fat ism

Swales lives said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
sorry boys, was just out for a nice meal in cheshire with some friends, can heartily recommend the plough and flail in Mobberly; Ok, it's not as good as some of the michelin starred gaffs I have dined at, but very hearty none the less and great value.

It's a pub, a very nice pub, but it's still a pub.

Hence why I made the distinction! Do you even read my posts anymore, or just wait to have a cheap shot at me?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
sorry boys, was just out for a nice meal in cheshire with some friends, can heartily recommend the plough and flail in Mobberly; Ok, it's not as good as some of the michelin starred gaffs I have dined at, but very hearty none the less and great value. I probably over ate slightly, but 90 mins football tomorrow will solve that (all about balance you see fatties!)

Just a few quick points if I may.

1) My issue was not with fat people per se. It was more at the 'victim' society we live in and how laughable it was that support groups have been set up to protect us being meanies about their lack of discipline.

2) I do not know why the last 2 pages have turned into a bash bb2.0 fest (again) when others on here have been far more cruel than I. There appears to be one poster in particular who has taken my post badly. I assume he or his family are tubsters and has taken offence. Can I just state AGAIN that if you are fat you can change this, be disciplined, eat less and excersise more, it's really that simple. I am not trying to project any feelings of anger, Im a very happy, content person at the moment-life is good!

All I said was that I personally would always take on a thin over a fat at work (if their credentials were the same) as the thin person has more pride and respect in themselves in their private life so I would assume the same goes within the work place. If that makes me an awful person then so be it.

3) What my life, finances, lifestyle and achievements have to do with this thread is beyond me, but it's obviously of great importance to the bluemoon neighbourhood watch, twitching their net curtains.

I know who you are mate. You earn fuck all, are fuck all and look fuck all.

That's what makes this thread funny.

So all you people with larger frames can rest assured - this **** is pretty slim(ish) but he's pig ugly, has no staff and does a shitty, bottom of the market, demeaning sales job.

He's getting kicks out of this thread because he can make out he's something.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
signtist said:
he can`t find his way out of the closet

Say what you want, if you knew me, you'd find that laughable

Brookster, the gay jibe from me is because someone posted "and hes a ginger", in my language this means Gay, as in ginger beer(queer), that is all. :)
Time bomb ticking......

Challenger1978 said:
Citytillidie69 said:
I think you will find an exceptionally tall persons Body Mass Index (bmi) will dictate if they are fat or not.

Someone who is 6' 7" tall and weighs 16 stone is not fat.

Someone who is 6'7 tall and weighs 20 stone - IS A FAT BASTARD who should be forced to pay mor on a plane, and forced to pay more tax to cover the cost of additional health care requirements.

I'm 6'1" and weigh 21 stone also i haven't seen a doctor since 1998. So should i pay more taxes ?, even though I'm likely never to use the NHS again as i can't stand hospitals or doctors surgeries.
I agree re employing thin over fat! I have always done it that way as experience tells me the larger folk are a tad lazy, not fat bashing but just stating my experience

brooklandsblue2.0 said:
sorry boys, was just out for a nice meal in cheshire with some friends, can heartily recommend the plough and flail in Mobberly; Ok, it's not as good as some of the michelin starred gaffs I have dined at, but very hearty none the less and great value. I probably over ate slightly, but 90 mins football tomorrow will solve that (all about balance you see fatties!)

Just a few quick points if I may.

1) My issue was not with fat people per se. It was more at the 'victim' society we live in and how laughable it was that support groups have been set up to protect us being meanies about their lack of discipline.

2) I do not know why the last 2 pages have turned into a bash bb2.0 fest (again) when others on here have been far more cruel than I. There appears to be one poster in particular who has taken my post badly. I assume he or his family are tubsters and has taken offence. Can I just state AGAIN that if you are fat you can change this, be disciplined, eat less and excersise more, it's really that simple. I am not trying to project any feelings of anger, Im a very happy, content person at the moment-life is good!

All I said was that I personally would always take on a thin over a fat at work (if their credentials were the same) as the thin person has more pride and respect in themselves in their private life so I would assume the same goes within the work place. If that makes me an awful person then so be it.

3) What my life, finances, lifestyle and achievements have to do with this thread is beyond me, but it's obviously of great importance to the bluemoon neighbourhood watch, twitching their net curtains.
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
sorry boys, was just out for a nice meal in cheshire with some friends, can heartily recommend the plough and flail in Mobberly; Ok, it's not as good as some of the michelin starred gaffs I have dined at, but very hearty none the less and great value. I probably over ate slightly, but 90 mins football tomorrow will solve that (all about balance you see fatties!)

