Fabian Delph

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I'm better than Fernando and I've had a double hip replacement and my left foot is a fish.
I dont want Delph but im also hoping that Fernando will be much better in his second season as he is used to the club, league and his team mates.
I think were being really harsh on the lad - same with Mangala.
he looks out of his depth for england so how will he look at city??

really hope this doesn't happen, but if we miss out on wilshere i think it will as we still need to replace lampard for the hg quota.

sterling will replace milner.

i am hoping he stays loyal to villa.
This would be repeating the mistakes of the last couple of years. If you are buying someone then you need to ensure they are better than the guys they are replacing. We haven't done that for some time now.
"I'm too thick to be a WUM" is a pretty wonderful defence that I've never actually seen before

Ha! It's not that I'm too thick. I'd like to think I'm a fairly intelligent bloke, Damo. It's just I'm not of that calculating, snidey or manipulative disposition. I'd never deliberately wind anybody up, just not in my nature.

Though I am, admittedly, a miserable bastard.
I dont want Delph but im also hoping that Fernando will be much better in his second season as he is used to the club, league and his team mates.
I think were being really harsh on the lad - same with Mangala.
Its wrong to to tarnish Mangala with the same brush as Fernando, in the same way that throwaway comments often associate Fernandinho with being similar to Fernando.

In Mangala we have a player with clear strong points who has had some great games and is clearly going to be a very good player for us, hopefully a great player.

In Fernandinho we have a Rolls-Royce of a midfielder, with international pedigree and proven on the European stage.

Fernando is a comedian in comparison, a really really bad signing. He is worse than Delph, and I don't think Delph is anywhere near good enough to warrant us signing him.
rumours are that the Chile coach is also going to get him off the the team as punishment...so might have played his last Copa game this year!
Thank fuck, with the amount of penalties Chile were getting and him taking them all I wasn't going to win my Aguero top GS bet.
If we descended into signing players like Delph purely for HG rules, then someone's head would have to roll. It's not worked in the past and it won't work again until the right calibre of player is found. The real work to be done is first of all is to carry out the promised rebuilding of the 17 overseas player squad, bringing in A list players and to sell off the C list group. By my reckoning, only Kun, Merlin and maybe Yaya fit the A bill, and both Pogba and De Bruyne to replace some of the weaker members will improve us too. Maybe Sterling and Wilshere will get us that bit closer but players like Delph when added to Fernando won't and we can't allow that to happen if we are to be serious on the big stage.
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