FC Copenhagen (A) | Post Match Thread

but the real moan I have with the officials is letting Grealish being kick off the park ? It's not the first time and will not be the last time ? The lad needs some protection from the officials or is it the plan by the officials to let it happen hoping he kicks off and smashes somebody
Agreed, that assault on JG the 1st or 2nd minute, chopping him in half, was at least a yellow - any argument about how such a challenge can avoid a booking as it is 'too early' in a game is just bollox, sets the wrong tone that they can get away with bad fouls and he got the treatment yet again all night.
Elsewhere, as others have said, JG and Mahrez really should not start together, there is simply no pace on the ball or snap in the passing and, similarly, Phil and Bernie should not both be rested at the same time, we need at least one of them on the park to keep things bubbling along with more energy and have a more dynamic pressure without the ball.
Agreed, that assault on JG the 1st or 2nd minute, chopping him in half, was at least a yellow - any argument about how such a challenge can avoid a booking as it is 'too early' in a game is just bollox, sets the wrong tone that they can get away with bad fouls and he got the treatment yet again all night.
Elsewhere, as others have said, JG and Mahrez really should not start together, there is simply no pace on the ball or snap in the passing and, similarly, Phil and Bernie should not both be rested at the same time, we need at least one of them on the park to keep things bubbling along with more energy and have a more dynamic pressure without the ball.

Pep knows his best 11 and the bigger the games he will return to type
jack gets a lot of bad press because of the transfer fee, but this season he's been good and looks the part,
but he gets kicked off the park at times, and you can see the frustration in his game,
I don’t think it’d be sure to make a difference.
Very few penalty takers can slot it comfortably into a top corner - sometimes that’s where it goes but there’s luck in that as well.
If the ball goes in the player gets lauded no matter where the ball goes - even straight down the middle.
And great strikers regularly miss or suffer a save - Kun used to miss ‘em sometimes
IMO The 3 main thing are having the balls of steel to take the penalty, then getting it on target and then the keeper not being lucky with his dive - Mahrez did both the things he had control over and I find it appalling that he’s been slated by some of our own support.

Anyhow, we didn’t win last night but it wasn’t only down to the penalty.
I get what you're saying and do not like the way some people are turning on Mahrez. However, he really needs to score that penalty because if he had done then the Dortmund game isn't a problem. As it is we have to go there to a team that is flying and with a massive crowd behind them and get a result. Far more difficult and will take our best team. You listen to the best penalty takers and they say if you hit the corner high or low with power you will almost always score. Mahrez hit it at a saveable height and without enough power on a no pressure penalty.
Gomez also badly at fault. I remember King Kev saying he would far rather go a goal down than lose a player.......and even then the forward was not guaranteed to score.
So job done in qualifying for the knockouts and the point with 10 men for 70 minutes was well-earned
first or second does not matter really, and some of the others groups are all over the place with the teams
Im not so sure about that, looks some toughies if we finish second, which we wont now.
No one 'chased off' Sterling,dont talk shite.

The lad was solely responsible for his own downfall by contributing far less than he was being paid for.

The same currently applies to Mahrez,who looks like he is living on easy street and doing as little as possible to get by.

Sterling and Mahrez are cut from the same cloth,both unreliable lightweights who go missing when the shit hits the fan.......And just like Sterling,Mahrez would not be missed in this squad.
Rent free in your head lol
Tonight, hopefully, will be our worst game of the season. Every team has one, some have had one every time they've turned out this season.
On the plus side Dave, maybe we needed this. A touch of reality and a match where we had to really work hard and battle for a point away from home against a team who ran and harried us all the game.........coupled with the normal CORRUPT influence from the completely bent UEFA bank of crooks, the latter only strengthened my belief that others share, that we will never be 'allowed' to win this over-hyped and corrupt 'tournament' :-((
Barring any injuries, I am sure this will help the team in the long run as it honed our battling skills ready for the thieving scum on Sunday!

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