fat ism

Citytillidie69 said:
pee dubyas crayons said:
What about people who are exceptionally tall and hence heavier than average

Should they be forced to pay more on a plane?

I think you will find an exceptionally tall persons Body Mass Index (bmi) will dictate if they are fat or not.

Someone who is 6' 7" tall and weighs 16 stone is not fat.

Someone who is 6'7 tall and weighs 20 stone - IS A FAT BASTARD who should be forced to pay mor on a plane, and forced to pay more tax to cover the cost of additional health care requirements.

I'm 6'1" and weigh 21 stone also i haven't seen a doctor since 1998. So should i pay more taxes ?, even though I'm likely never to use the NHS again as i can't stand hospitals or doctors surgeries.
Challenger1978 said:
Citytillidie69 said:
I think you will find an exceptionally tall persons Body Mass Index (bmi) will dictate if they are fat or not.

Someone who is 6' 7" tall and weighs 16 stone is not fat.

Someone who is 6'7 tall and weighs 20 stone - IS A FAT BASTARD who should be forced to pay mor on a plane, and forced to pay more tax to cover the cost of additional health care requirements.

I'm 6'1" and weigh 21 stone also i haven't seen a doctor since 1998. So should i pay more taxes ?, even though I'm likely never to use the NHS again as i can't stand hospitals or doctors surgeries.

So tomorrow you get run over and smash your pelvis and both legs and there you are rolling around the floor screaming ' Don't take me to hospital, It's only a flesh wound '

Oh course you shouldn't have to pay more tax but you will one day use a doctor.
smudgedj said:
Challenger1978 said:
I'm 6'1" and weigh 21 stone also i haven't seen a doctor since 1998. So should i pay more taxes ?, even though I'm likely never to use the NHS again as i can't stand hospitals or doctors surgeries.

So tomorrow you get run over and smash your pelvis and both legs and there you are rolling around the floor screaming ' Don't take me to hospital, It's only a flesh wound '

Oh course you shouldn't have to pay more tax but you will one day use a doctor.

Thanks for hoping i get run over lol ;-).

BTW my dads the same as me and he hasn't seen a doctor since he was in the army back in the 70's and he was made too. Christ he's one of those nutters that when he had tooth ache he pulled out a pair of pliers and ripped the fucker out himself.
the bottom line is this. this thread was started by a troubled person. its an identity issue and maybe more than a cry for help.

give the poor lad a break. he has issues.
aphex said:
the bottom line is this. this thread was started by a troubled person. its an identity issue and maybe more than a cry for help.

give the poor lad a break. he has issues.

I think he has feelings for a fat bird and this is his only way to convey them.
i just wish i was as perfect as him,as successfull,as talented at football,wealthy etc etc.i always thought he was taking the piss,i've come to the conclusion that he is serious.hahahaha!

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