FA Watch

Prestwich_Blue said:
Here's what Graham Poll saod in the Daily Mail:
Laws of the game are specific in saying that “the allowance for time lost is at the discretion of the referee” and so Atkinson cannot be faulted technically for finding an extra three minutes in addition to the four minutes he allowed at the end of the second half.

Notwithstanding the issue of where he found the extra time from, as I understand this, Poll's comment that I have highlighted goes to the heart of the problem we face on this - the added time is at the descretion of the referee. Whilst there may be guidelines of so much for this and so much for that at the end of the day the ref still has this absolute discretion to add what he sees fit. We can argue until the cows come home about the fairness and concistency of this but unless I'm missing something this stumps us.

Whereas our arguments for consistency over the violent conduct and goal celebrations are different - in these cases refs are told to issue cards; it is not at their discretion.

Which is one of the reasons why, until someone persuades me to the contrary, I would rather not take this issue on with the FA for the time being - having said that there's another six pages to read through tonight, so never say never!
dannybcity said:
acquiesce said:
Take a look at the Gary O'Connor goal from Birmingham as well on the weekend. He was booked for celebrating in front of his own fans. From what I saw the only thing he did was raise his hands up in the air while team mates jumped on his back. He did cross the end line but did not go beyond the advertising boards.

He got booked for that!!

I couldn't believe, nor could the commentators. The celebration was not long by any standards. It was his own fans. It's unbelieveable.
City Raider said:
I understand your wishes not to take the extra time issue forward Monty but if you just heard Dermot Gallagher on Talksport you might have changed your mind.

The question was put to him - fair enough add on 1 minute for Bellamys celebration but why wasn't a minute also added for Owen's? His reply has me pretty flabbergasted.

I can't quote him word for word but essentially it came down to when the goal was scored. Bellamys in normal time therefore time added on, Owen's in injury time - can't add any more time on!!!

WTF! How can this be right? Basically if Bellamy had scored 5 seconds later (ie in injury time) the ref would have only played 4 minutes. This is a farce.

I understand what you say City raider, I really do, but playing Devils Advocate I'd just say ref's descretion. It's immoral what's gone on, we know it is, but ref's discretion gives them all the wriggle room they need.
Cheltblue said:
Just a bit extra:

There were two genuine injuries at Chelsea yesterday and that totalled 8 mins and 27 seconds. Howard Webb added 8 mins of extra time for that (so 27 seconds less than the actual time) and actually blew the final whistle on 98:37.

But there were also 2 goal celebrations to take into account in the 2nd half as well, which saw no extra time added.

So they had a lot less extra time than they should have had. But Atkinson adds a heel of a lot more extra time than he should have. Add that to the blatant penalty denial when Keane was taken out.

There is a very clear pattern emerging here!

Hi Chelt Blue,

I couldn't agree more - it's absolutely unfathomable and I don't know how they'd explain that - let me try - no too situations are the same and both referees issued their discretion as they are expected to do - bland and total cobblers, but we've seen some of their replies before.

I'd stick to the ground on which we're solid, at least for the time being, before chancing our arm - but that's just my opinion.
Bluekarl said:
Gary Neville goading City fans and missiles thrown at players....

100/1 Nothing will happen......

As I said earlier I need some bullets to fire on this one - let me have them someone!
hertsblue said:
Why havent the FA commented on Eboue's blatant cheat of a handball then sliding on his knees, ala Ade, in front of the Wigan fans ????????

Why havent the FA charged Neville yet for inciting the city fans??????

Why havent the FA charged Utd yet for coin throwing in the crowd and pitch invasion (ok only by 1 muppet but still)

The silence is incredible

I haven't heard of or seen the Eboue incident - I'm happy to e-mail the FA if necssary but would need more information - are there video links to this?
MCfcBOB said:
I know this is big, but YOU almost single handedly could change the way football is.


If that's directed at me I think I would be due something in the Queen's Birthday Honours list if we pulled it off - you could always bombard Liz with letters on my behalf - Sir C Montgomery Burns has a nice ring to it I feel!

beehive_bob said:
E-mailed the FA and queried the consistency of timekeeping, in particular:

why 4 minutes of added time were awarded in the first place,

why an additional minute was added on the grounds of excessive celebrations, when 55 seconds is hardly excessive and no different to many other goals when an additional minute has not been added;

after United scored their 4th goal, why the referee did not play an additional minute when the game restarted.

