FC united of Bury moving on my doorstep...... :(

lloydie said:
Had they a true and honest interest in Non-league football they would have gone and watched one of the many clubs in the area that could have done with their support. They have used their financial muscle to the detriment of those clubs, many with long and proud histories. I've spoken to quite a few fans of other NL clubs they've visited and to a man they despise FCUM and their fans. Whereas most fans will treat an awayday to another NL club as an opportunity to make friends, FCUM always leave a nasty smell. To say they have no ambition beyond Non-league would be a downright lie. I'm unaware that they had any defined community locality for which they provide community work and suspect any they do will have been done for opportunistic reasons, opportunistic is their DNA. They are the bastard offspring spawn of a despicable behemoth and no public money should be granted to a private members club for dickheads.
So you are saying, no new clubs ever, let things stagnate?....... some in the lower leagues say FCUM are a breath of fresh air, much needed publicity and money for the non Arab league.

-- Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:43 pm --

WNRH said:
"Won't pay glazer or work for Sky"

but give us £67,000 and you can put us on Babestation for all we care, fuck our morals and one of the main reasons we were formed.
I thought It was an non sky cup game, never mind, just make things up eh.

Read back please.
well said Soulboy

This is a green belt area with better options elsewhere.........
sirtaki said:
So you are saying, no new clubs ever, let things stagnate?....... some in the lower leagues say FCUM are a breath of fresh air, much needed publicity and money for the non Arab league.

What a fucking cretinous post!
blueinsa said:
sirtaki said:
So you are saying, no new clubs ever, let things stagnate?....... some in the lower leagues say FCUM are a breath of fresh air, much needed publicity and money for the non Arab league.

What a fucking cretinous post!

It just shows them up for what they really are.. deeply bitter, angry people who have an almost obsessive hatred for City, while all the time supporting two clubs to make sure their obsession about City is spread into non-league football as well.

They are the most mixed up bunch of fans I have ever encountered, they can't make up their minds about who and what they are... they have but one common factor... this obsession about City.

I never thought I would stumble upon a bigger bunch of hypocrites than the rags, but this lot win hands down!

One love? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Soulboy said:
blueinsa said:
What a fucking cretinous post!

It just shows them up for what they really are.. deeply bitter, angry people who have an almost obsessive hatred for City, while all the time supporting two clubs to make sure their obsession about City is spread into non-league football as well.

They are the most mixed up bunch of fans I have ever encountered, they can't make up their minds about who and what they are... they have but one common factor... this obsession about City.

I never thought I would stumble upon a bigger bunch of hypocrites than the rags, but this lot win hands down!

One love? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Plastic armchair fans attracted to the "my gang is bigger and better than your gang" mentality who spend years protesting their "one love" only to fucking ditch it at the first sign of trouble and prove to the world just how fucking plastic they all are.

I wonder how many of the cunts will be at Wembley cheering on the very thing they pretend to despise?

Not the fucking brightest bunch are they pmsl
I suppose I shouldn't have expected the whole thread to trundle along without a bit of a slagging, after all, I always knew I'd be fighting a losing battle... I've addressed our reasoning behind the ground build and the effect on the community, and after having been to a meeting regarding the ground last night, I can only emphasise the fact that the local community will be consulted almost immediately and along every step of the process.

The whole anti-red thing I'll leave alone, it's been done to death. It'd also be a waste of my time defending our whole reasoning to setting up a club and the question of our loyalties, we have enough on our plate with certain sections of MUFC's support giving us that. But anyhow, I thought I'd address the misconceptions surrounding the club and formation that have been brought up.

Had they a true and honest interest in Non-league football they would have gone and watched one of the many clubs in the area that could have done with their support.
Why would we do that? As an example, Leigh (RMI at the time) approached us at the time of our formation and offered a joint solution (team and ground). This was rejected as we are plain and simple, United fans. And ask Leigh (Genesis as they are now) about our decision, they've no problem at all with it. Could we suddenly become Altrincham, Curzon or Droylsden fans? Could you? And more to the point how would they feel about a shedload of United fans turning up, wearing United scarfs, singing United songs? Not well methinks...

They have used their financial muscle to the detriment of those clubs, many with long and proud histories.
What financial muscle? Categorically we are in the bottom four of the NPL when it comes to 'wages'. We have seven players on contract. The rest play for nominal expenses. Whatever we earn on a gate goes mostly to Bury for ground hire. We have two paid employees, the rest are volunteers. Not sure how this would be of detriment anyway. How does 1,000 paying customers turning up to a ground where the average is 150 harm a club? And how that affects their proud histories, you've lost me....

