Falkirk v Celtic

What benefits are those? Having children shot by the British army? Random arrests and curfews, innocents killed by trigger happy soldiers? Loyalist paramilitaries being armed by the British army?

Must have missed something..when did this happen in Glasgow? Because last time I looked Celtic were a Scottish team..no?

In case it escapred your notice citizens of England, Scotland, Wales AND Norther Ireland are currently in active service in the Middle East..surely giving a minute for the kids who are dying over there right now would not have been out of the question.

Could you imagine the impact hearing that shite would have had on the troops in Afghanistan picking it up on a web feed..they'd be forgiven for thinking why are we giving our lives for these people.

There is absolutely no justification for the scumbags who disrespected the silence today. None whatsoever.

(P.S I lived in scotland for 20 years, I've attended countless games at Parkhead and Celtic are my 2nd team)
snip said:

So Rememberance day is all about ireland is it?

No it Fookin isnt! its about people from this country and others fighting for freedom.
You may say thats the same as th irish people but FFS take a look at yourself and those celtic scum.
If there was a minutes silence for everyone killed in the troubles do you think ordinary british people would protest through it?

Maybe i should protest every time i hear the /german or Japanese anthems as my relatives were killed by them!!!FFS
<a class="postlink" href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8348225.stm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8348225.stm</a>
"Thousands of people across the country have honoured the men and women killed in conflicts past and present with a two-minute silence."

So, considering the very long history of British soldiers in Ireland and then Northern Ireland, yes I would consider it a pretty big aspect. At least, it is to people who lost family and friends to the British army.

Now, don't get me wrong, I'd have obeyed the silence personally, but dont call people "scum" because they dont agree with your point of view. They have a right like any other to protest what they believe is wrong. The protests were aimed at the Celtic board for bringing in politics to Celtic when we were told to stop with politics, and to commemorating British soldiers killed in Ireland. They were not aimed at WW1 and WW2 dead, my own family fought in both wars as did many thousands of Irish.

Tell the thousands of dead Iraqis' families that their sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, died for freedom.
blueshortshorts said:
What benefits are those? Having children shot by the British army? Random arrests and curfews, innocents killed by trigger happy soldiers? Loyalist paramilitaries being armed by the British army?

Must have missed something..when did this happen in Glasgow? Because last time I looked Celtic were a Scottish team..no?

In case it escapred your notice citizens of England, Scotland, Wales AND Norther Ireland are currently in active service in the Middle East..surely giving a minute for the kids who are dying over there right now would not have been out of the question.

Could you imagine the impact hearing that shite would have had on the troops in Afghanistan picking it up on a web feed..they'd be forgiven for thinking why are we giving our lives for these people.

There is absolutely no justification for the scumbags who disrespected the silence today. None whatsoever.

(P.S I lived in scotland for 20 years, I've attended countless games at Parkhead and Celtic are my 2nd team)
If youve been to Celtic Park then you should know theyre as Irish as they are Scottish and we are proud of that link to Ireland and to Scotland.

They should be brought home mate, not made to fight for someone elses gain. They certainly arent over there to fight for some sort of freedom, thats a load of balls.

Tell the thousands of Kurds murdered by saddam that freedom was not wanted.

FFS jim dont try and justify what went on today
snip said:

Tell the thousands of Kurds murdered by saddam that freedom was not wanted.

FFS jim dont try and justify what went on today
I agree with you on that; I dont agree with bombing the fuck out of the civilian population.

You can stay wrapped up in patriotism all you want, we have our free speech and will use it accordingly. If people really want politics to stay out of football then keep to that. No politics in football, at all.
The great occassion in Scottish football that is the Old Firm game.

The Celtic fans with their green white and gold banners singing about Ireland

The Rangers fans with their Union flags singing about the Queen who's English and lives in London

Then both sets of supporters start singing songs about paramilitaries in Northern Ireland

Then after the match they go outside and have a fight over the Pope who's German and lives in Italy

As I said, a great Scottish occassion
NQT said:
The great occassion in Scottish football that is the Old Firm game.

The Celtic fans with their green white and gold banners singing about Ireland

The Rangers fans with their Union flags singing about the Queen who's English and lives in London

Then both sets of supporters start singing songs about paramilitaries in Northern Ireland

Then after the match they go outside and have a fight over the Pope who's German and lives in Italy

As I said, a great Scottish occassion
Ha ha excellent.

We have our freespeech because our parents/grandparents fought for it!!!!!
Which is what rememberance day is about.
NQT said:
The great occassion in Scottish football that is the Old Firm game.

The Celtic fans with their green white and gold banners singing about Ireland

The Rangers fans with their Union flags singing about the Queen who's English and lives in London

Then both sets of supporters start singing songs about paramilitaries in Northern Ireland

Then after the match they go outside and have a fight over the Pope who's German and lives in Italy

As I said, a great Scottish occassion

snip said:

We have our freespeech because our parents/grandparents fought for it!!!!!
Which is what rememberance day is about.

That is what remeberance day SHOULD be about in hindsight mate, but this one was not, its been distorted from its original point by patriotism and some moral obligation to not look out of place by supporting it. My grandparent fought in the war because he was bloody homeless, not out of some conviction of doing the right thing. Britain fought because of the threat of invasion, not out of a conviction to do the right thing.

Anyway, take a look at this video, compare it to the original video posted in this topic. I wonder where the mics were?!?!?! Its very clear that in this video there were a couple of dickheads outside the stadium and not one person in the stands made a peep, when the whistle goes theres a big cheer after from the celtic fans.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG6dbz2bvEA" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG6dbz2bvEA</a>

Another anti celtic myth quashed.

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