'Fans' giving blues a bad name

PaulPowerShower said:
I got really pissed on my first away game on my own

I was 17 on the train to London

I got really mouthy and some big city **** punched me square in the mouth

It was brilliant - I shut the fuck up because to be fair I was being a bellend

More of that needs to go on......

Don't know how old you are mate but a lady got blinded with bleach in the cinema yesterday for asking a group of kids to be quiet.
Punch someone in the face today and you'll run the risk of being stabbed or worse.
blueinsa said:
Two other threads in the last two days covering this subject!

Hope you lot dont suffer from vertigo?

The moral high ground being taken on here of late is unbelievable.

If its not bad enough every other fan or club or manager or journo in the country wanting our blood at the moment, it seems that a fair few on here want to lay into their own as well?!?!

Can just imagine some hack reading this board now and tomorrows headlines being another attack on our club and fans for singing nasty songs again and how we are the scum of the earth.

I tell you what shall i, ban all songs, all chants, any swearing, no standing allowed, dont you dare shout at anyone, oh and keep your eyes on the big screen, we will prompt you when its ok to politely applaud!!!

Anyone fancy joining me for Sunday service this week?

Wouldnt fancy being stuck in the trenches with a few on here at the moment!

*shakes head in disbelief*

The only person like to have been in the trenches was the 80 year old who suffered from these yobs. So according to you, people who stand up for decent behaviour in society are cowards??

Shakes head in utter dismay and disbelief

I tell you what shall i, ban all songs, all chants, any swearing, no standing allowed, dont you dare shout at anyone, oh and keep your eyes on the big screen, we will prompt you when its ok to politely applaud!!!

Firstly, that sounds like Kevin from Harry Enfield. Like when parents have a go at their kids, the kids throw they're rattles out of the pram and go off on one, completely unrelated to the issue at hand. At no point in the OP did i ask or suggest any of the above.

If its not bad enough every other fan or club or manager or journo in the country wanting our blood at the moment, it seems that a fair few on here want to lay into their own as well?!?!

How was I laying into our own? Im sorry but if someone is in the wrong they should not get preferrential treatment, regardless of who they support. My OP was a generalisation of the issues with fans, using City 'fans' as an example. Thats all I have to go on, I only go to City away matches with City fans.

Regardless of the above, are you telling me, that acting like a complete bell end, verbally abusing the train staff, using foul and abusive language very,very loud therefore scaring the shit out of some elderly people in the vacinity, so much so they look physically scared they have to get up and shuffle on a moving train to another carriage to get some quiet on their journey - you find that perfectly acceptable?

*shakes head in disbelief*
RobbieBrewer said:
PaulPowerShower said:
I got really pissed on my first away game on my own

I was 17 on the train to London

I got really mouthy and some big city **** punched me square in the mouth

It was brilliant - I shut the fuck up because to be fair I was being a bellend

More of that needs to go on......

Don't know how old you are mate but a lady got blinded with bleach in the cinema yesterday for asking a group of kids to be quiet.
Punch someone in the face today and you'll run the risk of being stabbed or worse.

Which cinema was this?

I was in the Printworks last week and told 2 lads to be quiet and got threatened. I gave it them back and they walked out threatening to wait for me and get me outside. It's pathetic how some people are but what annoyed me is how most people feel intimidated by these people so wont say anything to them. I suppose it is a sign of the times but people are coming across as spineless when faced with adversity.
shlooney said:
blueinsa said:
Two other threads in the last two days covering this subject!

Hope you lot dont suffer from vertigo?

The moral high ground being taken on here of late is unbelievable.

If its not bad enough every other fan or club or manager or journo in the country wanting our blood at the moment, it seems that a fair few on here want to lay into their own as well?!?!

Can just imagine some hack reading this board now and tomorrows headlines being another attack on our club and fans for singing nasty songs again and how we are the scum of the earth.

I tell you what shall i, ban all songs, all chants, any swearing, no standing allowed, dont you dare shout at anyone, oh and keep your eyes on the big screen, we will prompt you when its ok to politely applaud!!!

