebies thrown at them...without even a hint of irony
I wouldn't beat myself up about it Rabin, the original Wiki piece isn't as accurate as the doctored part.
I think there is wide acceptance now of the real reasons for FFP.

Oliver Holt wrote this back in 2014 when they first started to stick the knife in.
I've left the quotes in from Wenger just to keep the article complete. It's been known since then. We took a pinch anyway now they want a bigger slice of us based on the same event and whole raft of speculative re-interpretation. It's sad that other football fans can't get beyond the tribalism to see this for what it is.

"My criticism of FFP is that, having started out with good intentions, it has ended up as something entirely different and rather less honorable," Oliver Kay, chief football writer for the Times newspaper told CNN.

"If you go back to 2008, when Platini and David Taylor (former UEFA chief executive) first started talking about, it was about tackling all money of financial excesses: inequalities across Europe, the fact that debt was being used in different ways, whether it was Chelsea benefiting from interest-free loans from Abramovich or Manchester United being exploited by the Glazer families.

"I dug out a 2009 quote from Platini saying it would make football more equal, so that 'everyone can win.'

"Somewhere along the line, Platini and UEFA were persuaded by the biggest clubs to turn it into something else -- a crackdown on new money, which by 2009 or 2010 meant Manchester City and PSG, rather than Chelsea.

"I just find it extremely disingenuous for UEFA to have established a set of rules that crack down very heavily on owner-investment but fails to protect clubs from owner-exploitation.

"It ignores the inequalities that exist between one league and another and between clubs in certain leagues, such as Spain, where the distribution of broadcast revenue is so uneven.

"If they had introduced something that would genuinely create a more even playing field -- and I don't mean 'even'like it is in Manchester, where one club has benefited from generous ownership and the other has been hindered by exploitative ownership -- then I would be in favor of it.

"But unfortunately Financial Fair Play isn't financial fair play at all. It looks very much like it's designed to keep the status quo."

One club which has been a steadfast in its commitment to the regulations is Arsenal and its French manager Arsene Wenger.

"There are rules," Wenger told British media this week. "You respect them or you don't respect them. If you don't respect them you have to be punished.

"When UEFA doesn't want to kick the clubs out of the Champions League they have to find a more subtle punishment. To me, and from all of us on the outside, it looks a complicated punishment.

"There's two ways of thinking about the whole process. You can say, 'We don't care, we want the billionaires to buy the big players, they spend what they want', or you say, 'We want to keep things fair'," he added.

"Basically if you say to me tomorrow, we give everybody £100m ($169.53m) in the 20 Premier League clubs, I say, 'okay, I'll take the gamble.' That is a fair competition.

"The unfair thing is the inflation can be too big and it can put too much pressure on the clubs who do not have these resources to overpay their players."

Idea that FFP is there to protect the smaller clubs is a fallacy. It's there to protect the elite, to stop smaller clubs ever breaking thru

— Oliver Holt (@OllieHolt22) May 7, 2014
mancity2012_eamo. I have always said that FFP was for the big clubs in European comps to stay there, and not let any newbies join their ranks. By that I mean clubs like Man City etc.. These clubs don't like it especially clubs like Man Utd, because their owners are no way as good as our owners. Why because the Glazers are running Man Utd.more like their mown piggy bank.
Nick McGeehan has tweeted in a thread 'You don't actually need to be an expert to clock that Mansour is an owner who isn't in charge.' Must come as news to the owner of the club that someone else is in charge

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