FA Cup Final 2024 | Manchester Derby | Sat 25 May 3:00pm

I'm an FOC (apparently) and not in the best of health so my watching City is restricted to TV/streaming these days. So I'm probably not over qualified to give an opinion but I would have thought that anyone who holds a season ticket is at the front of the queue for tickets for ANY game? If more season ticket holders want a ticket than there are tickets available then think of a way to divvy them up and ditto if there are surplus tickets?
I wasn’t on the scheme last year and got them comfortably, but this year look set to miss out despite being in an earlier eligibility window - my own fault for not joining the scheme of course, but this thread makes for disappointing reading for blues with years of ST history (if reports here are true). Hope those blues fortunate enough to go have a great day out nonetheless
I would say it was biased to loyalty more than affordability joining the cup schemes.
Platinum i could have affirded it but chose not to.
Never regretted not joining.
Agree re the cup schemes, don't agree re platinum and ticket points fiasco !
There were a few years when the club was dishing out points like confetti 1500 or 1000 just for joining bloody cup schemes or buying a more expensive season ticket, e.g. platinum, which was biased towards those who could afford it. Absolutely nothing to do with loyalty.I was on cup scheme this year but the club cocked up and took me off the scheme and nobody would help ( I won't bore you ).However I wasn't too bothered based on last year when it went down to members as I assumed I would still get a ticket.Clearly, as Rammy blue and others have told us, we know why that won't happen this year ! Shame on City, but me and my son will have to watch it on TV this year. I am seriously considering jacking it in all together to be honest based on the club's behaviour with this.

Well said. I don't like the points system at all as it's completely flawed. Even now. Should be on games attended and on a rolling basis. Unlikely situation I know but a season ticket holder that just does it for one season but buys Platinum with cup schemes gets an additional 600 points on joining. So 980 points for one season? Plus presumably the additional points from all the home cup games that season. So could be well over a thousand points? They may not even attend a number of those games either and transfer them or stick them on the exchange. Whereas a matchday member who is probably more likely to attend each game they purchase and only gets 10 points a game. Makes no sense whatsoever. Basing that on just 19 league games it'd take the matchday member attending every home game for over 5 years to reach those numbers.
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I came off the cup scheme last season because of work and saving up to get married. Our wedding day was planned for the 3rd June of all days so I missed the final. My season card auto renewed and I totally forgot to re join the cup scheme. My mistake unfortunately, so I'm just pissed off we have been to all the cup games bar Luton and will miss the final again. If level 2 sells out before my window opens then I'll look at getting 2 from livefootballtickets website, there's over 2k tickets available on there apparently.
No problem pal, hope your wedding goes well, two days after my 34th anniversary to Mrs H, all the best to you both.
Well said. I don't like the points system at all as it's completely flawed. Even now. Should be on games attended and on a rolling basis. Unlikely situation I know but a season ticket holder that just does it for one season but buys Platinum with cup schemes gets an additional 600 points on joining. So 980 points for one season? Plus presumably the additional points from all the home cup games that season. So could be well over a thousand points? They may not even attend a number of those games either and transfer them or stick them on the exchange. Whereas a matchday member who is probably more likely to attend each game they purchase and only gets 10 points a game. Makes no sense whatsoever. Basing that on just 19 league games it'd take the matchday member attending every home game for over 5 years to reach those numbers.
Absolutely spot on.Games attended with the same points for each game built up over the years should be the criteria and NOTHING else. That should apply whether you are a season ticket holder or a match day member.Lots of match day members are just as loyal as season ticket holders but maybe cant afford a season ticket.The problem with the ticket points system is that the horse bolted many years ago with their pathetic points nonsense and there are still big issues with it now, as you say.
Absolutely spot on.Games attended with the same points for each game built up over the years should be the criteria and NOTHING else. That should apply whether you are a season ticket holder or a match day member.Lots of match day members are just as loyal as season ticket holders but maybe cant afford a season ticket.The problem with the ticket points system is that the horse bolted many years ago with their pathetic points nonsense and there are still big issues with it now, as you say.

Yes mate, and that's why I'm an advocate of the rolling/games attended method instead of points if any new season tickets become available too. I don't know why anybody would object to this unless you don't go regularly and for some reason still believe you should have priority. With the example I gave somebody could have 1000 points accumulated from just one season 6 or 7 years ago and not have been at all since and yet still have first dibs whenever they came up in the future. Ahead of somebody that's been doing 10 games a season for the past decade. Complete farce.
Never been a member of an osc always thought they were fantastic, I have a modest 13k points in cup schemes so get to cup finals, can someone please confirm what I'm reading that you can join an osc without and points and get a cup final ticket easily, I have always thought you had to have enough points to get a ticket even though your osc got the ticket for you.
Never been a member of an osc always thought they were fantastic, I have a modest 13k points in cup schemes so get to cup finals, can someone please confirm what I'm reading that you can join an osc without and points and get a cup final ticket easily, I have always thought you had to have enough points to get a ticket even though your osc got the ticket for you.
Been in OSC for over 40 years no you don't need the points though the majority are long standing members you need a supporters number OSC receive a set percentage of allocation which hasn't changed from last years final, each branch puts an application in if the allocations big enough then they receive what they ask for. If this season people who got them last year are nowhere near I leave to your imagination where the tickets have gone.

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