FA Watch

Just something for the 'over-celebration' arguments.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11667_4412520,00.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528, ... 20,00.html</a>

Note the ref as well
Malouda ran to the crowd after his goal and wasn't booked, why not?
Are there any updates with the website and with the information to put out to the other forums?
SboroBlu said:
Are there any updates with the website and with the information to put out to the other forums?

Can't give you a date yet, but we're working on it!

Sorry for the delay.

An important announcement about some changes at FA Watch

As you know, my idea of ‘FA Watch’ was simply little old me firing missives off to the FA on a regular basis highlighting alleged inconsistencies of both their match officials and in many cases, their own disciplinary board.

I believe I said my motivation was one; to vent my spleen to rid myself of growing frustration and two, irritate the hell out of the blazer brigade at FA HQ in the process.

The thought that this idea would snowball in the way it has never occurred to me for one moment. Perhaps I would have kept my mouth shut if it had!

Nevertheless, having sat on the Bucking Bronco I felt obliged to cling on and see where it took us. It’s been quite an experience, to say the least.

I’ve been overwhelmed by the many words of encouragement and offers of support from so many other people who obviously feel the same way as I do. But there comes a time when one has to sit back and evaluate and now is one of those moments.

I think the amount of progress we have made in a very short time is truly amazing:

• We have a website on the brink of going ‘live’.
• We have a team of 20 co-ordinators poised to make contact with literally a few hundred fan websites across the country.
• We have a process underway to appoint ‘watchers’ who will monitor games on our behalf – this will be rolled out nationwide once our recruitment drive brings fans in from other clubs.
• We have people in place for dealing with the media, we have researchers, and we have legal advice available to us.
• We have an interim board in place with specific roles delegated to particular individuals.
• We have a Mission Statement and we are working on a constitution.

amongst other things.

So foundations have been put in place very quickly; too quickly if truth be known, because there was no time allowed for in the planning of this - the whole thing simply evolved incredibly quickly, as we reacted to one thing after another.

So getting to where we are today has been an achievement in itself - I certainly think so anyway, and everyone should be rightly proud of what we have done collectively.

But we are at a critical time in the development of ‘FA Watch’. The next few weeks could make or break us. I get the impression that things will move at an amazing pace once the website goes ‘live’ and we need to be able to react positively to this and above all, present ourselves to the outside world as a professional organisation who want to and deserve to be treated seriously. This will not happen if we screw up on day one.

I have come to the decision that ‘FA Watch’ needs someone more qualified to take the project on than I am. We all have different skill sets as has been said, and there are better people than I available to take this project forward. After all, this project is not about me, it is about the greater good of what we are trying to achieve. I have always been of the view that what is important is that the best person for the job runs ‘FA Watch’ rather than by default, the guy who thought the idea up.

So with that in mind Not My Fault will be taking up the leadership baton with immediate effect and will become the Chair of ‘FA Watch’, with Moonbeams as his Deputy. Not My Fault will take over day to day responsibility for the project, again ably assisted by Moonbeams. I still intend to be on the ‘FA Watch’ board and play a full and active part, including being the focal point for contact with the FA itself, but the future for me is as a worker not the leader.

I have no doubt Not My Fault and Moonbeams will do an excellent job in taking this project forward, and I am sure that everyone will give them their wholehearted support, as will I.

Not My Fault will be posting a personal message in this thread in a few moments, which I endorse absolutely.

Just so people know, I will still be around. I am not going anywhere. You may hear almost as much from me in the future as you would have done if things were not changing. Sorry about that!

Thanks again everyone.

This has probably been missed by a few, thanks Mark for getting the ball rolling.

You've taken this from a personal mission, to something that is only going to get bigger and bigger. And has every chance of changing the game for the better.

Enjoy your semi-retirement, ha ha.

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