FA Cup SF | Liverpool | Sat 16 Apr 15:30 | Travel, Ticket & Pub Discussion

I’m one of the usual supporters, over fifty years since my first game , lost count of how many years I’ve had a season ticket or the number of games and away grounds I’ve done , but basically I can’t justify the cost , I’m sick of being taken for granted by the powers that be . £50 for the champions league game , monthly direct debit for my season ticket , fuel prices sky high, utilities direct debit doubled , supermarket shop through the roof . Then they decide to play it at Easter weekend, don’t they realise people have other commitments??
Hopefully we beat Liverpool so then that becomes another trip , same with the Champions league .
Then from a playing point of view at the business end of the seat , two weeks wasted on meaningless international friendlies, catering for face painted pricks to bang fucking drums while singing rule Britannia.
The FA have known for over a year about the planned maintenance work , did they care or give a fuck ???
Good luck to all travelling but this latest fiasco has made me think , from now on it’s personal circumstances and finance first for me .
Great post and so true. Supporting football is an expensive hobby these days. How dare anyone criticise another for picking and choosing
It will be a shame if we do not sell out because you can guarantee the Dippers will and will also buy any of our unsold tickets by hook or by crook , our support is brilliant but we just do not have the numbers of the 'istree clubs yet or as many plastic/tourists that they attract, No doubt the Dippers will, relish in our lack of ticket sales , but give me 25k loyal blues than the 60k the Dipshits will have at the game with the majority wearing their recently purchased half and half scarves.
After paying £50 for Atletico, might give this one a miss. They really do not care about the fans, only money. How are the average family supposed to afford these prices? Taking the kids to all these games would cost an absolute fortune.
I do feel for the working class people who have families. It’s just not possible for a family who live on a budget to attend these games. With the cost of living constantly on the rise, the FA and Premier League should see some sense and make football matches affordable for families to turn up every week. Something like a limited amount of family packages, at least it gives the opportunity for the less fortunate people to attend. It will never happen though, ticket prices will just keep going up. A family of four attending the semi in a couple of weeks will probably have to fork out a months mortgage payment just for a football match.
Quick ticket question if anyone knows the answer off the top of my head.

Will be buying another ticket using my mates account who’s on holiday when the games on. If I add his supporter number as friends and family, when I buy my ticket, can I request his ticket is sent to my house too? Issue is if it goes to his house while he’s away we can’t get it.
I do feel for the working class people who have families. It’s just not possible for a family who live on a budget to attend these games. With the cost of living constantly on the rise, the FA and Premier League should see some sense and make football matches affordable for families to turn up every week. Something like a limited amount of family packages, at least it gives the opportunity for the less fortunate people to attend. It will never happen though, ticket prices will just keep going up. A family of four attending the semi in a couple of weeks will probably have to fork out a months mortgage payment just for a football match.
Only a very small number, perhaps less than 2000 fans, attend every single match. So most of us have to be a bit selective. I don't think it makes people less loyal to the club. In my experience our away following is usually brilliant. I try to do all the Wembley matches if I can because I still have Cityitis and think every trip there might be our last chance!
Quick ticket question if anyone knows the answer off the top of my head.

Will be buying another ticket using my mates account who’s on holiday when the games on. If I add his supporter number as friends and family, when I buy my ticket, can I request his ticket is sent to my house too? Issue is if it goes to his house while he’s away we can’t get it.
That will be automatic if you do it on your account.
Agreed. This is what the focus of moves to improve the game should be focussed on. Fan experience and pricing. Absolutely no one gives a toss about it tho
no chance they give older fans a second thought . i'm done with it but it's been a blast.
i think as they are going to reward failure with a place in the CL through history tells me it's time to bow out .

let's see if Villa and Forest get their invites.
Only a very small number, perhaps less than 2000 fans, attend every single match. So most of us have to be a bit selective. I don't think it makes people less loyal to the club. In my experience our away following is usually brilliant. I try to do all the Wembley matches if I can because I still have Cityitis and think every trip there might be our last chance!
100% agree with your post Bobby.
Those 30 years between 1981 and 2011 were a nightmare as far as going to Wembley and actually winning a cup were concerned.
Teams like Everton , Middlesborough, Sheffield Wednesday,and even Oldham Athletic were once regular cup finalists ,but none of them have been to a Wembley Final for years.
So I always think "Make hay while the sun shines".
Because nothing lasts forever!!!
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Reckon there's as many Posters on here who "planned" to travel by train as there was at York away! Would piss all over the 84,569 crowd.

The only issue was the delay in announcing the date, I never expected the ko time to be brought forward which has opened up train options if you are creative (Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham).
Semi's been at Wembley for 20 odd years, hardly a surprise. Yes, Easter and Euston shut is an issue but not unsurmountable if you want to go.

If I wanted to go somewhere and my Mate didn't I'd just go without him not say fuck it I'll miss out.

Chiltern still have availability from Birmingham Moor St at £34, if you can get to Birmingham.
I read that Chiltern are putting more carriages on their trains that weekend.

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