Anyone fancy joining me for Sunday service this week?

Wouldnt fancy being stuck in the trenches with a few on here at the moment!

*shakes head in disbelief*

The only person like to have been in the trenches was the 80 year old who suffered from these yobs. So according to you, people who stand up for decent behaviour in society are cowards??

Shakes head in utter dismay and disbelief

My point and ive made it several times on the other threads covering this subject is this.

We are dealing with a problem that is not just a City one, or for that matter a society one, although i agree that one is getting out of hand, we are dealing with a football/terrace culture problem here, one that has existed since day one.

Football has always been a working class/mans sport and the work all week to go to the match at the weekend has been what millions of blokes have lived for since the game started.

Football is almost tribal, fans go to the game and see the away following almost as the enemy and chants/songs have always been sung, many of which are distasteful and the very people singing them wouldnt even think about doing it, if it wasnt for the fact that they are at the match.

It is becoming hysterical on here of late and the moral outrage is frankly a joke imo.

Do i agree with yobbish behaviour? NO I DONT!

Im 39 years old with 2 children and spent 9 years in the British Army, never been arrested or in any trouble whatsoever.

My point is that too many on here are trying to make this out to be a City problem and that is not only incorrect, its downright unfair.

In 200 years time songs and chants will exist and many will find them offensive and distasteful i promise, its football/terrace culture and you saints on here will never change it.

All of you take a good hard long look in the mirror and ask yourself to answer this question very carefully...

Have you ever referred to a rag as a M***** or sang that song? Honestly?

Every week in every ground around the world, millions of fans sing and chant shit at each other, they always have they always will.

All imho of course
blueinsa said:
My point and ive made it several times on the other threads covering this subject is this.

We are dealing with a problem that is not just a City one, or for that matter a society one, although i agree that one is getting out of hand, we are dealing with a football/terrace culture problem here, one that has existed since day one.

Football has always been a working class/mans sport and the work all week to go to the match at the weekend has been what millions of blokes have lived for since the game started.

Football is almost tribal, fans go to the game and see the away following almost as the enemy and chants/songs have always been sung, many of which are distasteful and the very people singing them wouldnt even think about doing it, if it wasnt for the fact that they are at the match.

It is becoming hysterical on here of late and the moral outrage is frankly a joke imo.

Do i agree with yobbish behaviour? NO I DONT!

Im 39 years old with 2 children and spent 9 years in the British Army, never been arrested or in any trouble whatsoever.

My point is that too many on here are trying to make this out to be a City problem and that is not only incorrect, its downright unfair.

In 200 years time songs and chants will exist and many will find them offensive and distasteful i promise, its football/terrace culture and you saints on here will never change it.

All of you take a good hard long look in the mirror and ask yourself to answer this question very carefully...

Have you ever referred to a rag as a M***** or sang that song? Honestly?

Every week in every ground around the world, millions of fans sing and chant shit at each other, they always have they always will.

All imho of course

BlueInsa, that should have been your first post. You made your points well and gave a good base for debate. Your first post was horse shit. :)

I agree with a lot of what you say - and I didnt intend for my OP to be just against City fans. It is a generalisation of football, too many kids watch films like Green Street and think its cool to recreate that. I just used my experience at weekend as an example.

Since my OP a few have said Im being boring, or take it to the extreme (mentioning no names) and say lets ban singing etc. Its my opinion that theres a time and a place for all that. I intend to have a good sing song and have a few beers at the Fernhurst on the 15th at Blackburn. I'll sing and swear and take the piss out of reds, but I wont do it on the train there with an 80yr old woman sat near me. Thats my point.

And no, I can honestly say i've never called a rag a M***ch, nor sang the song.
blueinusa, I tend to agree with you here.

