FA Watch

This is an excellent idea and the enthusiasm is as always great and if there is anyhing I can do, please ask.

What I don't understand is when all other fans from other clubs come on board and it it becomes highly publisized what is being done, how or what is going to make the FA change its ways after it has carried on like it is, for so long.
In view of the lack of response to the e-mails to the nationals (sent to named journalists e-mail addresses) I have written again, this time to the sports editors at different addresses.

I was speaking a moment or so ago to someone on the sports desk at the Independent who showed a flicker of interest; the proof of the pudding of course will be if they want to come back to me having considered things once the have read what we have to say.
It's a great idea and good luck to you all. If there's anything i can do let me know. Being in the US though probably limits a lot of what I can do, but keep it up!
SboroBlu said:
This is an excellent idea and the enthusiasm is as always great and if there is anyhing I can do, please ask.

What I don't understand is when all other fans from other clubs come on board and it it becomes highly publisized what is being done, how or what is going to make the FA change its ways after it has carried on like it is, for so long.

Good question Sboro and the truth has to be faced that something like this will always be an uphill struggle.

I don't think for one moment that the FA will want to have a transparent process in place regarding these processes or even have to justify themselves as regards to what they do to little old Joe Public - if I was a betting man I would say that the FA's default behaviour with something like this is to batten down the hatches, say as little as possible and hope the matter goes away.

I would say the key to any success here lies in getting enough momentum going to generate sufficient publicity that gets a national campaign underway, preferably by one of the papers, if not, one of the main independent supporter organisations.

If all else fails it then becomes more of a war of attrition, with us becoming a thorn in their side.

But nobody should be under any illusions that there's going to be any quick wins here just because we feel right is on our side - we're up against some very powerful vested interests, so we need to be prepared to be in this for the long haul, or there's no point in doing it.
Just to add my bit, I joined Spursmad yesterday and started a thread about this. I will keep them posted over there.
Yeoj said:
ok ill do the photoshop part but I need to know exactly what needs to be done?

Thanks for this Yeoj,

Can you PM Sam with this news as he and Ric are taking the lead in this area.

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