FC United - Oral Hearing - judge rejects appeal (p 82)

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Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - AndyFCUM replies (see page 7)

AndyFcum said:
Tueartsoverhead kick said:

There are changing rooms on the park opposite for them to get showered and changed they don't need a 5000 capacity stadium just for that also MJ are being given a football pitch at boggart hole clough so would they still need the stadium to get changed and showered when there playing there ? I think not

Aw cheers guv'nor....but spare some change for a local club down on its luck would ya?

andy no offence , i'm not into this argument at all, live in salford, but you come across to the neutral as a bit of a clown and a tad arrogant in this thread pal...just a heads up ! ;)
Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

baldmosher said:
Amassing such a massive amount of debt in order to further the success of the club must be quite humiliating for them.

You can suck the shit out of an arse but you can't do anything else with it, it's still just the same old shit.

Haha. Never heard that saying before. Made me laugh anyway.
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - AndyFCUM replies (see page 7)

Thanks for bumping the thread back up AndyFCUM - 1,500 more hits since you first came on what was a pretty dead thread at the time ;)!

Great letter in Friday's MEN -
In reference to Councillor Amesbury's letter "It's a home win" I would like to correct a couple of points, and add acouple of my own.

Councillor Amesbury is perpetuating the myth that the people of Moston voted in favour of this proposal when nothing could be further from the truth. By and large the M40 4FC campaigners ran a very successful campaign to get as many people with M40 postcodes to put their signatures on pre-printed letters of support for this stadium. One of their main collection points for getting people to sign these letters was ASDA in Harpurhey. Parts of Newton Heath, Collyhurst and Miles Platting also have an M40 postcode and these areas were also targeted for letters of support; they also targeted Smithfield Market.

The No campaigners on the other hand stayed in Moston to get letters of objection against the stadium, they even went to great length to plot on a map where the objections had come from so that Councillors could see the strength of feeling in the local area.

If you look at the plans in detail you will see that Moston Juniors will end up with fewer playing pitches than they had before, with one of them being at Boggart Hole Clough - how is this of benefit to them?

Councillor Amesbury talks about investment in Moston. This is in the form of a football stadium that will be of little benefit to anybody who is not an FC United supporter.

The people of Moston don't see this as a home win, they see it as an own goal by a Labour run council who do as they please and ignore local opinion.

Signed - an angry Moston resident.

And before you scream ''you lot were collecting in Mary D's''!!!! Yes we did - but we are talking about signatures obtained inside M40 here, not those with outside M40 postcodes. Oh, and ''your lot'' collected at FCUM games at Bury and elsewhere, so what's the difference between doing it at Bury and Mary D's?
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - letter in MEN Friday

Letters letters letters, they dont really do much..you could have 10,000 for and 100 against!! but it wouldnt really matter.


Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

brad the blue said:
baldmosher said:
Amassing such a massive amount of debt in order to further the success of the club must be quite humiliating for them.

You can suck the shit out of an arse but you can't do anything else with it, it's still just the same old shit.

Haha. Never heard that saying before. Made me laugh anyway.[/quot

Weak argument. But not humiliating at all, we're effectively down on what we need (£200,000 in fact) because the Council increased our costs by moving us from Newton Heath, because we were a bit to close to somebody's land commandeering project. We have been offered access to a commercial rate loan of up to £500,000, which we may use some or none of. Supporters have raised a massive £1.4m in shares and a massive £500,000 for our development fund. Can you remind me of the commercial loan rate and repayment terms you were given for the £53m of Council tax money that gave you "your" stadium?
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - AndyFCUM replies (see page 7)

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Thanks for bumping the thread back up AndyFCUM - 1,500 more hits since you first came on what was a pretty dead thread at the time ;)!

Great letter in Friday's MEN -
In reference to Councillor Amesbury's letter "It's a home win" I would like to correct a couple of points, and add acouple of my own.

Councillor Amesbury is perpetuating the myth that the people of Moston voted in favour of this proposal when nothing could be further from the truth. By and large the M40 4FC campaigners ran a very successful campaign to get as many people with M40 postcodes to put their signatures on pre-printed letters of support for this stadium. One of their main collection points for getting people to sign these letters was ASDA in Harpurhey. Parts of Newton Heath, Collyhurst and Miles Platting also have an M40 postcode and these areas were also targeted for letters of support; they also targeted Smithfield Market.