Also asked them if they were investigating Chuckle Brother, the incident where Garrido got hit, conduct of Ferguson and 4th official after United's 4th, and how the fan who tried to attack Bellamy got on the pitch in the first place.

Got the following reply, which was a whitewash and didn't answer any of my points on timekeeping, but did confirm that they're looking into the other points. Won't hold my breath though.

"Thank you for your email following the Manchester Utd v Manchester City game.

In extra time the time displayed on the board is an indication of the minimum number of minutes that will be played and all stadium announcers are asked to make this clear. In this case we understand that the fourth official indicated that a minimum of 4 minutes would be added. Approximately a minute was then added on for the goal celebration and thirty seconds for a substitution. The winning goal was then scored with a few seconds of the game remaining. We hope this clarifies the extra time added on Sunday.
We are unable to comment any further regarding your further points relating to the game, as these are currently being investigated by the FA, who deal with all disciplinary matters".

Now that's interesting Beehive Bob, very interesting - keep us informed please!
Bentheblue said:
Just a suggestion, John Stapleton may be able to help our cause and bring it to the attention of the media.
He was going beserk on TV this morning about the added time.
I met him away at Fulham last season and he is a really great bloke and a die hard blue.
As many of you will know he attends most home games and tries to get to as many southern games as he can.
I know he is on Facebook, I'm not, and wondered whether any bluemooners who are already on Facebook would be able to send him details of this thread.
I don't know how Facebook works, so don't know if it is possible.

Someone is going to put me in touch with him there could be a TV appearance in this for someone, although I'm duty bound to remind everyone we do have our own Media Whore (Not My Fault) who I would imagine is salivating at the prospect already. Damn!
over the ade blue moon said:
You are lucky to even get a reply, I wrote to the FA after the game v arsenal and never received a response. I wrote to them again yesterday which I'll copy below but its all pretty boring and irrelevant as nothing will happen or change, maybe the FA watch will have some effect we live in hope!

I would like to receive an explanation as to why the game and final goal was permitted to happen when 4 minutes of time were allotted at 90 minutes. Why did the final whistle blow after 6 & a half minutes, it is no wonder that Ferguson was hugging and amusing himself the 4th official.

I would also like you to confirm why the free kick was given prior to the goal and why even more importantly a free kick was awarded for the incident that led to the 3rd goal.

Your referees are an embarrassment and to consider giving a referee considered as a "clown" amongst football circles was given this game.

Once again the result of a game is influenced by poor refereeing.

I would furthermore wish for an explanation and response to my contact last week which has received no reply contrary to your Charter. For your benefit I have copied the text of my earlier message below:

***no courtesy of a reply***

I am a Man City fan and while I cannot deny the possibility of violent misconduct by Ade Adebayour I am quite staggered that he has been charged over his goal celebration.

There have been countless incidents of this nature in the past involving higher profile clubs than Man City yet no action was taken. I was present at the game (in the South stand) and had the displeasure of hearing disgusting chants before and during the game in addition to seeing bananas being thrown on the pitch along with various other missiles. What action is to be taken against Arsenal for not controlling their fans?

Van Persie himself during the game and after his goal ran toward the City fans shouting "*uck you" repeatedly as well as the word "*astards" in his sentences, comments that can clearly be seen on replays from the game. Why is action not being taken in this respect? Young children and adults in the crowd were no doubt offended by these unnecessary comments yet we as fans managed to control our actions unlike the Arsenal fans.

Also why if the referee did not see the incident has Van Persie not been called to answer for his challenge that has lead to the violent conduct charge being called? It really does stink of double standards. There is also the instance of your chief spokesman airing his views on national radio before a charge had even been raised which must surely prejudice any chance of a fair hearing for Ade by whoever is on the disciplinary panel. It is absolutely disgraceful that a member of your organisation should make such comments before an action is decided upon and it only served to increase the media hype surrounding the incident(s). This is a totally unprofessional action by an individual who is responsible for both the image and running of our national sport.

I also assume action will soon be taken against Vidic for his blatant slap against Wigan which was not witnessed by the referee at the time but was a clear act of violent misconduct against a fellow professional? Again I am sure the double standard rule will apply.

A rather mystified football fan, Ryan.

Excellent post Ryan, let us know how you get on.

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