Fascinating Facts about Ireland.

Re: Re: Fascinating Facts about Ireland.

johnmc said:
Pearcey said:
St Patrick was Welsh. I'm not bullshitting either.

Where was st George from? St Andrew?

Think St. George was from somewhere just outside Turkey towards Syria. Had a different name back then, but can't be arsed googling it. Andrew was from what is now Israel.
It's stupid and boorish, but unfortunately not surprising, the way a (thankfully dwindling) number of people define Irishness by the actions of the IRA.

What's utterly unforgivable though (and there was a particularly nasty example of this on the St Patrick's Day thread) is people using the suffering of child abuse victims as an excuse to take a cheap shot at an entire nation. It's not "childish", "banter" or any other such thing, it's horrible, self-diminishing rhetoric of the lowest order. It's beneath contempt.

To those people who continue to plumb such depths: if you ever stop to actually think, rather spout bollox under the flag of anonimity that the internet provides, you'll find that the Irish certainly do not have a monopoly in these parts on either despicable military actions or heinious crimes against children.

Just to clear one more thing up:
More Irish people (per capita) than British do receive a third level education. It's free too, with no student loans to be paid back, ever. (Although that may change soon if Sarkosy & Merkel don't unhand our balls). So perhaps there might be something in the Irish education system that the British could learn from - just as we could learn from your health system, by the way. (Yes, ours really is that bad!). My son, like most of his friends, sat his Leaving Cert, four years ago, at 17, by the way.
Manc in London said:
citykev28 said:
JamesMCFC said:
Can the same be said about the Irish ?

possibly, but i haven't noticed anyone on this thread that is irish and slagging off england.

The fact that Irish republicans have killed English people going about their business as well as bombing my home town, would suggest that at least some of them do not like the English.

if you feel the need to quote my post and be clever, at least have the brains to read the fucking thing first.
citykev28 said:
Manc in London said:
citykev28 said:
possibly, but i haven't noticed anyone on this thread that is irish and slagging off england.

The fact that Irish republicans have killed English people going about their business as well as bombing my home town, would suggest that at least some of them do not like the English.

if you feel the need to quote my post and be clever, at least have the brains to read the fucking thing first.

I was simply picking up on the 'hate' theme that you were discussing. If you read "my fucking post" then you would have noticed that I was not referring to posters on this forum.

You need to chill out and learn that being agressive with strangers on a forum is neither cool nor 'hard'.
Manc in London said:
citykev28 said:
Manc in London said:
The fact that Irish republicans have killed English people going about their business as well as bombing my home town, would suggest that at least some of them do not like the English.

if you feel the need to quote my post and be clever, at least have the brains to read the fucking thing first.

I was simply picking up on the 'hate' theme that you were discussing. If you read "my fucking post" then you would have noticed that I was not referring to posters on this forum.

You need to chill out and learn that being agressive with strangers on a forum is neither cool nor 'hard'.
leave his small flaccid penis out of this ffs no need for that now..... the mods were rubbing him up the wrong way all morning. his missus wants to know how to get that feckin` wide smile off of his face. give kev a break! ;) x

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