I've spoken to quite a few fans of other NL clubs they've visited and to a man they despise FCUM and their fans. Whereas most fans will treat an awayday to another NL club as an opportunity to make friends, FCUM always leave a nasty smell.
If you can prove that, I'll be mightily impressed. It would be easy to list off the chairmen and fans of clubs such as Norton & Stockton, Holker, Bridlington, Kendal ad infinitum who have praised and thanked our support. I'll address the one issue against us whereby Altrincham had an issue with a fan of ours playing up in a game at Moss Lane a few years back, alongside the occasional Alty fan having a dig... so much so they invite us back for friendlies and allow us use of Moss Lane for the odd cup game.

To say they have no ambition beyond Non-league would be a downright lie.
We want to be successful, who doesn't? I prefer non-league, but as someone wiser than me once said 'Ambition is critical'

I'm unaware that they had any defined community locality for which they provide community work and suspect any they do will have been done for opportunistic reasons, opportunistic is their DNA.
We don't have any defined community locality, as quite frankly, we hadn't done it before. We chose areas to develop youth work and found ourselves to be trading on the toes of City or United, so we had to look again, and found ourselves working on inclusion schemes not currently covered by MCFC or MUFC such as Miles Platting, Openshaw, Whalley Range and yes, Moston. I'm not sure what is opportunistic about working with kids who routinely carry weapons, have substance issues etc but we have done.

They are the bastard offspring spawn of a despicable behemoth
I'll take that as a compliment

and no public money should be granted to a private members club for dickheads.
We've raised £1.3m of the cash ourselves. The 'public money' being used was already allocated to a scheme that went bump. That the council decide to use it for a project that will help and empower the Moston community is, in my opinion, an investment. If you'd care to explain the difference between public money building the CoMS and our scheme, I'm all ears.

I realise I'm peeing in the proverbial here, but thought I'd stop by challenge the lazy misconceptions often banded about. I'm not welcome, I know that, but it could be worth bearing in mind that we could very soon be neighbours...
Moston Jnrs secured this land to develop it in conjunction with the council and other grants that were open to them.They took it on and the council then left them to run it and look after it. The idea was to develop it ,Moston jnrs run the site and it would be used for the local community and other teams not just Moston jnrs.This is why there is a small community type building on the property so that it is intergrated into the community with meeting for toddlers groups etc etc.
Funding ran dry and Moston jnrs were unable to continue with the redevelopment of all the field.
If FCU take over what will happen to the local teams that play on their now? Pitches are already hard to find on a sunday.Wouldn't the council be better off using this 750k over a number of years to maintain the field allowing all of it to be used for local football teams and aid the community building that is already there?
There is a purpose built stadium with ample parking being built for a local rugby team just by the M60 isnt that a better option.
Soulboy said:
blueinsa said:
What a fucking cretinous post!

It just shows them up for what they really are.. deeply bitter, angry people who have an almost obsessive hatred for City, while all the time supporting two clubs to make sure their obsession about City is spread into non-league football as well.

They are the most mixed up bunch of fans I have ever encountered, they can't make up their minds about who and what they are... they have but one common factor... this obsession about City.

I never thought I would stumble upon a bigger bunch of hypocrites than the rags, but this lot win hands down!

One love? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

This is a terrible post to be honest. The bit in bold in particular.

FC United fans are Manchester United fans that were against the Glazer takeover and modern football in particular, so formed a splinter group and set up their own club that put the fans of the club at the heart of their decisions.

They are United fans and so they have a hatred for us just like they did when they followed United.

It actually looks like you're trying to say that they set up another club so that two clubs would hate us rather than one? And that they haven't made their mind up on who the support? Laughable.

What's wrong with being level headed about things for once.
Dandelion said:
Soulboy said:
It just shows them up for what they really are.. deeply bitter, angry people who have an almost obsessive hatred for City, while all the time supporting two clubs to make sure their obsession about City is spread into non-league football as well.

They are the most mixed up bunch of fans I have ever encountered, they can't make up their minds about who and what they are... they have but one common factor... this obsession about City.

I never thought I would stumble upon a bigger bunch of hypocrites than the rags, but this lot win hands down!

One love? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!

This is a terrible post to be honest. The bit in bold in particular.

FC United fans are Manchester United fans that were against the Glazer takeover and modern football in particular, so formed a splinter group and set up their own club that put the fans of the club at the heart of their decisions.

They are United fans and so they have a hatred for us just like they did when they followed United.

It actually looks like you're trying to say that they set up another club so that two clubs would hate us rather than one? And that they haven't made their mind up on who the support? Laughable.

What's wrong with being level headed about things for once.

I think you need to re-read Soulboy's post and have a re-think.

The only thing laughable is your interpretation.

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