Fairytale of New York

I believe that two words were an issue, although only seems to be concentrating the mind in here tonight.
You’re moving away from my point though. You’re trying to make out I’m against banning it, I’ve said nothing of the sort.
My point is one of confusion. It’s either offensive, in which case it should be banned, or it’s not in which case it should be played.
Which is it?
Sorry, no intention of trying to move away from your point. I thought I addressed it earlier, when I said that the BBC audience isn’t homogeneous and they presumably tailor their content accordingly on different channels. What’s deemed offensive by one demographic might not be by another.
I don’t think that’s a particularly unreasonable viewpoint tbh.
Its a strange one, I try to always be respectful when discussing subjects that I’ve never had a horse in the race, so to speak. I’m a white heterosexual male who hasn’t ever had to deal with the issues many have. What I am though, is somebody who left home at a very early age, travelled the world and did most of my growing up surrounded by every colour, creed and sexual orientation you could think of. Over time, as you go from a dickhead 17 year old to an adult you realise that none of the labels mean shit. You’re either a good’un or a bad’un. Nearly 30 years after leaving home, a lots changed but that’ll always ring true. I’ve seen the discrimination that goes on and it’s fucking heartbreaking that we are still a million miles from it stopping, there will always be people who can’t accept the way some live their lives as it’s not the way they think it should be lived.
Fuck them, they will be left behind eventually. It still doesn’t explain why in this case I think this song should stay as it is/maybe/I don’t know!!
Sorry for rambling! Haha!
I believe that two words were an issue, although only seems to be concentrating the mind in here tonight.
You’re moving away from my point though. You’re trying to make out I’m against banning it, I’ve said nothing of the sort.
My point is one of confusion. It’s either offensive, in which case it should be banned, or it’s not in which case it should be played.
Which is it?

Its not binary like that as it depends on if people focus on the intent or the wording itself. The original absolutely should exist as the point of use of the language in the song isn’t about causing offence to the listener at all, it’s to say something about the character saying it and that was absolutely right of its time, given it was deemed as acceptable use. You’d hope people that love the original realise that too, although I do think some probably just think “uh huh huh. She said faggot...”

For a younger audience though, they will purely see it as use of an offensive term that isn’t really needed - it doesn’t detract from knowing that the characters and their relationship in the song is broken or the story of it at all. I’d actually argue it’s a very good thing that the use of that term now is deemed as not needed as a social commentary but instead seen solely as a derogatory term.Well, it would be if there wasn’t the uproar every time they tried to limit it even just to younger audiences, that’s become the social commentary more in itself.

The song and the wording is only ultimately offensive to people that don’t understand why that wording was used in the first place. There is an irony that a lot of people (like Fox) calling for it to be played everywhere also fall into that same bracket of not understanding it too though.
Every single year.

It’s becoming a Christmas tradition.
I'm surprised they haven't gone for the "They're banning Christmas to not offend Muslims" complaint. It's so obvious this year.

But I really don't get this. Eminem has loads of songs with this word in. Would any of them be played on Radio 1 uncensored? Maybe late at night. The reality is that if the song was released today, it would be censored without question on controversy. The only reason it's even a debate is because it's traditional. Censorship is always a blunt instrument. Often a list of acceptable and unacceptable words and how many times you're allowed to include them in a programme. There's often not much judgment made about context, but that applies to all songs, not just this one. That's why every rapper that uses the N-word is censored on the BBC even though they're clearly not using the word in a racist sense. But you don't hear people writing in to the BBC or asking to defund the BBC because they can't listen to those songs uncensored.
I'm not a big fan of Owen Jones, but I think he sums it up quite well here:

Was trying to just link the second part. For some reason it won't let me just link a single post. Pain in the arse.
Heard this edited version in the staff canteen on grwatest hita this morning.

Slut is just blanked and the 92 verse change sang by McColl

You scumbag you maggot
You're face is all haggared

Is used.

So The Pogues own editted for radio version being used, they changed it so much ado about nothing as always with these outrages

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