'Fans' giving blues a bad name

It's not just a problem with the minority of City fans, or football fans, it's a big problem with society nowadays. Kids are being dragged up, not brought up, and that's reflected in how they behave and the complete and utter lack of respect they have for other people and their elders.

Pointing the problem out doesn't make you boring whatsoever. It's just embarrassing that it's our club and our reputation that could get tarnished as a result of unruly behaviour by a small percentage of idiots. We don't need to give ANYBODY an excuse to get any more on our 'backs'.
emilymcfc said:
It's not just a problem with the minority of City fans, or football fans, it's a big problem with society nowadays. Kids are being dragged up, not brought up, and that's reflected in how they behave and the complete and utter lack of respect they have for other people and their elders.

Pointing the problem out doesn't make you boring whatsoever. It's just embarrassing that it's our club and our reputation that could get tarnished as a result of unruly behaviour by a small percentage of idiots. We don't need to give ANYBODY an excuse to get any more on our 'backs'.

Haha, you know its the start of the season!

To be honest, everything I heard/saw yesterday is no different to any City away game I've been to. Actually thats a lie - I've never heard something so weird as the Barnsley accent!

Mark - I think I can top your train experience. Imagine being hungover to fuck with one of these big pissed up groups. Yet you are the only sober one and you can see the faces of those in the general public.

Despite this, seeing Dave 'mcfcnorthstand' Timperley giving a load of shit to a United fan on the train over the hills was priceless.

I can't say I feel ashamed when we are loud and singing, in fact I LOVE getting off a train and singing 'Manchester la la la' or 'Oh Manchester is wonderful', although as being one of the 'Impeccable 3000' on 10/2/08, I cannot bring myself to sing a song involving a runway. It's bad enough singing it amongst blues, but to have a group of blues singing it in public is just bollocks on so many levels. I hate United, but singing about the events at Munik (I know it might be abit of a contradiction, but the 'Ryan Giggs' song doesn't bother me so much - referring to them as a 'M' is not only something that THEY started, but its more of a euthemism (sp) for their glory hunting supporters - although I wouldn't say 'fuck off you Munik' to someone as an insult) is just old hat. If you're gonna take the piss out of them, at least have it a bit more topical - ie what i was trying to start on Saturday 'you wouldn't sell a virus to that mob'.

Maybe even worse is singing songs about Busby - the bloke won the FA Cup with us!
Football is supposed to be a break from the norm people

Thats why I love it

Otherwise it would just be like coming to work.........
One of the problems as i see these days,is the fact that a lot of these kids come from familes that have 3 or 4 different fathers,and not fucking one of then is arround.when i grew up (and i suspect a lot of others on bluemoon)there was one father per family,and he was there for life (not just for christmas!.)so you grew up with that authority figure showing you right from wrong,and it you strayed off the straight and narrow you fucking knew about it very quickly and very painfully.So lets face it todays generation is not going to revert to those past times,if anything it will get worse (god help us !) i fear that problems like this will not only be with us for a long time but will degenerate into something more sinister and utterly dangerous.Sorry for the poor outlook but there you go.
Poh spot on! - Away to Fulham last season, watching then having to get involved with so called City "fans" startin on each other was basically fuckin embarrassing... this country is full of shit in terms of allowing it's residents to get knumb skulled pissed and subsequently causing mayhem then criminaliing someone for smoking a bit of Thai weed?! - bloody joke!
blueinsa said:
Two other threads in the last two days covering this subject!

Hope you lot dont suffer from vertigo?

The moral high ground being taken on here of late is unbelievable.

If its not bad enough every other fan or club or manager or journo in the country wanting our blood at the moment, it seems that a fair few on here want to lay into their own as well?!?!

Can just imagine some hack reading this board now and tomorrows headlines being another attack on our club and fans for singing nasty songs again and how we are the scum of the earth.

I tell you what shall i, ban all songs, all chants, any swearing, no standing allowed, dont you dare shout at anyone, oh and keep your eyes on the big screen, we will prompt you when its ok to politely applaud!!!

Anyone fancy joining me for Sunday service this week?

Wouldnt fancy being stuck in the trenches with a few on here at the moment!

*shakes head in disbelief*

could not of put it better myself.
My wife is a train manager working from manchester to reading via birmingham and whilst I agree with you that it's not right for our fans to be like this it is most definitely a football yob thing

She gets verbally and physically (pushed, spat at, fingers jabbed into her arm/chest etc) every time there is a game on, and it get's worse when two or three teams are travelling on the same trains (City, utd, stoke, brum, villa, wolves etc etc) so much so that she basically has to sit in the drivers cab and leave them to it - many many thousands of pounds worth of damage is recorded every week

She's a blue (and wears a badge on her lapel) so mostly the city fans behave on her trains, but brum and stoke fans are particularly bad

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