fat ism

ibbo_mcfc said:
Not too busy to spout your shite on here again though, are you.
LOL - sorry this made me chuckle !!

Thing is I am overweight but comfortable with it, all this glandular and hereditary shite is bollocks, fat people are such because they are greedy cunts and lack motivation (I fall in both categories) !!
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
bluemonday said:
I put a couple of posts on page 17 of this thread last night. Nothing abuisive, just a bit of casual piss taking of BB2.0 and they've been pulled. Has BB2.0 complained cos I touched a nerve? and even so, they were harmless comments.
Mods, I'd love to know why they were pulled

The last post I made read "Please Brookie don't take theat overdose, I can heal you."
Honestly what harm is there in that statement?

I think you're on thin ice my friend and consider winding your neck in before you make things worse.

Haha is that a threat my cowardly friend? For the benefit of those people who did not see my thread, Here it is almost word for word:
"BB2.0 I don't hate you, I pity you. You remind me of my friend who brags about how great things are going, when in reality his life is falling apart, the bragging always ring alarm bells with me."

It went something like that, after BB2.0 was going on about spending last night in a hut tub with some birds. Like you do on a Monday evening.

So he's seen his arse, gone crying to the Mods and my posts were pulled, even though they were not abusive. Unlike most of his.

Brooklands, I have beaten you down. I own you woman!!
The Ox said:
ibbo_mcfc said:
Not too busy to spout your shite on here again though, are you.
LOL - sorry this made me chuckle !!

Thing is I am overweight but comfortable with it, all this glandular and hereditary shite is bollocks, fat people are such because they are greedy ***** and lack motivation (I fall in both categories) !!
yeah its funny how brave some little tosser can get behind his computer
Be careful that the '70% of people that support him' don't find out you have been laughing at him. Then there will be a whole world of trouble.
bluemonday said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
I think you're on thin ice my friend and consider winding your neck in before you make things worse.

Haha is that a threat my cowardly friend? For the benefit of those people who did not see my thread, Here it is almost word for word:
"BB2.0 I don't hate you, I pity you. You remind me of my friend who brags about how great things are going, when in reality his life is falling apart, the bragging always ring alarm bells with me."

It went something like that, after BB2.0 was going on about spending last night in a hut tub with some birds. Like you do on a Monday evening.

So he's seen his arse, gone crying to the Mods and my posts were pulled, even though they were not abusive. Unlike most of his.

Brooklands, I have beaten you down. I own you woman!!

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=151465&start=30" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=151465&start=30</a> :)
aphex said:
bluemonday said:
Haha is that a threat my cowardly friend? For the benefit of those people who did not see my thread, Here it is almost word for word:
"BB2.0 I don't hate you, I pity you. You remind me of my friend who brags about how great things are going, when in reality his life is falling apart, the bragging always ring alarm bells with me."

It went something like that, after BB2.0 was going on about spending last night in a hut tub with some birds. Like you do on a Monday evening.

So he's seen his arse, gone crying to the Mods and my posts were pulled, even though they were not abusive. Unlike most of his.

Brooklands, I have beaten you down. I own you woman!!

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=151465&start=30" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=151465&start=30</a> :)

Right words wrong thread, love it pmsl.
bluealf said:
aphex said:
<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=151465&start=30" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=151465&start=30</a> :)

Right words wrong thread, love it pmsl.

Brilliant, I love it, I've fucked up, but I don't give a shit. I'm right anyway. He's a proper bullshitter.
Im assuming this 'blues yob' (sounds like a lovely person BTW) is a teenager so Im not going to embarrass him any further. All I will say is that I have now made a complaint and have every faith that the mods will look into this.

P.S no one ever told me if they are going to be at Platt Lane tomorrow evening?
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Im assuming this 'blues yob' (sounds like a lovely person BTW) is a teenager so Im not going to embarrass him any further. All I will say is that I have now made a complaint and have every faith that the mods will look into this.

P.S no one ever told me if they are going to be at Platt Lane tomorrow evening?

be fair jonathan. he has as much of a right to start a thread as you do.

does he not?

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