FA Watch

sam the drummer said:
Right combining all of the ideas:

We have a website fawatch.co.uk

Which is like a blog, which on the front page contains incidents which the fa have turned a blind eye to.

There is a private contact form so anyone can submit and incident with whatever evidence they can find i.e. youtube video.

Someone/some of us? can look through these and appropriately type up the case for submission on the front page whilst someone else can send off emails to the appropriate people FA etc asking why nobody was punished.

There can be another page with links to people/websites that support this campaign to help create interest.

There could also be a page containing cases where the person was punished

We could then send emails to mods of other forums asking if they would make a post about the website and if they would like to be included on the support page

But its up to you Monty ;)

This would be perfect and Monty (he's not the real Mony Burns by the way I have proof) could be the man to continue with the letters etc. Someone else (Mod's on here perhaps?) could do the vetting. Brings us back to linking it to Bluemoon though.
Facebook groups and twitters can be made aswell with links to the site it all helps!

If anyone knows/could find out how to get articles on newsnow aswell that would be fantastic
not my fault! said:
sam the drummer said:
Right combining all of the ideas:

We have a website fawatch.co.uk

Which is like a blog, which on the front page contains incidents which the fa have turned a blind eye to.

There is a private contact form so anyone can submit and incident with whatever evidence they can find i.e. youtube video.

Someone/some of us? can look through these and appropriately type up the case for submission on the front page whilst someone else can send off emails to the appropriate people FA etc asking why nobody was punished.

There can be another page with links to people/websites that support this campaign to help create interest.

There could also be a page containing cases where the person was punished

We could then send emails to mods of other forums asking if they would make a post about the website and if they would like to be included on the support page

But its up to you Monty ;)

This would be perfect and Monty (he's not the real Mony Burns by the way I have proof) could be the man to continue with the letters etc. Someone else (Mod's on here perhaps?) could do the vetting. Brings us back to linking it to Bluemoon though.

Well I'm not going to PM you again if you're going to be so indiscrete straight away!

Lots of ideas there, as I said a moment ago it can't be up to me if we're going to go down some of the routes mentioned above because, one, I'm out of my depth and two, I can't order people around to do this job and that job especially when I don't know exactly what needs doing.

So I suggest that some of you who have ideas that could make it work do a pitch to everyone as to whay you see as the best way forward and how you'd make it happen. Obviously you'd then assume overall responsibility for the campaign but as I said before I'd be more than happy (and would quite like) to continue with the FA and media liaison having kicked that part of things off. I'd also have no problem being a 'mod' on the relevant part of the new 'board' or part thereof if needed.

So, not my fault, it looks to me that you've effectively started the ball rolling with your vision of things, hopefully that will encourage others to follow. If nobody else does I will nominate you for President.
Monty - I wasn't suggesting you set it up. Merely that the decision as to what to do should be as much yours as anyone else's, given this campaign was your idea in the first place.

I am sure we can find someone to help kick this off once we've decided what to do. Heck, Ric is a website designer/developer by trade. I am sure he would offer some help or hints if we asked him nicely?
Montgomery Burns said:
not my fault! said:
This would be perfect and Monty (he's not the real Mony Burns by the way I have proof) could be the man to continue with the letters etc. Someone else (Mod's on here perhaps?) could do the vetting. Brings us back to linking it to Bluemoon though.

Well I'm not going to PM you again if you're going to be so indiscrete straight away!

Lots of ideas there, as I said a moment ago it can't be up to me if we're going to go down some of the routes mentioned above because, one, I'm out of my depth and two, I can't order people around to do this job and that job especially when I don't know exactly what needs doing.

So I suggest that some of you who have ideas that could make it work do a pitch to everyone as to whay you see as the best way forward and how you'd make it happen. Obviously you'd then assume overall responsibility for the campaign but as I said before I'd be more than happy (and would quite like) to continue with the FA and media liaison having kicked that part of things off. I'd also have no problem being a 'mod' on the relevant part of the new 'board' or part thereof if needed.

So, not my fault, it looks to me that you've effectively started the ball rolling with your vision of things, hopefully that will encourage others to follow. If nobody else does I will nominate you for President.

Lol, I would never mention any PM's my friend I was just gutted your not the real man. Had a vision of you sitting in your huge house and your pointy yellow nose or you sat in your office at the power plant etc ;0) lol. Doh!

Seriously though I do think you're the man to write the letters etc, your first few have been excellent (no joke intended). And this would not have started without your vision and efforts. All I suggest is we ask Ric to link this to the site if only for pure ease? This would mean you can update it etc without having to get all Tech. This option for me is the best, quickest and cheapest way to do it. We know the media check the site, we know the club read it too and this to me says we should keep it here somehow? Problem is you need to join the site to post and fans of other clubs (except the sad few) wont do that. Thats why I suggested the idea of buying that web address for £^ and linking it to here would be a better option, that way other fans could contribute.

Keep up the good work Monty ;0)
Great Job MB.

Boswinga also got away with this beauty earlier in the year <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-HiskViZko" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-HiskViZko</a>
Aye a new forum on bluemoon would be the cheapest/quickest way to do things, but it may look as though its a few bitter city fans set out to get revenge.

I'm not a web designer or programmer so I cant put my idea into practice and I dont know how expensive these things are?

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