Famous people you've met in the toilet

Giggs Home Nightclub , had a good chat about the days at City and the games we had, when he played for Deans and I was at Stretford Vics , great days
Dennis Wise. In the toilets of a hotel in Warrington one afternoon, when we had a evening kick off game with Chelsea in the 80s. Had a bit of a chat with him and he seemed a decent guy. Told him I was a City fan and was going to the game that evening. He asked me if I needed any free tickets? I said no, as me and my mates all had season tickets. He looked really puzzled when I told him that, and he asked me again. I said no thanks. and then on the way out, he asked me again. He couldn't seem to get his head around that I didn't want any free tickets off him.

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