The No campaigners on the other hand stayed in Moston to get letters of objection against the stadium, they even went to great length to plot on a map where the objections had come from so that Councillors could see the strength of feeling in the local area.

If you look at the plans in detail you will see that Moston Juniors will end up with fewer playing pitches than they had before, with one of them being at Boggart Hole Clough - how is this of benefit to them?

Councillor Amesbury talks about investment in Moston. This is in the form of a football stadium that will be of little benefit to anybody who is not an FC United supporter.

The people of Moston don't see this as a home win, they see it as an own goal by a Labour run council who do as they please and ignore local opinion.

Signed - an angry Moston resident.

And before you scream ''you lot were collecting in Mary D's''!!!! Yes we did - but we are talking about signatures obtained inside M40 here, not those with outside M40 postcodes. Oh, and ''your lot'' collected at FCUM games at Bury and elsewhere, so what's the difference between doing it at Bury and Mary D's?

You also collected at Wembley Stadium and Morisons Failsworth ........lol.

Phil, lets see if we can get up to 2000!!- it's been worth it so far for the commandeering remark so far, and also your exposed hypocrisy, lol.

BTW, Fc United volunteers delivered around 10,000 leaflets to addresses right across the Moston ward in support of our planning application. Why do you deny that the same people wouldn't go knocking on the same doors to get signatures of support? I'm sure we were seen and where do you think all of our thousands of signatures came from, with addresses - its a matter of public record. Those too far from the development don't count the same, do they Phil? I did it myself for a few days across the Fairway estate all around Lightbowne Road and streets off Broadway and i'm just one person from dozens of volunteers. You can't live in denial forever that people don't want the stadium - the majority of people I spoke to when knocking on doors support it, they really do; even three Man City season card holders (2 on the Fairway, one off Lightbowne Road), signed up for the Yes campaign for me.
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - AndyFCUM replies (see page 7)

Mad Eyed Screamer said:
Thanks for bumping the thread back up AndyFCUM - 1,500 more hits since you first came on what was a pretty dead thread at the time ;)!

Great letter in Friday's MEN -
In reference to Councillor Amesbury's letter "It's a home win" I would like to correct a couple of points, and add acouple of my own.

Councillor Amesbury is perpetuating the myth that the people of Moston voted in favour of this proposal when nothing could be further from the truth. By and large the M40 4FC campaigners ran a very successful campaign to get as many people with M40 postcodes to put their signatures on pre-printed letters of support for this stadium. One of their main collection points for getting people to sign these letters was ASDA in Harpurhey. Parts of Newton Heath, Collyhurst and Miles Platting also have an M40 postcode and these areas were also targeted for letters of support; they also targeted Smithfield Market.

The No campaigners on the other hand stayed in Moston to get letters of objection against the stadium, they even went to great length to plot on a map where the objections had come from so that Councillors could see the strength of feeling in the local area.

If you look at the plans in detail you will see that Moston Juniors will end up with fewer playing pitches than they had before, with one of them being at Boggart Hole Clough - how is this of benefit to them?

Councillor Amesbury talks about investment in Moston. This is in the form of a football stadium that will be of little benefit to anybody who is not an FC United supporter.

The people of Moston don't see this as a home win, they see it as an own goal by a Labour run council who do as they please and ignore local opinion.

Signed - an angry Moston resident.

And before you scream ''you lot were collecting in Mary D's''!!!! Yes we did - but we are talking about signatures obtained inside M40 here, not those with outside M40 postcodes. Oh, and ''your lot'' collected at FCUM games at Bury and elsewhere, so what's the difference between doing it at Bury and Mary D's?

Great letter???? So FC united gained planning permission and thousands of letters of support form moston residents by basing our campaign in Harpurhey ASDA. What if they prefer Tesco Chadderton or Morrisons Failsworth. LMAO.

If we had mostly Harpurhey and Newton Heath and Bury signatures, do you not think this might have given us a slight problem gaining planning permisssion?
Re: Manchester City Council Loan FC United £550K and.....

AndyFcum said:
brad the blue said:
baldmosher said:
Amassing such a massive amount of debt in order to further the success of the club must be quite humiliating for them.

You can suck the shit out of an arse but you can't do anything else with it, it's still just the same old shit.