Just a few quick points if I may.

1) My issue was not with fat people per se. It was more at the 'victim' society we live in and how laughable it was that support groups have been set up to protect us being meanies about their lack of discipline.

2) I do not know why the last 2 pages have turned into a bash bb2.0 fest (again) when others on here have been far more cruel than I. There appears to be one poster in particular who has taken my post badly. I assume he or his family are tubsters and has taken offence. Can I just state AGAIN that if you are fat you can change this, be disciplined, eat less and excersise more, it's really that simple. I am not trying to project any feelings of anger, Im a very happy, content person at the moment-life is good!

All I said was that I personally would always take on a thin over a fat at work (if their credentials were the same) as the thin person has more pride and respect in themselves in their private life so I would assume the same goes within the work place. If that makes me an awful person then so be it.

3) What my life, finances, lifestyle and achievements have to do with this thread is beyond me, but it's obviously of great importance to the
bluemoon neighbourhood watch, twitching their net curtains.

again. a complete walking, talking contradiction..
aphex said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
sorry boys, was just out for a nice meal in cheshire with some friends, can heartily recommend the plough and flail in Mobberly; Ok, it's not as good as some of the michelin starred gaffs I have dined at, but very hearty none the less and great value. I probably over ate slightly, but 90 mins football tomorrow will solve that (all about balance you see fatties!)

Just a few quick points if I may.

1) My issue was not with fat people per se. It was more at the 'victim' society we live in and how laughable it was that support groups have been set up to protect us being meanies about their lack of discipline.

2) I do not know why the last 2 pages have turned into a bash bb2.0 fest (again) when others on here have been far more cruel than I. There appears to be one poster in particular who has taken my post badly. I assume he or his family are tubsters and has taken offence. Can I just state AGAIN that if you are fat you can change this, be disciplined, eat less and excersise more, it's really that simple. I am not trying to project any feelings of anger, Im a very happy, content person at the moment-life is good!

All I said was that I personally would always take on a thin over a fat at work (if their credentials were the same) as the thin person has more pride and respect in themselves in their private life so I would assume the same goes within the work place. If that makes me an awful person then so be it.

3) What my life, finances, lifestyle and achievements have to do with this thread is beyond me, but it's obviously of great importance to the
bluemoon neighbourhood watch, twitching their net curtains.

again. a complete walking, talking contradiction..
this guy is an absolute wanker
its doing my head in the way every one is saying its not like racism or homophobia as both the groups of people have fought for years to be accepted as equals and to have the right to walk the streets without being in fear of being persocuted for the way they look every one has the right to live without being abused by any one whether gay black asian fat or skinny.
aphex said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
sorry boys, was just out for a nice meal in cheshire with some friends, can heartily recommend the plough and flail in Mobberly; Ok, it's not as good as some of the michelin starred gaffs I have dined at, but very hearty none the less and great value. I probably over ate slightly, but 90 mins football tomorrow will solve that (all about balance you see fatties!)

Just a few quick points if I may.

1) My issue was not with fat people per se. It was more at the 'victim' society we live in and how laughable it was that support groups have been set up to protect us being meanies about their lack of discipline.

2) I do not know why the last 2 pages have turned into a bash bb2.0 fest (again) when others on here have been far more cruel than I. There appears to be one poster in particular who has taken my post badly. I assume he or his family are tubsters and has taken offence. Can I just state AGAIN that if you are fat you can change this, be disciplined, eat less and excersise more, it's really that simple. I am not trying to project any feelings of anger, Im a very happy, content person at the moment-life is good!

All I said was that I personally would always take on a thin over a fat at work (if their credentials were the same) as the thin person has more pride and respect in themselves in their private life so I would assume the same goes within the work place. If that makes me an awful person then so be it.

3) What my life, finances, lifestyle and achievements have to do with this thread is beyond me, but it's obviously of great importance to the
bluemoon neighbourhood watch, twitching their net curtains.

again. a complete walking, talking contradiction..

You keep saying this Stu, but then run off and not tell me why....
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
aphex said:
again. a complete walking, talking contradiction..

You keep saying this Stu, but then run off and not tell me why....

i dont have to tell you, you do it to yourself in your own posts.

and yes, my name is stu..

prey. am i the the poster that has taken it badly?

fame fatal fame!

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