Fans leaving early.

johnnytapia said:
oakiecokie said:
johnnytapia said:
"Wanting to get home earlier" - why not leave at half time and then take full adavantage of a further 45 mins looking at your dining room table? Or, and this is something the early leavers may not have considered...don't go - instead spend the full 90 minute match-experience in a much-vaunted alternative of re-varnishing your shed/putting a new duvet on the bed/watch the bonus edition of Ant and Dec - "available to non-match goers only"/calibrating the mileage on your 5 door saloon - it'll need doing 'cos all that waiting at the Etihad will now no longer affect your much loved petrol consumption.

Early leavers - coming to a B&Q near you.

Or just maybe as a driver I want to get home to my local ... for a few pints of Guinness,seeing I can`t drink and drive.

Watch the best City team I've ever seen or get down to my local for a whole extra hour. Choices, choices.

yes those last 5 mins v Stoke saturday was like watching poetry
bluemc1 said:
johnnytapia said:
oakiecokie said:
Or just maybe as a driver I want to get home to my local ... for a few pints of Guinness,seeing I can`t drink and drive.

Watch the best City team I've ever seen or get down to my local for a whole extra hour. Choices, choices.

yes those last 5 mins v Stoke saturday was like watching poetry

You're right. Sitting in the vault is the zenith of human experience. To develop your poetry analysis, a pint of bitter in the pub is the Tennyson to watching City's Pam Ayres.

Early leavers - wandering lonely as clouds in a pub near you soon. And preferring that to watching Segio/David/YaYa. You have been warned.
The cookie monster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Can you imagine how it looks to the players? They've run themselves into the ground for 80 minutes to earn a hard-fought win and the stadium starts to empty, with it being half-full at the end. Perhaps it might occur to them to think that if the fans can't be arsed, why should they.

We're a title-chasing team, with a decent chance of the first ever domestic treble and people can't be bothered to support the team for 90 minutes. It really is a bit pathetic.
Who gives a fuck what the players think
If I or anyone else wants to get up on 85 mins or 90 mins and fuck off,we will
I'll tell you who's "pathetic" the moaning fuckers on here.
Well why not save yourself a couple of hours or more and not bother turning up at all? I'm sure some of you would be much happier watching a crap team under the likes of Stuart Pearce and being able to say "Come on, let's go. I've seen enough of this shit."

The atmosphere in the stadium, even last Tuesday against Barca when it should have been rocking, is utterly shite because that "who gives a fuck" attitude typifies so many City fans these days.
I'd be interested in the ages of early leavers compared to stay til the enders

I'm guessing the average age of early leavers will be much older

That said i'm 44 now but I've always left early
I'll say again, our support has a large percentage of older people. Those kids that used to sing their heart out 'till the end at Main Road are now parents and as such have shit to do other than attend matches.

Leaving early also ties in with why the ground is so quiet. After hearing little to no atmosphere and seeing people leave it can be irritating. Any teenagers/kids that come to the ground are now with their parent/s and don't sing like they would have done on their own at Main Road. Look around to some clubs in England and especially Europe and stands are full of just teenagers/young guys all singing until the end.

Nothing we can do. Times have changed and its the way it is.

I don't begrudge anyone that has to leave early but I also understand why people are irritated by it and wish it was different.
Prestwich_Blue said:
The cookie monster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Can you imagine how it looks to the players? They've run themselves into the ground for 80 minutes to earn a hard-fought win and the stadium starts to empty, with it being half-full at the end. Perhaps it might occur to them to think that if the fans can't be arsed, why should they.

We're a title-chasing team, with a decent chance of the first ever domestic treble and people can't be bothered to support the team for 90 minutes. It really is a bit pathetic.
Who gives a fuck what the players think
If I or anyone else wants to get up on 85 mins or 90 mins and fuck off,we will
I'll tell you who's "pathetic" the moaning fuckers on here.
Well why not save yourself a couple of hours or more and not bother turning up at all? I'm sure some of you would be much happier watching a crap team under the likes of Stuart Pearce and being able to say "Come on, let's go. I've seen enough of this shit."

The atmosphere in the stadium, even last Tuesday against Barca when it should have been rocking, is utterly shite because that "who gives a fuck" attitude typifies so many City fans these days.

The atmosphere was relatively shite v Barca because half the fucking ground were daytrippers / corporate monkeys
Prestwich_Blue said:
The cookie monster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Can you imagine how it looks to the players? They've run themselves into the ground for 80 minutes to earn a hard-fought win and the stadium starts to empty, with it being half-full at the end. Perhaps it might occur to them to think that if the fans can't be arsed, why should they.

We're a title-chasing team, with a decent chance of the first ever domestic treble and people can't be bothered to support the team for 90 minutes. It really is a bit pathetic.
Who gives a fuck what the players think
If I or anyone else wants to get up on 85 mins or 90 mins and fuck off,we will
I'll tell you who's "pathetic" the moaning fuckers on here.
Well why not save yourself a couple of hours or more and not bother turning up at all? I'm sure some of you would be much happier watching a crap team under the likes of Stuart Pearce and being able to say "Come on, let's go. I've seen enough of this shit."

The atmosphere in the stadium, even last Tuesday against Barca when it should have been rocking, is utterly shite because that "who gives a fuck" attitude typifies so many City fans these days.

Folk leave out of no other reason than themselves and their own inherent desire to have as little "hassle" in their lives as possible; have it all handed to them on a plate; the "me, me" culture that pervades society as a whole. Look at the demographic of the crowd too - older and richer. And happiest when sitting comfy in front of the fire recounting tales of how they once managed a whole 70 minutes in a title-deciding game.

If you go to the match, watch the match. All of it. And quit fucking whingeing that you've had to walk a death-defying 20 minutes to your (newly polished) car.
Santiago Street . said:
I'd be interested in the ages of early leavers compared to stay til the enders

I'm guessing the average age of early leavers will be much older

That said i'm 44 now but I've always left early
why ?
I once left that early, the game hadn't even kicked off.... And there was no one else there either. I ensured I'd get home without delay or incident by leaving a full day before any match was due to take place. I also managed to get a seat on the bus too, window side. I was well chuffed and got back home even before my tea was ready. Was thinking of trying it preseason next time. That'll teach all the full time whistle, let's cheer the lads after another victory, traffic jam, packed out post match 5 deep at the bar brigade I can tell you..!

All I can say is, I really don't see the point in leaving early unless you have something more important to do, will be late for work and might piss your boss right off or its an emergency. If you live miles away, go for a drink or bite to eat in town there's loads of nice places, even if you're with kids. Make a day of it for god sake and stop fretting about traffic and getting on Hyde road before the rest do. Fretting is a waste of time. Do you really think you'll get home quicker?? I don't, I time everyone..... I'm watching now.....make no mistake.....

bluerthanblue said:
Santiago Street . said:
I'd be interested in the ages of early leavers compared to stay til the enders

I'm guessing the average age of early leavers will be much older

That said i'm 44 now but I've always left early
why ?

Beat the rush mate

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