Haha. Never heard that saying before. Made me laugh anyway.[/quot

Weak argument. But not humiliating at all, we're effectively down on what we need (£200,000 in fact) because the Council increased our costs by moving us from Newton Heath, because we were a bit to close to somebody's land commandeering project. We have been offered access to a commercial rate loan of up to £500,000, which we may use some or none of. Supporters have raised a massive £1.4m in shares and a massive £500,000 for our development fund. Can you remind me of the commercial loan rate and repayment terms you were given for the £53m of Council tax money that gave you "your" stadium?

Old Trafford was rebuilt with government money. You remember Old Trafford ? The home of the team you turned your treacherous back on.
So you can fuck off with your sly digs about council tax money.

We know that no one likes City these days. That's mainly down to jealousy. However every single fan in the country is united in it's contempt for your sad bunch of traitors.
How does it feel to be hated for being a turncoat. Someone who commits the ultimate football sin and stops supporting their own and then turns their sluttish attentions to another.
You're a fucking disgrace to football fans everywhere. The sooner your club dies the better.
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - letter in MEN Friday

population of manchester est 2011..........500,000

your support.............2000

I fail to see the value to the average council tax payer. Small minority interest groups do not deserve,or recieve, this level of support.

Whats so special about your project that commends it to the vast majority of Manchester residents?
Re: Council 'Bail Out' FC United - AndyFCUM replies (see page 7)

AndyFcum said:
Phil, lets see if we can get up to 2000!!- it's been worth it so far for the commandeering remark so far, and also your exposed hypocrisy, lol.

BTW, Fc United volunteers delivered around 10,000 leaflets to addresses right across the Moston ward in support of our planning application. Why do you deny that the same people wouldn't go knocking on the same doors to get signatures of support? I'm sure we were seen and where do you think all of our thousands of signatures came from, with addresses - its a matter of public record. Those too far from the development don't count the same, do they Phil? I did it myself for a few days across the Fairway estate all around Lightbowne Road and streets off Broadway and i'm just one person from dozens of volunteers. You can't live in denial forever that people don't want the stadium - the majority of people I spoke to when knocking on doors support it, they really do; even three Man City season card holders (2 on the Fairway, one off Lightbowne Road), signed up for the Yes campaign for me.

I never made the commandeering remark.
Exposed hypocrisy? er, where? That the MEN wrongly put me down as being a leader of a breakaway City fans club that never even happened? (shakes head). If you are trying to somehow discredit me on here by using that article from however many years ago it was, then you really are scraping the bottom of a very deep barrel.

We didn't collect signatures at Morrisons in Failsworth, but we did do a bag packing fundraising session - you know, the one that was abandoned after a few FCUM ''phone calls'' to the manager. Very ''community minded'' I must say....

Yes I know you delivered 10,000 leaflets (paid for via tax payers) through Moston doors (where did I deny that). I received one myself which you'll be pleased to know was recycled and not thrown in the bin. There's a difference between shoving a leaflet through the door and getting someone to answer the door. I went all the way down the Fairway and Lightbowne Road (around the former Lightbowne pub end) and I'd say for every 6 doors knocked on, one would answer. On the Fairway, I collected 17 signatures (yes some from reds who said they couldn't stand FCUM, but as i pointed out to them, it's a Green issue, not a Blue v Red issue) and only 3 knock backs - one from a couple who did not speak English at all.

Of course, it is well known that one individual FCUM fan ''collected'' signatures ''within the M40 area'' by ASKING FANS OUTSIDE M40 / MANCHESTER TO SEND THEIR LETTER (MINUS NAME AND ADDRESS) TO HIM AND HE WOULD ADD A FRIENDS M40 NAME AND ADDRESS TO IT.
Straight question AndyFCUM - do you deny that happened??
And before you answer that, I have screen shots of the request to fans to do this from the fcum fans forum and also a copy of the email I sent in to this one individual (using an anonymous name / email address) and his reply back to me thanking me for taking part in this fraudulent action.
So AndyFCUM, what I would like to know is how many out of the 2000 odd ''local'' letters claimed to have been sent in by ''local M40 people'' were in fact sent in to the council fraudulently?

Oh, the one fan doing the fraudulent activity is also one of the two fans who made a call to Morrisons. What a schemer!

Over to you.
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