Falkirk v Celtic

hello said:
wow, theres some fuckin blinkered views from the celtic mob, As someone who server in NI and got showered in glass from the natwest tower during the manc bombing the political clutching at straws is just bollox. 90% of people on both sides just wanted to get on with their lives go to work and raise a family etc. the 10% of nobheads in the bluejim mode wanted to blow people up. Yes having your house raided early hours and a gun pointed at your head ain't nice, buts its not dangerous. leaving 50kg of semtex under someones bed to blow up a shopping centre was. In the raids I was involved in physical restraint was used twice and one of the twats have enough motar tubes to sink half the english channel in his gargage.

Celtic and to a lesser extent rangers could both be considered great historical clubs if they made any effort to cut the bigotory from the minority's. The real shame is seeing 12 year olds singing pro IRA songs without any idea what its about because their older pears are too pissed/ ignorant to teach them any better.

Every club including our own has its nobs but unfortunately the old firm have a larger % latching onto dated political shit that belongs nowhere near the sporting world.
I've wanted to blow people up? You dont know me you bellend. I've been against violence for as long as I can remember.
A Blue said:
blue jim said:
How much of a pleb are you? Irish boats invaded the coast of England and Wales before the idea of England fucking existed.

Wise up. If you can give me some facts on more people being killed in the civil war than by the "English" (real term: British), then I'll believe you. I doubt it extremely heavily that from the 1600s to 1922 there were more deaths in the civil war than during occupation. There were more deaths in the bloody troubles than in the civil war that you were apart of. Ask your army mates how many houses they broke into at 4 in the morning to lift men and teenagers because of who they were, or ask them for their explanation. Go fuck yourself you sarcastic ****.

No , sarcasm is when you ring Mrs O,neil and say "Hello, Mrs O'Neil would it be ok to raid your house at 12 o'clock this afternoon to speak to young Sean about the bombs he planted that killed and maimed a number of men ,women and children.............No ? Oh hes signing on at that time and hiding his rifle, ok could you ask him to call us when he's back ,so we can arrange a mutually suitable time to search his room please."
There were more deaths in the civil war than in the troubles is what i should have said for which I apologise.
It seems that being a pleb is not just restricted to me, now go forth and multiply.
I'm sure you know all about raiding houses, don't you.
bluepeter62 said:
This Bluemoan forum is a disgrace to the club, and I fervently hope that Celtic stay well clear of England.

Mancityfans.net is that way >>>> Close the door on your way out.
Hate to post this but enoughs enough.Every thread involving religion from any board i post in seems to end this way.Time to end this thread in my opinion.
strongbowholic said:
blue jim said:
Aye, the SDLP, the same party that turns up for tea and biscuits then fecks off. Would be better spoiling a vote.

I dont have a one sided view of Irish history mate I've probably read more books on loyalism than I have on republicanism and taken everything i possibly could into account to form my opinions.

But apparently, thats a crime on here.

Is that the same SDLP that John Hume was a member of, you know, that bloke that brokered the first peace deal with David Trimble?

Don't get me wrong, Gerry and Martin have done fantastically well to reinvent themselves and there will be a united Ireland within the next 100 years or before. But in all fairness Jim, there's two sides to every story and without coming the cnut, I am one who knows and you need know no more.

Your good self is suffering from one of the worst semantic problems to come out of the Troubles, a terrible dose of 'what-about-ery'.

It's all got to stop. Too many have died. Too many are still being indoctrinated. And those teams north of the border perpetuate it by their very existence.
John Hume isnt the leader of the SDLP anymore. Why do you think they get so little votes? They don't actually do anything, they dont even attempt to look interested when canvassing people!

Your right, it has to stop, I've already began, I moved out of Belfast, most of my friends are suprisingly, protestant rangers fans, I even go to Windsor Park, 10 years ago Id have never done that! one step at a time. What angers me is people assuming I suddenly support the IRA. Even the two ex squaddies on here will try and use the IRA against me when oddly enough, it was not me pointing guns at people. I wasnt the one to mention the IRA, nor do I support them anyway.
bluepeter62 said:
de niro said:
its an emotional thread, the mods will watch for any racism or abuse just like any other.

boring it is'nt.

This thread is full of racism my friend!! Of course its because you English are racist towards the Scottish people, then it doesn't matter.

What makes me laugh is that some little English cretin starts a hate thread about Celtic and Rangers, then proceeds to ask why we are talking about those teams.

Obviously you and other so called City fans forget about the morons who pretend they are aeroplanes whilst singing the munich song around the bars at COMS.

Now I wait for your denials, which we all know are absolute lies!!

This thread is full of racism my friend!! Of course its because you English are racist towards the Scottish people, then it doesn't matter.

What makes me laugh is that some little English cretin starts a hate thread about Celtic and Rangers, then proceeds to ask why we are talking about those teams.
I started the thread & it has fuck all to do with race,it was started to highlight the FACT that Celtic fans had disrupted the silence.
I think we have all heard this week about the threats of disruptance of todays minutes silence at the game & i thought like with the mass hysteria on here & in the media in the week before the Muniich memorial Derby common sense would prevail.
Well i listened to the start of the game & thought that went off ok,a couple of idiots, but overall well done the Celt's.
But SkY tv have fuckin muted it,shame on them for doing that,i know the scale of 23 dead at the Muniich aircrash & the millions dead & wounded in wars are miles apart, BUT we were left wide open to be shamed & so should those horrible twats have been.
You did indeed get slaughtered for it & rightly so.
TheMightyQuinn said:
blue jim said:
Ahh, a bit of "lets gets this shit back on topic" eh? ;)

If we all just accept that all clubs have a vast amount of nob heads as 'fans' then the non nob heads could all get on a lot better.
But thats boring, man!

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