F1 2024 season

Will be interesting to see what happens with the Horner investigation, insiders say he’s very unlikely to keep his job but I still think he’ll somehow manage to stay.

A lot of the new ‘24 liveries have been Carbon Fibre flavoured with very little colour so it was nice to see the Cash App Bull with some paint on it yesterday.

I just hope this season is better than the last really, I’m not a Max fan at all but I just want to see some more competition in general and a good mix of different drivers with race wins. I don’t expect to see a title fight and RBR to run away with it again but a few wins by a McLaren, Ferrari or Merc this year would be nice.
Some rumours that Marko wants rid of him.Newey said if he goes I go and the compromise was one more season.

I'd say that the only chance of that happening is if they have a totally crap season. From top to bottom it's a tremendous team, why would that be put in jeopardy?

Horner isn't the sort of guy I'd choose to go and have a drink with, but he's bloody good at his job and at this moment in time, they are at the absolute top of their game.

Success is pretty much all that matters in F1 and as a team, they are delivering that by the bucketful............and it's great to see. :)
Sky showing interview of him claiming his innocence and the sports lead seems to championing his cause, much to the dismay of the news lead.

Seems strange that this would be happening during an on-going investigation and with this happening during the unveiling of the car, looks like Red Bull are fully supportive of his case.
The independent investigation into team boss Christian Horner appears to be one of major proportions. The female employee who came forward in December 2023 at the billion-dollar group's headquarters in Austria accuses Horner of sexually transgressive behaviour.The employee handed over text messages, which would show this, to the external lawyer investigating the Horner case. The Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf obtained these messages.From the text messages between Red Bull's female employee and Horner, viewed by De Telegraaf, It emerges that Horner sent sexually oriented messages to the employee regularly and over a considerable period of time.It is also clear that Horner did everything he could to keep the matter under wraps. In the weekend before the first publication in De Telegraaf - after he was confronted with the investigation into cross-border behaviour on February 2nd and asked for a response - his lawyers sent a letter to the lawyer assisting the female employee within 24 hours. In it, the Horner camp offered a settlement for a whopping £650,000, which is just over €760,000.The allegations regarding Horner's sexually transgressive behaviour are now also known to several, other key players in the Formula 1 world.

No chance of coming back if this is true

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