Fabian Delph

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If you listen to people on hear that is supposed to be Txiki's job.

The problem is though nobody really knows what Txiki does, partly because his duties are ambiguous and partly because if he is doing whatever he is doing well then wtf has he got to show for it?

With the manager picking the team on a weekly basis, as a player I'd want to know from the horses mouth how much game time I was roughly going to get. Personally I'm not inspired by pellers and I am sure many of our targets won't be when compared with the top drawer managers. It's more important with Delph being an English player as they need more convincing than the overseas players
Don't agree at all. He's had a last minute bout of small fish in a big pond syndrome. Despite what people think about some of the lads we've got playing for us it's much harder to make it at the top than it is at lesser clubs. If he didn't even fancy trying to get in the side that tells us all we need to know. We can just be thankful we didn't have to wait for any football to be played before finding out he wasn't good enough.

fair enough, i can absolutely see where you're coming from, I just think he's probably given himself a bit of a reality check. I'm sure he's confident enough in his own ability but there's a limit between being confident and deluding yourself. He knows full well and would no doubt of been told as much that he'd be coming as a squad player. Some are happy to do that and pick up a better wage and win titles with little contribution like Sinclair, some maybe think they've got a chance to better themselves and break into the team like i think Rodwell probably thought and some maybe are slightly more realistic and see the best option long term is to stay where they are. Like i said, i think it takes balls to say no to city when you look at the short term gains he stood to benefit from.
It's hilarious that the muppets who didn't want him are the ones being the most vocal here.

I thought he'd be a good signing,but barely care in the scheme of things. I hope he enjoys the obligatory relegation dogfight. Villa must be fuming as they bought his replacement
I think he could still end up here. Didn't villa sign a midfielder yesterday? I wouldn't be surprised if this is to get a loyalty bonus out of villa or such like.

What it does do though is confirm that these things aren't done and dusted until it's on the OS. For the record, I think he would have been a good signing but only if he was playing in a two alongside someone like Pogba. Even so, he would have faced stiff competition for his place in the starting line up from Fernandinho. Not the end of the world if it doesn't happen.

His statement seems pretty final, although i am sure tomorrow he will be have one of those " have i done the right thing " moments
Respect to the lad.

He's obviously true to Villa which is a rarity nowadays.
Not even Isco could save this summer I reckon!
Please city sign Isco for me. I've bought 4 season cards and two new city shirts and I'm getting the lad an away shirt when I comes out. I even went bloody platinum !!!
Please city, I've been such a good fan ;);)
With the manager picking the team on a weekly basis, as a player I'd want to know from the horses mouth how much game time I was roughly going to get. Personally I'm not inspired by pellers and I am sure many of our targets won't be when compared with the top drawer managers. It's more important with Delph being an English player as they need more convincing than the overseas players

It does worry me that pellergrini may not have the pull that other managers might have.
This deal is perhaps an even bigger indicator of how fine a balancing act transfers really are than Isco's.

Until the ink is dry anything can happen.

Maybe Delph only got half way through signing his name before Txiki mumbled "... And you'll have to beat out Pogba too"
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