Fair Play Craig

Best of luck Craig. You've been a pleasure to have at the club and gave us some unforgettable moments during your stay here and you are probably, I'd say in the last 3 or 4 years, arguebly best value for money signing we've made. It's a shame to lose you but you're a credit to the club and for me, you're welcome back anytime. I have a lot of time for Bellamy still. I thought he handled the press well and I wish him and Cardiff City the best of luck in their race for promotion. All the best!
johnny crossan said:
For those that missed it here's Craig's PC

Negotiations going on for months apparently but he was still kicking us in the teeth last week. Anyway it's alright he's happy now, I wonder how our club feels though ?

Great stuff. Nice one Craig. This is a man who will not 'do what he is told' and I believe him to be sincere and doing what he wants to do, which he could not have done without our full support. Win/Win.
He's a top lad and i wish him all the best in whatever the rest of his career brings!

Anyone else notice that Marwood never got thanked.................
His last Sky interview lost him £180,000. He wasn't going to go £360,000 short, was he?

Didsbury Dave said:
A big "fuck off" to all the "Bellamy is a c.unt" hypocrites giving it the big one yesterday. Especially Alera.

I won't be hypocritical.

Fair play to the lad for not giving the Press anything today but it doesn't change what I saw at the end of that Spurs game and doesn't change the way I felt that night when I saw it. Some people didn't see it the way I did and only Craig can tell us really what his motives were, but I'll back Alera on that one.

I'll always be a fan of him as a footballer, but I'm not changing my opinion that the club will be a more stable place without him and it was the correct decision to get rid.

EDIT: To end on a positive note though, his goals at Old Trafford will live long in the memory and I'm not sure I have gone as mental in the home end of an away ground as I did when that 3rd went in. Like I say, I'll always be a fan of him as a footballer.
Evening all, Cardiff fan in peace. I just wanted to thank all concerned at your City for enabling Craig Bellamy to fulfill his dream of playing for his hometown City. In all honesty I think he would have loved to have stayed and played with you for at least another year if not for the issues regarding his relationship with Mancini. I am well aware that Craig very often speaks his mind and often when he should actually keep it shut but that's Craig and he's not going to change now. Some very gracious comments on this board regarding Craig looking happy, speaking well and refusing to slate Mancini and anything to do with your club which I find refreshing in a time of keyboard warriors! Particular thanks from Craig went to Gary Cook and Carl Doon for facilitating the move who have in his words "have been brilliant" and while I dont know what they have done in the way of salary we certainly appreciate it here too!! Hopefully this will kick start a promotion push for us this year and you never know we may see you all next year. Good Luck with your season. Regards a very very happy Bluebird!
Bluebirdsmile said:
Evening all, Cardiff fan in peace. I just wanted to thank all concerned at your City for enabling Craig Bellamy to fulfill his dream of playing for his hometown City. In all honesty I think he would have loved to have stayed and played with you for at least another year if not for the issues regarding his relationship with Mancini. I am well aware that Craig very often speaks his mind and often when he should actually keep it shut but that's Craig and he's not going to change now. Some very gracious comments on this board regarding Craig looking happy, speaking well and refusing to slate Mancini and anything to do with your club which I find refreshing in a time of keyboard warriors! Particular thanks from Craig went to Gary Cook and Carl Doon for facilitating the move who have in his words "have been brilliant" and while I dont know what they have done in the way of salary we certainly appreciate it here too!! Hopefully this will kick start a promotion push for us this year and you never know we may see you all next year. Good Luck with your season. Regards a very very happy Bluebird!

Lol, I honestly don`t know if that`s a joke but if it wasn`t meant to be he was refering to Khaldoon Al Mubarak, but cheers anyway and good luck for the rest of the season.
Good luck to Craig and Cardiff. Sorry to see him go.Thanks for the memories and the goals, especially against the rags.

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