Fans leaving early.

johnnytapia said:
oakiecokie said:
chris85mcfc said:
Sorry mate, think your heads gone. The guy I replied to said that he would get off at 1-0 if the game 'wasn't exciting'. That is the most ridiculous reason for leaving a game ive ever heard, and to me it sounds a bit arrogant. Fair enough if your bored of watching your team then go but I just can't understand why anyone would do that.

Not really sure where the glory hunting part comes into it, but yes if you can post me a badge out ill wear it on Sunday just for you :)

My heads gone ?? !! Think you`ll find I was answering your question as to why people would leave early,unless disabled and not for anything normal,like wanting to get home earlier,not wanting to be stuck in traffic.Those are legitimate reasons in my eyes,but unfortunately not yours it appears.
Strap the fookers into their seats until Chris says its time to go. ;)

"Wanting to get home earlier" - why not leave at half time and then take full adavantage of a further 45 mins looking at your dining room table? Or, and this is something the early leavers may not have considered...don't go - instead spend the full 90 minute match-experience in a much-vaunted alternative of re-varnishing your shed/putting a new duvet on the bed/watch the bonus edition of Ant and Dec - "available to non-match goers only"/calibrating the mileage on your 5 door saloon - it'll need doing 'cos all that waiting at the Etihad will now no longer affect your much loved petrol consumption.

Early leavers - coming to a B&Q near you.

Or just maybe as a driver I want to get home to my local ... for a few pints of Guinness,seeing I can`t drink and drive.
The cookie monster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Can you imagine how it looks to the players? They've run themselves into the ground for 80 minutes to earn a hard-fought win and the stadium starts to empty, with it being half-full at the end. Perhaps it might occur to them to think that if the fans can't be arsed, why should they.

We're a title-chasing team, with a decent chance of the first ever domestic treble and people can't be bothered to support the team for 90 minutes. It really is a bit pathetic.
Who gives a fuck what the players think
If I or anyone else wants to get up on 85 mins or 90 mins and fuck off,we will
I'll tell you who's "pathetic" the moaning fuckers on here.

This all day long my friend.
Hahaha...Does PB really think the players give a flying fuck about people leaving early.Deary me,not in a million years.
So in the last 5 on Saturday against Stoke I did not see the players performance drastically change at all. It's pathetic to think people really give a toss.
If people want to leave five mind early then so be it. We play Fulham at home i a few weeks,I'm due in work at 5.45pm..I will be leaving about 5 mins early.May I just apologise before hand.....
RP2 said:
Shirley said:
To leave or not to leave, this has really divided City fans on here.

What I find strange is some people are really happy and proud to be leaving early rather than complaining to whoever to get the traffic and car parking improved.
Sure many people have other things to do but you don't see the mass exit on the scale seen at The Etihad at any other prem club, unless of course the home team are being hammered 6-1.

Perhaps if more leave early we could see a completely empty stadium at the final whistle and they could play "We are not really here" over the tannoy :-)

There is no 'mass exodus' as you put it. This is what the rags and media like everyone to think.

The fact is, our seats are bright blue so it is more obvious when they are empty.

A similar number of fans leave at other grounds.

-- Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:54 pm --

Shirley said:
To leave or not to leave, this has really divided City fans on here.

What I find strange is some people are really happy and proud to be leaving early rather than complaining to whoever to get the traffic and car parking improved.
Sure many people have other things to do but you don't see the mass exit on the scale seen at The Etihad at any other prem club, unless of course the home team are being hammered 6-1.

Perhaps if more leave early we could see a completely empty stadium at the final whistle and they could play "We are not really here" over the tannoy :-)

There is no 'mass exodus' as you put it. This is what the rags and media like everyone to think.

The fact is, our seats are bright blue so it is more obvious when they are empty.

A similar number of fans leave at other grounds.

You can say it is not a mass exodus so would a fire alarm drill be a better description?
Santiago Street . said:
Tim of the Oak said:
Santiago Street . said:
If the result's already in the bag ie 2 goals up it's perfectly normal to leave a few minutes early.

Do you all stay to the end of the credits when watching films at the cinema ?

Poor analogy. We stay to the end of the film. Maybe you don't?

Credits are a part of the film

Why not stay to see the name of the 4th assistant director, won't he be offended if you don't ?

I would stay for the credits if the actors were in the venue to take the applause. A play at the theatre would be a better analogy where the cast are applauded off.
Tim of the Oak said:
Santiago Street . said:
Tim of the Oak said:
Poor analogy. We stay to the end of the film. Maybe you don't?

Credits are a part of the film

Why not stay to see the name of the 4th assistant director, won't he be offended if you don't ?

I would stay for the credits if the actors were in the venue to take the applause. A play at the theatre would be a better analogy where the cast are applauded off.

if i was at a theatre i really would fuck off early
My theory is that because the Etihad is a new stadium and there is an awful lot of space between the seats people can get up and leave without the people they are passing having to get up. Plus our blocks are narrower meaning less seats to get past if you do happen to want to leave.

At less modern stadiums like old Trafford and Carrow Road for example the seats are crammed in and typical British politeness means that we feel awkward asking people to move so that they can leave early, hence the problem is less pronounced. ( yes I know 3/4 of OT emptied with 20 minutes to go when we beat them 5-1 but that is the exception rather than the rule)

I don't recall this problem of early leavers at Maine Road. I think our stadium makes it easier for people to up and leave to 'beat the traffic' yet at other stadiums it's simply not possible without disrupting the whole row hence it doesn't happen on the same scale.
oakiecokie said:
johnnytapia said:
oakiecokie said:
My heads gone ?? !! Think you`ll find I was answering your question as to why people would leave early,unless disabled and not for anything normal,like wanting to get home earlier,not wanting to be stuck in traffic.Those are legitimate reasons in my eyes,but unfortunately not yours it appears.
Strap the fookers into their seats until Chris says its time to go. ;)

"Wanting to get home earlier" - why not leave at half time and then take full adavantage of a further 45 mins looking at your dining room table? Or, and this is something the early leavers may not have considered...don't go - instead spend the full 90 minute match-experience in a much-vaunted alternative of re-varnishing your shed/putting a new duvet on the bed/watch the bonus edition of Ant and Dec - "available to non-match goers only"/calibrating the mileage on your 5 door saloon - it'll need doing 'cos all that waiting at the Etihad will now no longer affect your much loved petrol consumption.

Early leavers - coming to a B&Q near you.

Or just maybe as a driver I want to get home to my local ... for a few pints of Guinness,seeing I can`t drink and drive.

Watch the best City team I've ever seen or get down to my local for a whole extra hour. Choices, choices.

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