Fan on pitch

citijin said:
ban-mcfc said:
citijin said:
we need the city fan who walked on the pitch yesterday, to come on this forum at some point to tell us his story.

i can tell it now.

he saw the utd players goading the fans including himself. that combined with losing such a game in the last minute made him flip. he saw red and didn't think about consequences. he now feels a dick and has made it very difficult for himself to go to city again.

lets write/sign a petition and send it the mcfc to give him a second chance.... i think they can reconsider

i think we'll get a letter back saying FUCK OFF tbh mate.

he's broken the clubs policy, so he will be banned.
Apparently his facebook isn't too flattering with some of the stuff he's said on there. Stuff about Munich taunts apparently.

Fairly irrelevant but as far as his fashion sense goes was suspended from school 5 years ago for having the nike logo cut into his hair. Sure its the same individual.

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Vinjay said:
Apparently his facebook isn't too flattering with some of the stuff he's said on there. Stuff about Munich taunts apparently.

Fairly irrelevant but as far as his fashion sense goes was suspended from school 5 years ago for having the nike logo cut into his hair. Sure its the same individual.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

That's jokes.
Give the lad a break. Yeah it was a stupid thing to do but we've all done daft things at that age. What really wound me up this morning was that purple headed bloating hypocrite Alan Brazil and his shit-for-brains sidekick Irani calling for a prison sentence. Well, Brazil not long ago got done for drink driving which to me is far worse than what that kid did.

The hat was embarrassing though.
so a fan who runs onto a pitch is deserved to be twatted? arseholes some of you. so what? who actually gives a fuck? get a life. your probably only calling him because your too fat to fucking run, its a derby for gods sake.
crizack said:
so a fan who runs onto a pitch is deserved to be twatted? arseholes some of you. so what? who actually gives a fuck? get a life. your probably only calling him because your too fat to fucking run, its a derby for gods sake.
Lets all loose some weight and next season we can all be on the pitch in a wank hat

as it goes then can let him off or ban him for a million years I don't give a fuck don't know him and never will
WNRH said:
Ducado said:
I don't know how a ban for life would work out, in a few months time no will remember his name, in two years time it will be a distant memory

The leeds fan who punched Kirkland was currently serving a ban. They mean fuck all.

It meant his Prison Sentence was handed out much quicker and was longer than others might have got.

There were a couple of dodgy Lads on our train once and they were talking about their Mate who is on a ban for fighting at City. He tried to go to the Derby on someone elses ticket and the Police caught him as he was entering the ground. They recognised his face and he was told to leave or be arrested. Pictures of known Thugs are circulated although I concede not all are stopped.
omcfc said:
ban-mcfc said:
omcfc said:
the little shit has dragged our name through the mud. Deserves everything he got/gets.

utter shite.

Justice was/will be done. I for one won't shed any tears over him. Good riddance.

he made the decision and will quite rightly suffer the consequences but to say he's dragged the whole clubs name through the mud is shite.

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