Fabian Delph

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We're not giving the media a field day. City say nothing about transfers until a deal is done.

We can only control our own message - what others choose to reveal to the media is nothing to do with us.

We are in a pretty unique position in world football (certainly in football in this country), in respect of what we are trying to achieve, and we should not expect our competitors to allow us to do whatever we want, without using their position to undermine our efforts. That's sport - that's business!

What is interesting is how outside influences may be causing our "project" to evolve.

Before FFP, the impression was that Manchester City would just spend their way to success, whilst the old guard across town were a club that nurtured youth. Now, arguably largely because of FFP, that has already evolved into us investing hundreds of millions in our youth development, whilst United seem to be going for the Real Madrid strattegy of spending on established stars.

Perhaps, amongst all the doom, people should try to look at the long term, and wonder whether this may turn into another blessing in disguise, in that it may force us to begin looking at who is good enough within our youth ranks to be given a chance at first team level. This could be the chink in the glass that was needed to start the floodgates opening. Or it may not?

The point is, we don't know what this means for our long term strategy right now, and we may look back in 10 years, and see this as an opportunity, rather than a backwards step.

Or not! But this isn't by any means the disaster that the media will portray it as, and in any case, who fucking cares what they say!
The only disaster is for the mard arses on here.
We wanted him to be our new Milner and he obviously wanted to play more.
Utter horseshit.

Milner was one of our most used players last season. So game time was not the issue for Delph.

Got a funny feeling that big nosed c*** Hodgson has stuck his beak in and told Delph to stay.
it's not the fact he isn't joining, but the fact we got turned down by Delph (who really cares, he's nothing special) when the deal was practically done. That's shambolic and 3 years worth of banter for others.
If he was due to have photos done today etc... Obviously he had said yes to us prior. Him saying no now could be Because of a number of reasons none if which we'll know except delph. The lad might of gotten cold feet at the prospect of playing for a team that fights for titles or he may have spoken to players like Sinclair etc... If it is the latter it shows how much he rates himself. I can't see how its citys fault?
And who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks. Why would you give two fucks what anyone else thinks? Are you worried you'll get stick when you go in work tomorrow.
Be hilarious if txiki told Delph to wait out saying yes to make it look like city wouldn't over pay in wages to make Liverpool think we are not desperate for HG players. They shit themselves thinking we've spent this money and still need another 3 players just to stay in top 6, maybe we should back down and accept £40m. We get sterling then Delph signs day after, cheeky is fucking genius we get our men at a good price. Pogba roles in with kdb and hold on Valencia offer us £50m for nasri and Fernando which we invest in Gaya. Then I wake up cry and go to work
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