Fair Play Craig

Gelsons Dad said:
There is a huge flood of naivety on this thread.

We are paying for this so what the hell do you think they are going to say. Bellamy is still an employee of the club and I'm quite sure it was scripted and both knew exactly what they could and couldn't say.

The politics of life my friends. Just wait till Bellers is out of contract before sainting him.
Bang on, he knew what he was doing in previous PC and he knew what he was doing in this one, a leopard never changes it's spots.
What do you think will happen next season if he plays well (will probably be the championship player of the season) and if he doesn't retire, will he come back or what because i can't see city paying his wages for another year if he's going to be playing for someone else
Gelsons Dad said:
There is a huge flood of naivety on this thread.

We are paying for this so what the hell do you think they are going to say. Bellamy is still an employee of the club and I'm quite sure it was scripted and both knew exactly what they could and couldn't say.

The politics of life my friends. Just wait till Bellers is out of contract before sainting him.

I'm not sure, Bellamy is very outspoken, he's not one who comes out with the cliched soundbites to please the masses.





Judging from those interviews, he'll say how he feels without hesitation. Maybe when he's out of contract it will change though.
lol @ dave jones telling sky they can put whatever spin they like on it, always liked the man, well done!
Bobbins said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
But sky and the media in general are fair and even handed.They don't have any kind of agenda against us.Ask Pigeonho and Didsbury Dave.

Does no one find it funny that Bellers press conferance was broadcast live yet Baloteli's wasn't ????? Do you think they were expecting Bellers to stick in the knife and give them all the negative vibes they were craving ??? What a delight to see him sing the praises of our club and wipe the smirks right of the faces of all the sky/Talk shite/and rag top journo's faces !! No doubt they will spin it some negative way but we as City fans will be very happy with what we heard so fuck um !!
teamsky's simon thomas on ssn is still prodding dave jones, trying to put words in his mouth.
dave jones fucked him off too !
For those that missed it here's Craig's PC

Negotiations going on for months apparently but he was still kicking us in the teeth last week. Anyway it's alright he's happy now, I wonder how our club feels though ?
Lancet Fluke said:
A genuine shame he couldn't have been that diplomatic over the last 8 months as he'd probably be playing for us on Thursday if he had.
Exactly that, but he'll turn on us once he gets his feet under the table there. Is it me or was loaning players a way of getting them off the payroll ? I can't see cardiff paying his wages seeing as they are virtually in administration you know what I mean?
Bobbins said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
But sky and the media in general are fair and even handed.They don't have any kind of agenda against us.Ask Pigeonho and Didsbury Dave.

Does no one find it funny that Bellers press conferance was broadcast live yet Baloteli's wasn't ????? Do you think they were expecting Bellers to stick in the knife and give them all the negative vibes they were craving ??? What a delight to see him sing the praises of our club and wipe the smirks right of the faces of all the sky/Talk shite/and rag top journo's faces !! No doubt they will spin it some negative way but we as City fans will be very happy with what we heard so fuck um !!
The thing is,the ones on here who say that theres no anti City agenda can't lose really.Even when the evidence is put in front of them,all they say is "grow a pair","get a thicker skin" or "who gives a fuck what anyone says about us".I honestly wouldn't give a shit about them reporting negative stuff about us as long as it's balanced and not just one sided shit.

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