Britain is a country full of yobs. They are everywhere.

i don't believe for a second that City have more yobs per head than any other big City club. I think you could even argue we have a lot less than most.
I always looked on being a City fan as part of a family. When my lad was younger and misbehaved I would give him a clout. I didn't say "Well it happens in all families, so its not my problem. "
Any moron who disrespects others and those that try to make it acceptable because everyone else does it, are living in cloud cuckoo land.
Yep I was a Dickhead when I was a hardman in a gang. (Battle of Bramall Lane anyone ? )
I also served in the army, and had my fair share of scraps. So I think I have some knowledge of what a complete and utter dickhead is. Report the little twonks.

I know because I was that masked man.
markbmcfc said:
blueinsa said:
My point and ive made it several times on the other threads covering this subject is this.

We are dealing with a problem that is not just a City one, or for that matter a society one, although i agree that one is getting out of hand, we are dealing with a football/terrace culture problem here, one that has existed since day one.

Football has always been a working class/mans sport and the work all week to go to the match at the weekend has been what millions of blokes have lived for since the game started.

Football is almost tribal, fans go to the game and see the away following almost as the enemy and chants/songs have always been sung, many of which are distasteful and the very people singing them wouldnt even think about doing it, if it wasnt for the fact that they are at the match.

It is becoming hysterical on here of late and the moral outrage is frankly a joke imo.

Do i agree with yobbish behaviour? NO I DONT!

Im 39 years old with 2 children and spent 9 years in the British Army, never been arrested or in any trouble whatsoever.

My point is that too many on here are trying to make this out to be a City problem and that is not only incorrect, its downright unfair.

In 200 years time songs and chants will exist and many will find them offensive and distasteful i promise, its football/terrace culture and you saints on here will never change it.

All of you take a good hard long look in the mirror and ask yourself to answer this question very carefully...

Have you ever referred to a rag as a M***** or sang that song? Honestly?

Every week in every ground around the world, millions of fans sing and chant shit at each other, they always have they always will.

All imho of course

BlueInsa, that should have been your first post. You made your points well and gave a good base for debate. Your first post was horse shit. :)

I agree with a lot of what you say - and I didnt intend for my OP to be just against City fans. It is a generalisation of football, too many kids watch films like Green Street and think its cool to recreate that. I just used my experience at weekend as an example.

Since my OP a few have said Im being boring, or take it to the extreme (mentioning no names) and say lets ban singing etc. Its my opinion that theres a time and a place for all that. I intend to have a good sing song and have a few beers at the Fernhurst on the 15th at Blackburn. I'll sing and swear and take the piss out of reds, but I wont do it on the train there with an 80yr old woman sat near me. Thats my point.

And no, I can honestly say i've never called a rag a M***ch, nor sang the song.

Thanks mate, my problem is this has now been discussed for the last two days on three different threads now and yes, im getting a bit worked up over it lol

I think a major factor here is an age one.

Im 39 and the vast majority of fans mine or our age know and love football from a different era, i dont mean the hooligan scene, although i remember that very well, although never involved, i just mean that going the game on a saturday with my mates meant everything to me and all that entailed.

I was brought up to respect people and myself, i will still get up on a bus etc and offer the lady my seat or an older citizen, thats just right and proper.

The youth of today and i dont mean all of them are a problem but its a problem of our own making as a society!

There is no discipline now and you are not allowed to discipline kids for fear of being hauled before the courts, its a joke, kids know it and play on it. Only society can sort this by the decent majority making it clear to all the yoghurt knitters and do good ploiticians that enough is enough.

However football for me is something that has been sterelised way too much for my liking and i dont want to see it become something so pc correct that it just isnt worth going to anymore.

People will start off by banning a certain song in good faith but then the minority of pc idiots will want to take it further and before you know it, you will banned or arrested for saying fuck off or something similar, whilst at the same time, the thugs kicking a man to death over nothing in the street walk away scott free because some do gooder decides its because mummy never bought him an ice cream when he was a kid and he is damaged because of it.

To sum up, if you want to stand for something, stand against things that are very wrong, football in my opinion is not.

We have enough trouble as supporters as it is, you are guilty by association these days just becuase your a football fan.

Hope that clears my standpoint up, sorry if i confused anyone.

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