FA Watch

Where did this 'time' for goal celebrations come from. I had never heard of it until yesterday!
How come last week when 5 goals were scored in the second half, two players needed treatment and there were four substitutions we had a total of 4 minutes?
Atkinson and Wiley are a disgrace.
This is what is ruining football, not City trying to break into the top 4.
not my fault! said:
pee dubya said:
I thoguht that at first but then someone explained it and that bit actually made sense after a while.

Apparently, because there was so little time left when Owen scored, the celebration didn't actually result in us losing any time. If Owen hadn't scored, we would have only had 16 more seconds to play before the final whistle, therefore 16 seconds were played after the restart, the goal results in no time being lost.

If you take the Bellamy goal though, if the celebration took up 1 minute of the 4 added minutes, then only 3 minutes would be played, meaning an extra minute was added to make sure 4 minutes was played in total.

It's hard to explain.

I hear what your saying but althought the extra time board had been put up, Bellamy's goal was timed at 89mins so he scored in normal time not in the allocated 4mins of extra time so that argument goes out the window.

No it doesn't. When Bellamy scored there was still the 4 minutes of "added" time still needed to be played, even when the match restarted at around the 91st minute mark.

No idea where the original 4 came from though.
blusmiff said:
We are not the only team that suffers these inconsistencies, we should be trying to get other fans involved in this .

We are in the process of doing that, blusmiff. We'll be contacting all the Prem club Forums once the new FA Watch website is up and running :)
In another thread I posted this

blueplan said:
There should be a sufficient DETERRENT -a min. 3 points deduction.
MU should be Punished for the lapse in security and made an example! Where else?

So that all clubs should sit up and be serious about it. FA officials should not be blasé about it.

Protection for the fans and players should be a two-way street.
A message should be send to FA by all EPL players and supporters that their working place is not safe.
If MU is not punished, then all players should 'downed their tools' until there is FAIRNESS and INTEGRITY in the sports.

How can one played in a climate of intimidation and fear? Footie fans, not scums, will suffer as the product, good game of football, is 'spoiled'.

Include this call to FA watch - without FEAR or FAVOUR!
OK, some thoughts on yesterday that I think should be addressed:

1) according to the FIFA website time added on can only be for substitutions and injury assessment. NOT FOR GOAL CELEBRATIONS. 4 minutes on the board, where did they come from?
2) if Bellamy's celebration was excessive where was his yellow card/red card? After all Adebayor was carded last week apparently for excessive celebration/time wasting.
3) if you are going to add time on for goal celebrations, then how come the final whistle was blown only 16 seconds after the restart from Owen's goal? You're telling me the United celebration lasted for 16 seconds?!?!?
We need to make a huge banner at our next home match in which Wiley tells Atkinson ' A match isn't over until Mr. Ferguson says its over' . I swear to God , I feel like punching Atkinson's head so much
As the name suggests, Montgomery Burns is my old man. He's actually been simultaneously driving us all mad and surprising us all weekend and I've been reading along right from the beginning - football discussions were banned from the dinner table last night courtesy of my long suffering mother although I think we were all secretly wondering how much Fergie paid for yesterday's stage show.

Anyway, he wanted me to leave a message as he's finally made it in to work this week so isn't surgically glued to the computer. He'll be back later to reply to messages and PMs.

Cheers... btw, what everyone's doing is great and I'll be offering up my time in anyway I can.
acquiesce said:
OK, some thoughts on yesterday that I think should be addressed:

1) according to the FIFA website time added on can only be for substitutions and injury assessment. NOT FOR GOAL CELEBRATIONS. 4 minutes on the board, where did they come from?
2) if Bellamy's celebration was excessive where was his yellow card/red card? After all Adebayor was carded last week apparently for excessive celebration/time wasting.
3) if you are going to add time on for goal celebrations, then how come the final whistle was blown only 16 seconds after the restart from Owen's goal? You're telling me the United celebration lasted for 16 seconds?!?!?

This is a key point, how long can one celebrate a goal
before it becomes excessive and the subject of added time?

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